Java Solution (Basic Calculator) 还没测,晚上回去册

class Count{
	 public int Count(String a){
		int  n = a.length();
		int result = 0;
		int  num = 0;
		int p = 0;
		int L1 = a.indexOf(‘(‘);
		int R1 = a.indexOf(‘)‘);
		String b = a.substring(L1+1,R1-1);
		int op = 0;
		if(L1 >= 0 ) return Count(b) + result;
			for(int i=0 ;i < n ;i++)

				if(‘0‘<(a.charAt(i))&& (a.charAt(i))<‘9‘) num = num*10+num;
					case 0 : break;
					case 1 : num = num + p ;break;
					case 2 : num = p - num ;break;
					default : break;
				op = 1;
				else if (a.charAt(i)==‘-‘)
				op = 2 ;
				op = 0;
				p = num ;

			result = num;
			return result;




时间: 2024-08-03 15:16:55

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