





于是我开始用我很中文的英文去网上提问,如果大家搜索时搜到了类似:How to open a filedialog using javascript或者How to bind javascript with java?这样的问题,很有可能就是我问的,然后问题放在好几天了,也没人回答,宝宝心里急啊,可是一点办法也没有,最后实在是不知道怎么办的时候,我开始静下心来看jecf的源码,试图从源码中找到点蛛丝马迹,还真别说,真就找到了。


public interface CefMessageRouterHandler extends CefNative {

     * Called when the browser receives a JavaScript query.
     * @param browser The browser generating the event.
     * @param query_id The unique ID for the query.
     * @param persistent True if the query is persistent.
     * @param callback Object used to continue or cancel the query asynchronously.
     * @return true to handle the query or false to propagate the query to other
     * registered handlers, if any. If no handlers return true from this method
     * then the query will be automatically canceled with an error code of -1
     * delivered to the JavaScript onFailure callback.
    public boolean onQuery(CefBrowser browser, long query_id, String request, boolean persistent,
            CefQueryCallback callback);

     * Called when a pending JavaScript query is canceled.
     * @param browser The browser generating the event.
     * @param query_id The unique ID for the query.
    public void onQueryCanceled(CefBrowser browser, long query_id);


Correct way to use window.cefQuery 和 Asynchronous JavaScript Bindings


public class MessageRouterHandler extends CefMessageRouterHandlerAdapter {

    public boolean onQuery(CefBrowser browser, long query_id, String request, boolean persistent,
            final CefQueryCallback callback) {
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(request) && StringUtils.indexOf(request, "cmd:") != -1) {
            String cmd = StringUtils.substring(request, 4);
            if (StringUtils.equals(cmd, "open")) {
                this.openAppFile(browser, callback);
        return true;

     * 打开文件
    private void openAppFile(CefBrowser browser, final CefQueryCallback callback) {
        CefRunFileDialogCallback dialogCallBack = new CefRunFileDialogCallback() {
            public void onFileDialogDismissed(int selectedAcceptFilter, Vector<String> filePaths) {
                if (filePaths.size() == 0) {
                File selectedFile = new File(filePaths.get(0));
                if (selectedFile != null) {
                    String selectedPath = selectedFile.getAbsolutePath();
        browser.runFileDialog(FileDialogMode.FILE_DIALOG_OPEN, "test", null, null, 0, dialogCallBack);


        CefMessageRouter msgRouter = CefMessageRouter.create();
        msgRouter.addHandler(new MessageRouterHandler(), true);


                request : "cmd:open",
                onSuccess : function(response) {
                onFailure : function(response) {


