mac install m2Crypto

mac install m2Crypto


SWIG/_m2crypto.i:43: Error: Unable to find ‘openssl/opensslv.h‘
SWIG/_m2crypto.i:49: Error: Unable to find ‘openssl/safestack.h‘
SWIG/_evp.i:12: Error: Unable to find ‘openssl/opensslconf.h‘
SWIG/_rc4.i:5: Error: Unable to find ‘openssl/opensslconf.h‘
SWIG/_ec.i:7: Error: Unable to find ‘openssl/opensslconf.h‘
error: command ‘swig‘ failed with exit status 1


brew install openssl
brew install swig
env LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix openssl)/lib" CFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix openssl)/include" SWIG_FEATURES="-cpperraswarn -includeall -I$(brew --prefix openssl)/include" pip install m2crypto


时间: 2024-12-13 04:08:08

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