Hive 简单SQL




创建external table 的时候需要指定存放目录,并且drop表的时候,不会删除该目录和目录下的数据,只会删除元信息


0: jdbc:hive2://> create external table t10(c1 int,c2 string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as testfile  location "/dir1";

[[email protected] tmp]# hdfs dfs -put file1 /dir1

[[email protected] tmp]# hdfs dfs -ls -R /dir1

-rw-r--r--   1 root supergroup         24 2017-11-25 20:53 /dir1/file1

0: jdbc:hive2://> drop table t10;

No rows affected (0.41 seconds)

[[email protected] tmp]# hdfs dfs -ls -R /dir1

17/11/25 20:56:41 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable

-rw-r--r--   1 root supergroup         24 2017-11-25 20:53 /dir1/file1


0: jdbc:hive2://> create table t2(c1 int,c2 string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as textfile;


textfile, sequencefile, orc, parquet,avro

0: jdbc:hive2://> create table t5(c1 int,c2 string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as sequencefile ;

0: jdbc:hive2://> insert into t5 select * from t4;


[[email protected] tmp]# hdfs dfs -ls  /user/hive/warehouse/testdb1.db/t5/

-rwxr-xr-x   1 root supergroup        146 2017-11-26 03:03 /user/hive/warehouse/testdb1.db/t5/000000_0

0: jdbc:hive2://> desc formatted t5;



LOAD DATA [LOCAL] INPATH 'filepath' [OVERWRITE] INTO TABLE tablename [PARTITION (partcol1=val1, partcol2=val2 ...)]

(1) 直接把本地的文件导入到hive中的表

0: jdbc:hive2://> load data local inpath '/tmp/file1' into table t1;

0: jdbc:hive2://> select * from t1;


| t1.c1  | t1.c2  |


| 1      | aaa    |

| 2      | bbb    |

| 3      | ccc    |

| 4      | ddd    |



0: jdbc:hive2://> load data local inpath '/tmp/file3' overwrite into table t1;

No rows affected (0.597 seconds)

0: jdbc:hive2://> select * from t1;


| t1.c1  |  t1.c2  |


| 1      | yiyi    |

| 2      | erer    |

| 3      | sansan  |

| 4      | sisi    |


4 rows selected (0.073 seconds)


[[email protected] tmp]# cat /tmp/file2


[[email protected] tmp]# hdfs dfs -put /tmp/file2 /user/hive/warehouse/testdb1.db/t1

0: jdbc:hive2://> load data inpath '/user/hive/warehouse/testdb1.db/t1/file2' into table t1;

0: jdbc:hive2://> select * from t1;


| t1.c1  | t1.c2  |


| 1      | aaa    |

| 2      | bbb    |

| 3      | ccc    |

| 4      | ddd    |

| 5      | eee    |



0: jdbc:hive2://> create table t2 as select * from t1;


0: jdbc:hive2://> create table t3 like t1;

0: jdbc:hive2://> insert into t3  select * from t1;



0: jdbc:hive2://> select * from t1;


| t1.c1  |  t1.c2  |


| 1      | yiyi    |

| 2      | erer    |

| 3      | sansan  |

| 4      | sisi    |


0: jdbc:hive2://> insert overwrite directory '/user/hive/warehouse/tmp' select * from testdb1.t1;

[[email protected] tmp]# hdfs dfs -ls -R /user/hive/warehouse/tmp

-rwxr-xr-x   1 root supergroup         30 2017-11-26 00:25 /user/hive/warehouse/tmp/000000_0

[[email protected] tmp]# hdfs dfs -get /user/hive/warehouse/tmp/000000_0 /tmp/

导出的文件的分隔符对应的ASCII码是Ctrl+a 即\001

[[email protected] tmp]# vim /tmp/000000_0






0: jdbc:hive2://> create external table t5(c1 int,c2 string) row format delimited fields terminated by '\001' location '/user/hive/warehouse/tmp/';

0: jdbc:hive2://> select * from t5;


| t5.c1  |  t5.c2  |


| 1      | yiyi    |

| 2      | erer    |

| 3      | sansan  |

| 4      | sisi    |



0: jdbc:hive2://> insert overwrite  local directory '/tmp' select * from testdb1.t1;

[[email protected] tmp]#  ls /tmp/000000_0


4 insert

(1) insert 插入数据的实质是建立一个文件

0: jdbc:hive2://> insert into t5 values(4,'sisi');

No rows affected (17.987 seconds)

0: jdbc:hive2://> dfs -ls /user/hive/warehouse/testdb1.db/t5 ;


|                                                   DFS Output                                                   |


| Found 2 items                                                                                                  |

| -rwxr-xr-x   1 root supergroup        146 2017-11-26 03:03 /user/hive/warehouse/testdb1.db/t5/000000_0         |

| -rwxr-xr-x   1 root supergroup        106 2017-11-26 04:22 /user/hive/warehouse/testdb1.db/t5/000000_0_copy_1  |



时间: 2024-11-05 14:56:35

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