FZU 2216 The Longest Straight(最长直道)



ZB is playing a card game where the goal is to make straights. Each card in the deck has a number between 1 and M(including 1 and M). A straight is a sequence of cards with consecutive values. Values do not wrap around, so 1 does not come after M. In addition to regular cards, the deck also contains jokers. Each joker can be used as any valid number (between 1 and M, including 1 and M).

You will be given N integers card[1] .. card[n] referring to the cards in your hand. Jokers are represented by zeros, and other cards are represented by their values. ZB wants to know the number of cards in the longest straight that can be formed using one or more cards from his hand.


给你N个整数card[1] .. card[n]表示你的手牌。大小王由0表示,其他牌由他们的值表示。ZB想知道自己手牌可以造出的直道最大长度是多少。



The first line contains an integer T, meaning the number of the cases.

For each test case:

The first line there are two integers N and M in the first line (1 <= N, M <= 100000), and the second line contains N integers card[i] (0 <= card[i] <= M).



第一行有2个整数N和M(1 <= N, M <= 100000),并且第二行有N个整数card[i] (0 <= card[i] <= M)。



For each test case, output a single integer in a line -- the longest straight ZB can get.


Sample Input - 输入样例

Sample Output - 输出样例


7 11

0 6 5 3 0 10 11

8 1000

100 100 100 101 100 99 97 103







【代码 C++】


 1 #include<cstdio>
 2 #include<cstring>
 3 int data[100005], sot[100005];
 4 int length(int L, int R, int i0){//[ L, R]
 5     if (L == R){
 6         if (sot[L] || i0) return 1;
 7         return 0;
 8     }
 9     int mid = L + R >> 1;
10     if (data[mid] - data[L - 1] > i0) return length(L, mid, i0);
11     return mid - L + 1 + length(mid + 1, R, i0 - (data[mid] - data[L - 1]));
12 }
13 int main(){
14     int T, N, M, i, j, opt;
15     scanf("%d", &T);
16     while (T--){
17         memset(sot, 0, sizeof(sot));
18         scanf("%d%d", &N, &M);
19         for (data[0] = i = 0; i < N; ++i) scanf("%d", &j), ++sot[j];
20         for (i = 1; i <= M; ++i){
21             if (sot[i]) data[i] = data[i - 1];
22             else data[i] = data[i - 1] + 1;
23         }
24         for (opt = i = 1; i <= M; ++i){
25             j = length(i, M, sot[0]);
26             if (j>opt) opt = j;
27         }
28         printf("%d\n", opt);
29     }
30     return 0;
31 }
时间: 2024-12-14 05:30:18

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