- Mathematical Physics
- Group Theory
- Quantum Field Theory
- Michael E. Peskin, An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
- Steven Weinberg, The Quantum Theory of Fields Vol. 1
- 余钊焕,量子场论讲义
- 刘川,量子场论讲义
- 黄涛,量子场论导论
- 郑汉青,量子场论(上)
- Introduction to Elemental Particle Physics
- Introduction to High Energy Physics
- General Relativity
- 梁灿彬,微分几何入门与广义相对论(上)
- Spacetime and Geometry
- Advanced Quantum Mechanics
- J. J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics
- Review of the Fundamental Theoretical Physics
- 刘连寿,理论物理基础教程
- and so on.
时间: 2024-11-02 14:26:18