mondrian 中datasource.xml配置

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  == $Id: //open/mondrian-release/3.1/webapp/WEB-INF/datasources.xml#2 $
  == This software is subject to the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
  == Agreement, available at the following URL:
  == (C) Copyright 2005-2006 Julian Hyde and others.
  == All Rights Reserved.
  == You must accept the terms of that agreement to use this software.
         A data source is a collection of logically related Mondrian

The XMLA specification allows an XMLA provider to have
         multiple data sources, but some clients, particularly ones
         based on ADOMD.NET such as Simba‘s O2X client and Pentaho
         Spreadsheet Services, can only connect to the first declared
         data source. Therefore, we recommend that you use a single
         data source, containing multiple catalogs if necessary.
             Name of the data source.

             Description of the data source.
        <DataSourceDescription>Cost Data Warehouse</DataSourceDescription>

             The URL of the servlet.

             Mondrian connect string for the data source. If this data
             source contains multiple catalogs, omit the ‘Catalog‘
             property, and specify the URI of the schema.xml file in
             the catalog‘s <Definition> element.

Catalogs can override the connect string with their own
             <DataSourceInfo> element.
             Provider name must be ‘Mondrian‘.

             Provider type must be ‘MDP‘.

             Authentication mode. Allowable values are
             ‘Unauthenticated‘, ‘Authenticated‘, ‘Integrated‘. 

             A data source contains one or more catalogs.
                Catalog names must match the name inside the
                schema.xml file, and must be unique across all data
                sources defined in this datasources.xml file.
            <Catalog name="IncomeStatement">
                     Mondrian connect string for the data source. This
                     element is optional; if specified, it overrides the
                     data source‘s <DataSourceInfo> element. Typically,
                     you would use this element if the catalogs have
                     different JDBC data sources.

                    URI of the schema definition file.


时间: 2025-01-04 23:33:26

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