Password authencated key exchange based on lattice for C/S model&&Resistance to quantum computers

Password authented key exchange based on lattice for C/S model l&& Resistance to quantum computers

1.Research background

In view of the fact that the rapid development of quantum computer technology poses serious threat to the security of the traditional public-key cryptosystem, a new password authenticated key exchange protocol scheme based on Ring Learning With Errors (RLWE) problem was proposed. The results show that the proposed scheme is a more concise and efficient post quantum authenticated key exchange protocol.

2.Experiment result

If the client is computer,we can see this:

if the client is mobile phone ,we can see this:


The results show that the proposed scheme is a more concise and efficient post quantum authenticated key exchange protocol.This is an effective and secure authented key exchange protocol and we believe it willl be benificial to the real world.


时间: 2024-08-30 12:08:41

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