Uncaught TypeError: window.cefQuery is not a function


 * The below classes implement support for routing aynchronous messages between
 * JavaScript running in the renderer process and C++ running in the browser
 * process. An application interacts with the router by passing it data from
 * standard CEF C++ callbacks (OnBeforeBrowse, OnProcessMessageRecieved,
 * OnContextCreated, etc). The renderer-side router supports generic JavaScript
 * callback registration and execution while the browser-side router supports
 * application-specific logic via one or more application-provided Handler
 * instances.
 * The renderer-side router implementation exposes a query function and a cancel
 * function via the JavaScript ‘window‘ object:
 *    // Create and send a new query.
 *    var request_id = window.cefQuery({
 *        request: ‘my_request‘,
 *        persistent: false,
 *        onSuccess: function(response) {},
 *        onFailure: function(error_code, error_message) {}
 *    });
 *    // Optionally cancel the query.
 *    window.cefQueryCancel(request_id);
 * When |window.cefQuery| is executed the request is sent asynchronously to one
 * or more C++ Handler objects registered in the browser process. Each C++
 * Handler can choose to either handle or ignore the query in the
 * Handler::OnQuery callback. If a Handler chooses to handle the query then it
 * should execute Callback::Success when a response is available or
 * Callback::Failure if an error occurs. This will result in asynchronous
 * execution of the associated JavaScript callback in the renderer process. Any
 * queries unhandled by C++ code in the browser process will be automatically
 * canceled and the associated JavaScript onFailure callback will be executed
 * with an error code of -1.
 * Queries can be either persistent or non-persistent. If the query is
 * persistent than the callbacks will remain registered until one of the
 * following conditions are met:
 * A. The query is canceled in JavaScript using the |window.cefQueryCancel|
 *    function.
 * B. The query is canceled in C++ code using the Callback::Failure function.
 * C. The context associated with the query is released due to browser
 *    destruction, navigation or renderer process termination.
 * If the query is non-persistent then the registration will be removed after
 * the JavaScript callback is executed a single time. If a query is canceled for
 * a reason other than Callback::Failure being executed then the associated
 * Handler‘s OnQueryCanceled method will be called.
 * Some possible usage patterns include:
 * One-time Request. Use a non-persistent query to send a JavaScript request.
 *    The Handler evaluates the request and returns the response. The query is
 *    then discarded.
 * Broadcast. Use a persistent query to register as a JavaScript broadcast
 *    receiver. The Handler keeps track of all registered Callbacks and executes
 *    them sequentially to deliver the broadcast message.
 * Subscription. Use a persistent query to register as a JavaScript subscription
 *    receiver. The Handler initiates the subscription feed on the first request
 *    and delivers responses to all registered subscribers as they become
 *    available. The Handler cancels the subscription feed when there are no
 *    longer any registered JavaScript receivers.
 * Message routing occurs on a per-browser and per-context basis. Consequently,
 * additional application logic can be applied by restricting which browser or
 * context instances are passed into the router. If you choose to use this
 * approach do so cautiously. In order for the router to function correctly any
 * browser or context instance passed into a single router callback must then
 * be passed into all router callbacks.
 * There is generally no need to have multiple renderer-side routers unless you
 * wish to have multiple bindings with different JavaScript function names. It
 * can be useful to have multiple browser-side routers with different client-
 * provided Handler instances when implementing different behaviors on a per-
 * browser basis.
 * This implementation places no formatting restrictions on payload content.
 * An application may choose to exchange anything from simple formatted
 * strings to serialized XML or JSON data.
 * 1. Define the router configuration. You can optionally specify settings
 *    like the JavaScript function names. The configuration must be the same in
 *    both the browser and renderer processes. If using multiple routers in the
 *    same application make sure to specify unique function names for each
 *    router configuration.
 *    // Example config object showing the default values.
 *    CefMessageRouterConfig config = new CefMessageRouterConfig();
 *    config.jsQueryFunction = "cefQuery";
 *    config.jsCancelFunction = "cefQueryCancel";
 * 2. Create an instance of CefMessageRouter in the browser process.
 *    messageRouter_ = CefMessageRouter.create(config);
 * 3. Register one or more Handlers. The Handler instances must either outlive
 *    the router or be removed from the router before they‘re deleted.
 *    messageRouter_.addHandler(myHandler);
 * 4. Add your message router to all CefClient instances you want to get your
 *    JavaScript code be handled.
 *    myClient.addMessageRouter(messageRouter_);
 * 4. Execute the query function from JavaScript code.
 *    window.cefQuery({request: ‘my_request‘,
 *                     persistent: false,
 *                     onSuccess: function(response) { print(response); },
 *                     onFailure: function(error_code, error_message) {} });
 * 5. Handle the query in your CefMessageRouterHandler.onQuery implementation
 *    and execute the appropriate callback either immediately or asynchronously.
 *    public boolean onQuery(CefBrowser browser,
 *                           long query_id,
 *                           String request,
 *                           boolean persistent,
 *                           CefQueryCallback callback) {
 *      if (request.indexOf("my_request") == 0) {
 *        callback.success("my_response");
 *        return true;
 *      }
 *      return false;  // Not handled.
 *    }
 * 6. Notice that the success callback is executed in JavaScript.
public abstract class CefMessageRouter {

    private final CefMessageRouterConfig routerConfig_;

     * Used to configure the query router. If using multiple router pairs make
     * sure to choose values that do not conflict.
    public static class CefMessageRouterConfig {
         * Name of the JavaScript function that will be added to the ‘window‘ object
         * for sending a query. The default value is "cefQuery".
        public String jsQueryFunction;

