
Part IV Cloze(10%)

Direction:There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, D at the end of the pasage. You should choose ONE answer that that best fits into the passage. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

  My friend Jane once found a weasel (鼬鼠) when he was very young. As she was fond of pets, she thought she should bring him up.

  Of course he had to be taught: all young things have to, and this weasel knew   56    . The good lady first began with    57    some milk into her hand and    58   him drink from it. Very soon, he would not take milk   59    any other way. After his dinner, he would run to a soft blanket that was   60    in Jane‘s bedroom. He slept there   61   one or two hours.

  This was all very well in the day, but Jane did not fell   62    in leaving him loose during the night. Thus, whenever she went to bed, she    63   the weasel up in  a little cage that stood   64   by. If she   65   to wake up early, she would open the cage, and the weasel would came into her bed go to sleep again   66    next to her. If she was already dressed when he was let   67   , he would jump all about her, and would never once miss   68   on her hands.

  All his ways was pretty and gentle. He would stand   69   Jane‘s shoulder and give little soft pats to her chin. He would run over a whole room   70   of people at a mere sound of her voice. He was very fond of the sun and would roll about whenever it   71   on him. The little weasel was rather a thirty animal, but he would not drink much at a   72  . Baths were quite new to him, and he could not   72    up his mind to them. Because of his dislike for baths, he suffered a good deal on    74   days. His nearest approach to bathing was a    75   cloth wrapped round him, and this evidently gave him great pleasure.

56.A.anything	B.nothing	C.something	D.everything
57.A.pulling	B.linking	C.pouring	D.moving
58.A.ordering	B.asking	C.telling	D.letting
59.A.on		B.in		C.for		D.at
60.A.made	B.built		C.spread	D.paid
61.A.for	B.on		C.beyond	D.beside
62.A.angry	B.safe		C.risky		D.serious
63.A.shut	B.hit		C.sent		D.went
64.A.short	B.far		C.long		D.close
65.A.remembered	B.resolved	C.happened	D.aoccurred
66.A.laying	B.lying		C.lay		D.lie
67.A.up		B.out		C.down		D.away
68.A.sitting	B.sit		C.visiting	D.visit
69.A.in		B.beside	C.on		D.under
70.A.deep	B.proud		C.wide		D.full
71.A.dropped	B.shone		C.found		D.floated
72.A.time	B.moment	C.minute	D.place
73.A.take	B.detect	C.make		D.decide
74.A.quiet	B.noisy		C.busy		D.hot
75.A.wet	B.dry		C.flat		D.sharp



56. B   know nothing 什么都不知道。与前面的 taught 相呼应

57. C   pour some milk 倒一些牛奶。固定用法。

58. D   let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事。固定词组。

59. B   in any other way 以任何其他方式。固定词组。

60. C   blanket 通常是铺在地面上的。故而选C。

61. A   for+时间段,表示一段时间。

62. B   feel safe 感觉安全,与后文中的行为相互呼应。

63. A   shut sb./sth. up 把某人或某物关起来。固定词组。

64. D   stand close by 指的是离她的床很近。

65. C   happen to 碰巧,偶尔。固定用法。

66. B   lying 是lie的现在分词形式。意思为:横躺。

67. B   let out 放出来。固定用法。

68. A   miss doing sth. 意思是:错过某事。固定词组。 sit on one‘s hand 固定词组,意思为:袖手旁观。

69. C   stand on one‘s shoulder 意思是:站在某人的肩头。

70. D   full of sth. 意思是:满是....。 固定词组。

71. B   shine on sb./sth. (光)照到某人或某物。固定词组。

72. A   at a time 意思是:一次,每次。固定词组。

73. C   set one‘s mind to 意思是:把注意力集中于,一心扑在...。固定词组。

74. D   on hot day 意思是:热天。与下文的问题 cloth 呼应。

75. A   a wet cloth 与前文描述的鼬鼠热天不洗澡相呼应。


时间: 2024-10-01 21:23:50







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2017年11月1日刷题记录 | 普及组

写在前面 哇Cys好菜啊! 哇Cys连普及组都不会打了啊! 哇要Noip了好紧脏啊! 哇Cys要开始刷题了 然后重点是Cys好菜菜菜菜菜菜啊!!!! 以下题目来自题库比赛 Task-1  A-B 题目描述 出题是一件痛苦的事情! 题目看多了也有审美疲劳,于是我舍弃了大家所熟悉的A+B Problem,改用A-B了哈哈! 好吧,题目是这样的:给出一串数以及一个数字C,要求计算出所有A-B=C的数对的个数.(不同位置的数字一样的数对算不同的数对) 输入输出格式 输入格式: 第一行包括2个非负整数N和


moodle中的完形填空题的文本编写方法 [完形填空题]考题把一段文字挖去一些空,让考生根据上下文正确地完成这些填空.完型填空题中的一段短文可以包括各种题目,如选择,填空,和数字题等. 题目的编辑是在编辑页面中输入一些按照完形填空的书写格式的文本. 下面介绍完型填空题的几种题型的书写方法: 完形选择题: 书写格式{1(分数):MULTICHOICE(题型):错误答案#对该错误答案的反馈~另一个错误答案#对另一个错误答案的反馈~=正确答案#对该正确答案的反馈~P%可信度一半的答案#对该可信度一半的


[徐朋出品,必属精品]作为51CTO学院的软考特级讲师,本着对广大学员负责的态度,在每年同学们参加完软考考试,我都会尽早的给大家发布各科的真题详细解析资料.一方面是为了帮助参加软考考试的同学对自己考试情况做一个准确评估:另一方面是为未来参加软考考试的学员展现软考最新的考题形式,考察要点,助其有重点的复习软考考试. 历时多载,是同学们的坚定支持,才使我更加坚定,勇往直前,做更好的课程回馈大家. 现将最新的软考各科资料整理如下,同学们可以自行下载学习,学习过程中有疑问,也可给我留言. [持续更新,未


2017年广东省公务员录用考试<行测>真题及参考答案 一.言语理解与表达.本部分包含选词填空和阅读理解 1.党的十八大以来,中央以猛药去疴.重典治乱的_____,以刮骨疗毒.壮士断腕的_____,不断加大党风廉政建设和巡视的力度,效果显著. 依次填入画横线部分最恰当的一项是: A.意念底气 B.恒心气势 C.意志气魄 D.决心勇气 2.这些亮相于世界互联网大会的中国创新成果,勾勒出未来生活的诱人______,也______着"创新中国"的蓬勃生机. 依次填入画横线部分最恰当


第一题,阶乘数. 输入一个正整数,输出时,先输出这个数本身,跟着一个逗号,再输出这个数的各位数字的阶乘和,等号,阶乘和的计算结果,并判断阶乘和是否等于原数,如果相等输出Yes,否则输出No.题目说明输入的正整数以及其各位阶乘和都不会超出int型的表示范围. 输入样例1: 145 输出样例1: 145,1!+4!+5!=145 Yes 输入样例2: 1400 输出样例2: 1400,1!+4!+0!+0!=27 No 第二题,五子棋. 输入一个19*19的矩阵,只包含数字0.1.2,表示两人下五子