CareerCup All in One 题目汇总

Chapter 1. Arrays and Strings

1.1 Unique Characters of a String

1.2 Reverse String

1.3 Permutation String

1.4 Replace Spaces

1.5 Compress String

1.6 Rotate Image

1.7 Set Matrix Zeroes

1.8 String Rotation

Chapter 2. Linked Lists

2.1 Remove Duplicates from Unsorted List

2.2 Kth to Last Element of Linked List

2.3 Delete Node in a Linked List

2.4 Partition List

2.5 Add Two Numbers

2.6 Linked List Cycle

2.7 Palindrome Linked List

Chapter 3. Stacks and Queues

3.1 Implement Three Stacks using Array

3.2 Min Stack

3.3 Set of Stacks

3.4 Towers of Hanoi

3.5 Implement Queue using Two Stacks

3.6 Sort Stack

3.7 Adopt Animal

Chapter 4. Trees and Graphs

4.1 Balanced Binary Tree

4.2 Route between Two Nodes in Directed Graph

4.3 Create Minimal Binary Search Tree

4.4 Create List at Each Depth of Binary Tree

4.5 Validate Binary Search Tree

4.6 Find Next Node in a BST

4.7 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree

4.8 Contain Tree

4.9 All Paths Sum

Chapter 5. Bit Manipulation

5.1 Insert Bits

5.2 Binary Representation of Real Number

5.3 Next Binary Representation

5.4 Explain Expression ((n & (n-1)) == 0)

5.5 Number of Converted Bits

5.6 Swap Odd and Even Bits

5.7 Find Missing Integer

5.8 Draw Horizonatal Line

Chapter 6. Brain Teasers

6.1 Find Heavy Bottle

6.2 Dominos on Chess Board

6.3 Water Jug

6.4 Blue Eyes People on Island

6.5 Drop Eggs

6.6 Toggle Lockers

Chapter 7. Mathematics and Probability

7.1 Basketball Shooting Game

7.2 Ants on Polygon

7.3 Line Intersection

7.4 Implement Multiply Subtract and Divide

7.5 A Line Cut Two Squares in Half

7.6 The Line Passes the Most Number of Points

7.7 The Number with Only Prime Factors

Chapter 8 Object-Oriented Design

8.1 Implement Blackjack

8.2 Call Center

8.3 Musical Jukebox

8.4 Parking Lot

8.5 Online Book Reader System

8.6 Jigsaw Puzzle

8.7 Chat Server

8.8 Othello Game

8.9 An In-memory File System

8.10 Implement a Hash Table

Chapter 9. Recursion and Dynamic Programming

9.1 Climbing Staircase

9.2 Robot Moving

9.3 Magic Index

9.4 Subsets

9.5 Permutations

9.6 Generate Parentheses

9.7 Paint Fill

9.8 Represent N Cents

9.9 Eight Queens

9.10 Stack Boxes

9.11 Parenthesize the Expression

Chapter 10. Scalability and Memory Limits

10.1 Client-facing Service

10.2 Data Structures for Large Social Network

10.3 Integer not Contain in the File

10.4 Find All Duplicates Elements

10.5 Web Crawler

10.6 Find Duplicate URLs

10.7 Simplified Search Engine

Chapter 11. Sorting and Searching

11.1 Merge Arrays

11.2 Sort Anagrams Array

11.3 Search in Rotated Sorted Array

11.4 Sort the File

11.5 Search Array with Empty Strings

11.6 Search a 2D Matrix

11.7 Tower of People in Circus

11.8 The Rank of Number

Chapter 12. Testing

12.1 Find Mistakes

12.2 Find the Reason of Crash

12.3 Test Move Method in a Chess Game

12.4 Test a Webpage

12.5 Test a Pen

12.6 Test an ATM

Chapter 13. C and C++

13.1 Print Last K Lines

13.2 Compare Hash Table and STL Map

13.3 Virtual Functions

13.4 Depp Copy and Shallow Copy

13.5 Volatile Keyword

13.6 Virtual Destructor

13.7 Node Pointer

13.8 Smart Pointer

13.9 Aligned Malloc and Free Function

13.10 Allocate a 2D Array

Chapter 14. Java

14.1 Private Constructor

14.2 Try-catch-finally Java

14.3 Final Finally Finalize

14.4 Templates

14.5 Object Reflection

14.6 CircularArray

Chapter 15. Databases

15.1 Renting Apartment

15.2 Renting Apartment II

15.3 Renting Apartment III

15.4 Types of Join

15.5 Denormalization

15.6 Entity Relationship Diagram

15.7 Student Grade

Chapter 16 Threads and Locks

16.1 Thread and Process

16.2 Measure Time in a Context Switch

16.3 Dining Philosophers

16.4 A Lock Without Deadlocks

16.5 Semphore

16.6 Synchronized Method

Chapter 17 Moderate

17.1 Swap Number In Place

17.2 Tic Tac Toe

17.3 Factorial Trailing Zeros

17.4 Maximum of Two Numbers

17.5 Game of Master Mind

17.6 Sort Array

17.7 English Phrase Describe Integer

17.8 Contiguous Sequence with Largest Sum

17.9 Word Frequency in a Book

17.10 Encode XML

17.11 Rand7 and Rand5

17.12 Sum to Specific Value

17.13 BiNode

17.14 Unconcatenate Words

Chapter 18 Hard

18.1 Add Two Numbers

18.2 Shuffle Cards

18.3 Randomly Generate Integers

18.4 Count Number of Two

18.5 Shortest Distance between Two Words

18.6 Smallest One Million Numbers

18.7 Longest Word

18.8 Search String

18.9 Find and Maintain the Median Value

18.10 Word Transform

18.11 Maximum Subsquare

18.12 Largest Sum Submatrix

18.13 Largest Rectangle of Letters


时间: 2024-08-25 15:10:58

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