         * Name of the JavaScript function that will be added to the ‘window‘ object
         * for canceling a pending query. The default value is "cefQueryCancel".
        public String jsCancelFunction;

        public CefMessageRouterConfig() {
            this("cefQuery", "cefQueryCancel");

        public CefMessageRouterConfig(String queryFunction, String cancelFunction) {
            jsQueryFunction = queryFunction;
            jsCancelFunction = cancelFunction;

    // This CTOR can‘t be called directly. Call method create() instead.
    CefMessageRouter(CefMessageRouterConfig routerConfig) {
        routerConfig_ = routerConfig;

     * Create a new router with the specified configuration.
     * @param config router configuration
     * @return
    public static final CefMessageRouter create() {
        return CefMessageRouter.create(null, null);

    public static final CefMessageRouter create(CefMessageRouterConfig config) {
        return CefMessageRouter.create(config, null);

    public static final CefMessageRouter create(CefMessageRouterHandler handler) {
        return CefMessageRouter.create(null, handler);

    public static final CefMessageRouter create(CefMessageRouterConfig config, CefMessageRouterHandler handler) {
        CefMessageRouter router = CefMessageRouter_N.createNative(config);
        if (router != null && handler != null)
            router.addHandler(handler, true);
        return router;

     * Must be called if the CefMessageRouter instance isn‘t used any more
    public abstract void dispose();

    public final CefMessageRouterConfig getMessageRouterConfig() {
        return routerConfig_;

     * Add a new query handler. If |first| is true it will be added as the first
     * handler, otherwise it will be added as the last handler. Returns true if
     * the handler is added successfully or false if the handler has already been
     * added. Must be called on the browser process UI thread. The Handler object
     * must either outlive the router or be removed before deletion.
     * @param handler the according handler to be added
     * @param first if If set to true it will be added as the first handler
     * @return true if the handler is added successfully
    public abstract boolean addHandler(CefMessageRouterHandler handler, boolean first);

     * Remove an existing query handler. Any pending queries associated with the
     * handler will be canceled. Handler.OnQueryCanceled will be called and the
     * associated JavaScript onFailure callback will be executed with an error
     * code of -1. Returns true if the handler is removed successfully or false
     * if the handler is not found. Must be called on the browser process UI
     * thread.
     * @param handler the according handler to be removed
     * @return true if the handler is removed successfully
    public abstract boolean removeHandler(CefMessageRouterHandler handler);

     * Cancel all pending queries associated with either |browser| or |handler|.
     * If both |browser| and |handler| are NULL all pending queries will be
     * canceled. Handler::OnQueryCanceled will be called and the associated
     * JavaScript onFailure callback will be executed in all cases with an error
     * code of -1.
     * @param browser may be empty
     * @param handler may be empty
    public abstract void cancelPending(CefBrowser browser, CefMessageRouterHandler handler);

     * Returns the number of queries currently pending for the specified |browser|
     * and/or |handler|. Either or both values may be empty. Must be called on the
     * browser process UI thread.
     * @param browser may be empty
     * @param handler may be empty
     * @return the number of queries currently pending
    public abstract int getPendingCount(CefBrowser browser, CefMessageRouterHandler handler);


     * Used to configure the query router. If using multiple router pairs make
     * sure to choose values that do not conflict.
    public static class CefMessageRouterConfig {
         * Name of the JavaScript function that will be added to the ‘window‘ object
         * for sending a query. The default value is "cefQuery".
        public String jsQueryFunction;

         * Name of the JavaScript function that will be added to the ‘window‘ object
         * for canceling a pending query. The default value is "cefQueryCancel".
        public String jsCancelFunction;

        public CefMessageRouterConfig() {
            this("cefQuery", "cefQueryCancel");

        public CefMessageRouterConfig(String queryFunction, String cancelFunction) {
            jsQueryFunction = queryFunction;
            jsCancelFunction = cancelFunction;


        CefMessageRouter msgRouter = CefMessageRouter.create(new CefMessageRouterConfig());
        msgRouter.addHandler(new DIDesktopDocmd(), true);






时间: 2024-11-05 11:56:49



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服务器端代码: ChromiumWebBrowser wb; wb.AddGlobalJSFunction("CfxHelloWorld").Execute += CfxHelloWorld_Execute; void CfxHelloWorld_Execute(object sender, CfrV8HandlerExecuteEventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show("调用成功!"); } JS调用代码: <!DOCTYPE HTML