起因:在cavnas绘制矩形时 鼠标移动一直在监测中,所以鼠标移动的轨迹会留下一个个的矩形框,
要想清除矩形框官方给出了ctx.clearRect() 但是这样是把整个画布给清空了,因此需要不断
具体就是画图的时候做两个 cavnas层,一个临时层 一个显示层,鼠标的监听事件放在显示层处理,
<!--临时层--><canvas id="customPositionImg2" ref="table2" style=" display:none;"></canvas><!--显示层 增加鼠标按下,移动,松开事件--><canvas id="customPositionImg" ref="table" @mousedown="mousedown" @mousemove="mousemove" @mouseup="mouseup" style=""></canvas> 显示层展示图片:
show () {
vue.nextTick(_ => { let customCanvas =this.$refs.table;// canvas显示层 this.customstyle =‘‘; customCanvas.height = 740; customCanvas.width = 1460; this.customcxt = customCanvas.getContext("2d"); let img = new Image(); img.src = this.imgSrc; let that = this; img.onload = function () { that.customRwidth = customCanvas.width / img.width; //原图与展示图片的宽高比 that.customRheight = customCanvas.height / img.height; that.customcxt.drawImage(img, 0, 0, customCanvas.width, customCanvas.height); }; }) },
//鼠标按下时执行mousedown(e){ this.isMouseDownInCanvas = true; // 鼠标按下时开始位置与结束位置相同 防止鼠标在画完矩形后 点击图画形成第二个图形 this.endX = e.offsetX; this.endY = e.offsetY; this.startX = e.offsetX; this.startY = e.offsetY; },
//鼠标移动式时执行mousemove(e){ if (this.isMouseDownInCanvas){ // 当鼠标有按下操作时执行 console.log( e.offsetX,e.offsetY); if((this.endX != e.offsetX)||( this.endY != e.offsetY)){ this.endX = e.offsetX; this.endY = e.offsetY; let wwidth = this.endX - this.startX; let wheigth = this.endY - this.startY; let tempCanvas = this.$refs.table2; // canvas临时层 let tempCtx = tempCanvas.getContext(‘2d‘); tempCanvas.width = 1460; tempCanvas.height = 740; // 设置宽高 // 清除临时层指定区域的所有像素 tempCtx.clearRect(0, 0, 1460, 740); // 重新展示图片 let img = new Image(); img.src = this.imgSrc; let that = this; img.onload = function () { that.customcxt.drawImage(img, 0, 0,1460, 740); }; this.customcxt.strokeStyle=" #00ff00"; //矩形框颜色 this.customcxt.lineWidth="2"; //矩形框宽度 this.customcxt.strokeRect(this.startX,this.startY,wwidth,wheigth); //绘制矩形 }else{ //鼠标按下静止时显示矩形的大小。 let wwidth2 = this.endX - this.startX; let wheigth2 = this.endY - this.startY; this.customcxt.strokeRect(this.startX,this.startY,wwidth2,wheigth2) } }},//鼠标松开时执行mouseup(e){ this.isMouseDownInCanvas = false; // 绘制最终的矩形框 let wwidth = this.endX - this.startX; let wheigth = this.endY - this.startY; this.customcxt.strokeRect(this.startX,this.startY,wwidth,wheigth)}, 以上就是全部的代码示例了。欢迎留言。
时间: 2024-10-14 00:11:47