N9K 40G接口一分4*10G配置

Breakout InterfacesCisco NX-OS supports the breakout of high bandwidth 40G interfaces at the module level or at the per-port level.

Module Level BreakoutDynamic Breakout (Per-port Level Breakout)About the Lane SelectorNotes About Breakout InterfacesModule Level BreakoutFor module level breakout, the interface breakout command splits the high bandwidth 40G interface of a module into four 10G interfaces. The module is reloaded and the configuration for the interface is removed when the command is executed.

The following is an example of the command:

switch# configure terminalswitch(config)# interface breakout module 1Module will be reloaded. Are you sure you want to continue(yes/no)? yes

The no interface breakout module module_number command undoes the breakout configuration. It puts all interfaces of the module in 40G mode and deletes the configuration for the previous 10G interfaces.

Dynamic Breakout (Per-port Level Breakout)For dynamic breakout (per-port level breakout), the interface breakout command splits high bandwidth 40G ports into four 10G breakout ports and 100G ports into four 25G breakout ports. The breakout ports are identified as Ethernet <slot>/<front-panel-port>/<breakout-port> . For example, per-port level breakout ports can be identified as Ethernet 1/2/1, Ethernet 1/2/2, Ethernet 1/2/3, and Ethernet 1/2/4.

When one or more 40G interfaces of the module are broken-out at the per-port level, the configuration for the interfaces are removed when the command is executed.

Note   A per-port level breakout does not require the module to be reloaded.

The following is an example of configuring a breakout port:

switch(config)# interface breakout module 1 port 1 map 10g-4xswitch(config)#

The following is an example of configuring a multiple breakout ports:

switch(config)# interface breakout module 1 port 1-4 map 10g-4xswitch(config)#

The following is an example of configuring 40G and 10G interfaces mixed together.

switch(config-if)# show int eth1/49 transceiver Ethernet1/49transceiver is presenttype is QSFP-40G-SR-BDname is CISCO-AVAGO part number is AFBR-79EBPZ-CS2 revision is 01

switch(config-if)# show int eth1/52 transceiverEthernet1/52transceiver is presenttype is QSFP-Cazaderoname is CISCO-DNI part number is CAZADERO-R revision is 03nominal bitrate is 10000 MBit/sec per channel

switch(config-if)# show int eth1/53 transceiver Ethernet1/53transceiver is presenttype is QSFP-Cazaderoname is CISCO-DNI part number is CAZADERO-R revision is 03nominal bitrate is 10000 MBit/sec per channel

switch(config)# interface breakout module 1 port 52-53 map 10g-4x 

switch(config-if)# show int br | i upmgmt0 -- up 100 1500Eth1/49 -- eth routed up none 40G(D) — << Running 40GEth1/50 -- eth routed up none 40G(D) --Eth1/52/1 -- eth routed up none 10G(D) — << Broken out to 10G Eth1/53/1 -- eth routed up none 10G(D) -- << Broken out to 10G

You can undo the breakout ports with the no interface breakout command.

The following is an example to undo the breakout ports:

switch(config)# no interface breakout module 1 port 1 map 10g-4xswitch(config)#


时间: 2024-08-30 17:32:05

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