
众所周知,在部署Grid Infrastructure的过程中使用,runcluvfy.sh脚本被用于验证系统的软硬件环境是否满足软件安装的需求。过去一直沿用现成方法进行该项工作,很少去探究其中的含义,百度搜索也鲜见全面介绍,通过借鉴整合,故形成以下记录,用以备忘。


CVU是Cluster Verify Utility的缩写。为了避免Grid Infrastructure安装过程中的错误,Oracle 提供了一个校验工具,即CVU。该工具的主要功能是检查系统的硬件和软件环境是否满足安装的要求。

CVU工具包括两个脚本:runcluvfy.sh和cluvfy 。runcluvfy.sh脚本位于Grid Infrastructure的安装介质中,它的功能是在安装Grid Infrastructure之前对系统进行校验。而cluvfy位于Grid Infrastructure软件的HOME目录下的bin目录中,它的功能是在安装Oracle 数据库软件或者创建集群数据库之前,对系统进行校验。



./runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -n node1,node2 -verbose

./runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -n node1,node2 -fixup -verbose


-pre: 该选项主要检查是否满足安装的需要。




-fixup:这是Oracle 11gR2中新增加的一个参数。利用这个参数,可以产生一个名为runfixup.sh的脚本。




./runcluvfy.sh -help

runcluvfy.sh [-help|-version]
runcluvfy.sh stage {-list|-help}
runcluvfy.sh stage {-pre|-post} <stage-name> <stage-specific options>  [-verbose]
runcluvfy.sh comp  {-list|-help}
runcluvfy.sh comp  <component-name> <component-specific options>  [-verbose]


./runcluvfy.sh stage -list

runcluvfy.sh stage {-pre|-post} <stage-name> <stage-specific options>  [-verbose]

Valid Stages are:
      -pre cfs        : pre-check for CFS setup
      -pre crsinst    : pre-check for CRS installation
      -pre acfscfg    : pre-check for ACFS Configuration.
      -pre dbinst     : pre-check for database installation
      -pre dbcfg      : pre-check for database configuration
      -pre hacfg      : pre-check for HA configuration
      -pre nodeadd    : pre-check for node addition.
      -post hwos      : post-check for hardware and operating system
      -post cfs       : post-check for CFS setup
      -post crsinst   : post-check for CRS installation
      -post acfscfg   : post-check for ACFS Configuration.
      -post hacfg     : post-check for HA configuration
      -post nodeadd   : post-check for node addition.
      -post nodedel   : post-check for node deletion.


./runcluvfy.sh comp -list

runcluvfy.sh comp  <component-name> <component-specific options>  [-verbose]

Valid Components are:
      nodereach       : checks reachability between nodes
      nodecon         : checks node connectivity
      cfs             : checks CFS integrity
      ssa             : checks shared storage accessibility
      space           : checks space availability
      sys             : checks minimum system requirements
      clu             : checks cluster integrity
      clumgr          : checks cluster manager integrity
      ocr             : checks OCR integrity
      olr             : checks OLR integrity
      ha              : checks HA integrity
      freespace       : checks free space in CRS Home
      crs             : checks CRS integrity
      nodeapp         : checks node applications existence
      admprv          : checks administrative privileges
      peer            : compares properties with peers
      software        : checks software distribution
      acfs            : checks ACFS integrity
      asm             : checks ASM integrity
      gpnp            : checks GPnP integrity
      gns             : checks GNS integrity
      scan            : checks SCAN configuration
      ohasd           : checks OHASD integrity
      clocksync       : checks Clock Synchronization
      vdisk           : checks Voting Disk configuration and UDEV settings
      healthcheck     : checks mandatory requirements and/or best practice recommendations
      dhcp            : checks DHCP configuration
      dns             : checks DNS configuration
时间: 2024-10-11 19:25:43



$ ./runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -n rac11g1,rac11g2 -verbose Performing pre-checks for cluster services setup Checking node reachability... Check: Node reachability from node "rac11g1" Destination Node Reachable? -----------------------------


近日处理一个Oracle Grid infrastructure(GI)安装的问题,在执行root.sh过程中失败,并显示下面错误: Disk Group OCR creation failed with the following message: ORA-15018: diskgroup cannot be created ORA-15031: disk specification '/dev/vx/rdsk/dg_db01/lv_vote1' matches no disks    <<


原创作品,出自 "深蓝的blog" 博客,欢迎转载,转载时请务必注明下面出处,否则追究版权法律责任. 深蓝的blog:http://blog.csdn.net/huangyanlong/article/details/40779253 环境:CentOS 6.4 64bit.grid 64bit.oracle11g 64bit 简述: 安装grid之前,手工进行环境检验,例如以下提示须要运行runfixup.sh脚本,下面将此 过程展现例如以下: [[email protected]

Oralce 自带创建互信脚本-sshUserSetup.sh

Oracle 12cR1 测试自带互信脚本,路径为安装文件解压后的./grid/sshsetup/下 1.脚本路径 <roidb01:+ASM:/home/grid>$cd /soft/grid<roidb01:+ASM:/soft/grid>$lsinstall  response  rpm  runcluvfy.sh  runInstaller  sshsetup  stage  welcome.html<roidb01:+ASM:/soft/grid>$cd ss


一.安装环境 操作系统版本:IBM AIX 7100-03-05-1524 ORACLE版本:ORACLE DATABASE 12C RAC 二.安装报错 该环境安装的为12c RAC,在节点一执行root.sh脚本时,出现如下信息: 2018/03/29 17:11:43 CLSRSC-330: ADDing clusterware entries to file '/etc/inittab' 2018/03/29 17:13:49 CLSRSC-214: F

Oracle 10g RAC OCR 和 VotingDisk 的备份与恢复

Oracle RAC 中OCR 和Voting Disk 备份在我的blog: Oracle RAC 常用维护工具和命令 中已经有说明,现在再次把它单独拿出做一个说明, 因为OCR 和Voting Disk 对于RAC 系统来说太重要了. Oracle RAC 常用维护工具和命令 http://blog.csdn.net/tianlesoftware/archive/2010/03/09/5358573.aspx 一.  Voting Disk Voting Disk 这个文件主要用于记录节点成

oracle 11g crs检测结果

[email protected] /oracle/media/grid$ ./runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -n testdb11a,testdb11b -verbose Performing pre-checks for cluster services setup Checking node reachability... Check: Node reachability from node "testdb11a" Destination Nod


原创作品,出自 "深蓝的blog" 博客.欢迎转载,转载时请务必注明下面出处.否则追究版权法律责任. 深蓝的blog:http://blog.csdn.net/huangyanlong/article/details/40976103 grid自检报PRVF-4007 : User equivalence check failed for user "grid" [实验环境] 实验平台:WIN7 旗舰版 64bit 虚拟机软件:VM VirtualBox 4.2 虚

[原创]zero downtime using goldengate实现oracle 12C升级系列 第四篇:集群安装

1. 图形化界面,我用的软件是MobaXterm Personal Edition, 直接ssh [email protected]_server,然后./runInstaller就可以弹出图形化界面,当然还有其他工具如vnc可以实现图形化,这里就略过不提了,下面直接开始安装. 2.关于软件下载,在mos上面下载 Installation Type Zip File Oracle Database (includes Oracle Database, Oracle RAC, and Deinst