



时间: 2024-10-25 11:01:27


软件架构设计:程序员向架构师转型必备(第二版) 笔记

1 从程序员到架构师 1 1.1 软件业人才结构 1.1.1 金字塔型还是橄榄型? 1 1. 橄榄型:中间大两头小:   2. 区分开学历结构和能力结构:学历结构:橄榄型,能力结构:金字塔型: 1.1.2 从程序员向架构师转型 2 1. 软企该怎么做? 2 解析软件架构概念 10 1. 架构的概念很多种,不统一: 2.1 软件架构概念的分类 11 1. 架构的概念很难统一: 2. 本书将概念分为组成派和决策派两大流派,来帮助理解: 2.1.1 组成派 11 1. 软件系统的架构将系统描述为计算组

JavaPersistenceWithHibernate第二版笔记-第六章-Mapping inheritance-004Table per class hierarchy(@Inheritance..SINGLE_TABLE)、@DiscriminatorColumn、@DiscriminatorValue、@DiscriminatorFormula)

一.结构 You can map an entire class hierarchy to a single table. This table includes columns for all properties of all classes in the hierarchy. The value of an extra type discriminator column or formula identifies the concrete subclass represented by a


关于手动触发router,之前看到的例子都是通过在url后面加上#xxx或者点击一个a链接方法来触发, 还有一种情况是通过触发一种规则,来触发另一种规则(表述无能),比如这个例子中,我在url后面加上#manual,url的地址就转变为xxxx/route/n ,这里由于只给navigate传了一个参数,url改变之后并没有触发getId事件. var AppRouter=Backbone.Router.extend({ routes:{ "route/:id":"getId

JavaPersistenceWithHibernate第二版笔记-第七章-004Mapping a map(@MapKeyEnumerated 、 @MapKeyTemporal、@MapKeyColumn)

一.结构 二.代码 1. 1 package org.jpwh.model.collections.mapofstrings; 2 3 import org.jpwh.model.Constants; 4 5 import javax.persistence.CollectionTable; 6 import javax.persistence.Column; 7 import javax.persistence.ElementCollection; 8 import javax.persist

JavaPersistenceWithHibernate第二版笔记-第七章-003Mapping an identifier bag(@OrderColumn、@ElementCollection、@CollectionTable、、)

一.结构 二.代码 1. 1 package org.jpwh.model.collections.listofstrings; 2 3 import org.jpwh.model.Constants; 4 5 import javax.persistence.CollectionTable; 6 import javax.persistence.Column; 7 import javax.persistence.ElementCollection; 8 import javax.persis


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JavaPersistenceWithHibernate第二版笔记-第七章-001Mapping a set(@ElementCollection、@CollectionTable、@JoinColumn、)

一.结构 二.代码 1. 1 package org.jpwh.model.collections.setofstrings; 2 3 import org.jpwh.model.Constants; 4 5 import javax.persistence.CollectionTable; 6 import javax.persistence.Column; 7 import javax.persistence.ElementCollection; 8 import javax.persist

JavaPersistenceWithHibernate第二版笔记-第四章-Mapping persistent classes-001区分entities and value types

一.介绍 1.这种引用方式不对,但删除时不能级联 要这种引用方式 2.The Bid class could be a problem. In object-oriented modeling, this is marked as a composition (the association between Item and Bid with the diamond). Thus, an Item is the owner of its Bid instances and holds a col

JavaPersistenceWithHibernate第二版笔记Getting started with ORM-002Domain层详解及M etaModel

一.结构 二.配置文件约定 The JPA provider automatically picks up this descriptor if you place it in a META-INF /orm.xml file on the classpath of the persistence unit. If you prefer to use a different name or several files, you’ll have to change the configuratio