

  1. 分裂结构
  2. 嵌套结构
  3. 平行结构


There is growing fear among vice-chancellors that this revenue——as well as the cultural, academic and economic benefit international students bring——is being put at risk.

(CET-4, 201312 仔细阅读2)

There is growing fear among vice-chancellors that this revenue is being put at risk.

(CET-4, 201312 仔细阅读2)


Among the government‘s most interesting reports is one that estimates what parents spend on their children.

(CET-6, 201312 仔细阅读 1)

A survey of 439 medical technicians found that 55 percent of technicians who monitor bypass machines acknowledged that they had talked on cellphones during heart surgery.

(CET-4,201406 仔细阅读 1)

A sunrvey ... found ????宾语从句 ???? ???? ??定语从句???? ???? ??????定语从句

that 55 percent of technicianswho monitor bypass machinesacknowledgedthat they had..


The English, the Germans, the Dutch and the French were investing in Britain‘s former colony.

The English

,the Germans

,the Dutch

and the French

were investing in Britain‘s former colony.

Both areas are critical to producing citizens who can participate effectively in our democratic society, become innovative leaders, and benefit from the spiritual enrichment that teh reflection on the great ideas of mankind over time provides.

(CET-4, 201406 仔细阅读 1)

Several hours after a meal, people‘s hunger levels were predicted not by how much they‘d eaten but rather by how much food they‘d seen in front of them...

(CET-4, 201312 仔细阅读 1)

But brains are the superior choice when you want information to change, in interesting and useful ways: to connect up with other facts and ideas, to acquire successive layers of meaning, to steep for a while in your accumulated knowledge and experience...

(CET-6, 201406 仔细阅读 1)


indeed, according to surveys, employers have expressed a preference for students who have received a broadly-based education that has taught them to write well, think critically, research creatively and communicate easily.

(CET-4, 201406 仔细阅读 1)

Cole and Fredrickson found that people who are happy but have little to no sense of meaning in their lives have the same gene expression patterns as people who are responding to and enduring chronic adversity.

(CET-6, 201412 长篇阅读)


时间: 2024-10-28 22:48:36



一.基本结构的长难句 断开 简化 二.特殊结构的长难句 分裂结构 嵌套结构 平行结构 基本结构的长难句 ?长难句?多个句子/多件事?简单句?一个句子/一件?简单句的核心 一件事的核心内容 断开1 标点?2 连接词??3 分析主谓简化1 定位谓语动词2 去修饰找核心 基本结构的长难句:1. 断开(1)标点(2)连接词:从句开始于连接词,结束于?(3)分析主谓?1) 标点?2) 下一个连接词前?3) 第二个谓语动词前 连接词断开,结束于标点 But this is a real-life argum


-------------------------------------------- 长难句 p.s. 蓝色是主语,红色为谓语动词,紫色为并列形式,绿色为断句标识,黄色为修饰断句标识,下划线为从句,删除线为修饰性句子 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


基本结构的长难句 1.断句 1)标点 2)连接词:从句开始于连接词,结束于(标点,下一个连接词前,第二个谓语动词前) 3)分析主谓 eg1:This is the best movie 'I have seen'.(主谓主谓) eg2:The present 'he gave me' was very amazing.(主主谓谓) # 单引号部分为从句 Tips: '分析句子时找从句先看主句' '连词连的不是完整的句子不用断开' '名词后跟从句没有关系词百分之百是定语从句' 2.简化句子:去修饰


摘录自:CIPS2016 中文信息处理报告<第三章 语篇分析研究进展.现状及趋势>P21 CIPS2016 中文信息处理报告下载链接:http://cips-upload.bj.bcebos.com/cips2016.pdf NLP词法.句法.语义.语篇综合系列: NLP+词法系列(一)︱中文分词技术小结.几大分词引擎的介绍与比较 NLP+词法系列(二)︱中文分词技术及词性标注研究现状(CIPS2016) NLP+句法结构(三)︱中文句法结构研究现状(CIPS2016) NLP+语义分析(四)


Windows五种IO模型性能分析和Linux五种IO模型性能分析 http://blog.csdn.net/jay900323/article/details/18141217 http://blog.csdn.net/jay900323/article/details/18140847 重叠I/O模型的另外几个优点在于,微软针对重叠I/O模型提供了一些特有的扩展函数.当使用重叠I/O模型时,可以选择使用不同的完成通知方式. 采用事件对象通知的重叠I/O模型是不可伸缩的,因为针对发出WSAWa

最长递增子序列 &amp;&amp; 最大子序列、最长递增子序列、最长公共子串、最长公共子序列、字符串编辑距离

http://www.cppblog.com/mysileng/archive/2012/11/30/195841.html 最长递增子序列问题:在一列数中寻找一些数,这些数满足:任意两个数a[i]和a[j],若i<j,必有a[i]<a[j],这样最长的子序列称为最长递增子序列. 设dp[i]表示以i为结尾的最长递增子序列的长度,则状态转移方程为: dp[i] = max{dp[j]+1}, 1<=j<i,a[j]<a[i]. 这样简单的复杂度为O(n^2),其实还有更好的方


===================================================== FFmpeg的库函数源码分析文章列表: [架构图] FFmpeg源码结构图 - 解码 FFmpeg源码结构图 - 编码 [通用] FFmpeg 源码简单分析:av_register_all() FFmpeg 源码简单分析:avcodec_register_all() FFmpeg 源码简单分析:内存的分配和释放(av_malloc().av_free()等) FFmpeg 源码简单分析:常


本文继续上篇文章<FFmpeg源代码分析:结构体成员管理系统-AVClass>中的内容,记录FFmpeg中和AVOption相关的源代码.AVOption用于在FFmpeg中描述结构体中的成员变量.一个AVOption可以包含名称,简短的帮助信息,取值等等. 上篇文章简单回顾 上篇文章中概括了AVClass,AVOption和目标结构体之间的关系.以AVFormatContext为例,可以表示为下图. 有关上篇文章的内容,这里不再重复.总体来说,上篇文章主要概括了AVClass,AVOptio


[注]本文参考了sparkliang的专栏的Leveldb源码分析--3并进行了一定的重组和排版 经过上一篇文章的分析我们队leveldb的插入流程有了一定的认识,而该文设计最多的又是Batch的概念.这篇文章本来应该顺理成章的介绍Batch相关流程和结构了,但是Batch涉及到了一些编码和Key相关的概念,所以我觉得应该先理清这方面的概念有助于大家更容易理解后面的内容. 在dbformat.h/cc文件中我们首先看到的是 typedef uint64_t SequenceNumber; str