
参考phphub: Laravel 又一个调试利器 anbu, 里边安装少一步没写,参考github:


composer.jsonrequire 字段里增加 "daylerees/anbu": "dev-master"

"require": {
    "laravel/framework": "4.2.*",
    "daylerees/anbu": "dev-master"

执行 composer update

然后在config/app.php中增加 对应的 ServiceProvider

‘providers‘ => array(




alias 数组中加入 Anbu Facade

‘aliases‘ => array(

    ‘Anbu‘ => ‘Anbu\Facades\Anbu‘

发布探查资源文件( publish profiler asset files ): php artisan asset:publish

同时, 要配置好对应的 database 连接 因为 anbu 会引入一张表用于存储相关的信息。


为了更好的看到相关功能, 在 route.php 文件中, 我们加入以下测试代码:


Route::get(‘/‘, function()
    //Debug, When you use dd() you risk exposing information to the users of your application. Instead, use ad() to dump this data into the ‘Debug‘ section of Anbu.
    ad(with(new stdClass)->foo = ‘bar‘);
    ad([‘name‘ => ‘zhangsan‘, ‘age‘ => 14]);

    //timers, 在app.php中添加的Facade就是为这个准备的,其他地方没用到Anbu类。
    sleep(1); // Do something interesting.
    Anbu::timers()->end(‘test‘, ‘Completed doing something.‘);

    //db query

    //log entries
    \Log::info(‘info message‘);
    \Log::info(‘another message‘);
    \Log::error(‘wrong message‘);

    return View::make(‘hello‘);

Route::post(‘/foo/baz/boo‘, ‘Anbu\\Controller\[email protected]‘);
Route::patch(‘/foo/bar‘, ‘Anbu\\Controller\[email protected]‘);
Route::put(‘/foo/bar‘, ‘Anbu\\Controller\[email protected]‘);
Route::delete(‘/foo‘, ‘Anbu\\Controller\[email protected]‘);


First let me explain the two concepts.

To hide is to eliminate the Laravel icon button from requests, so that it won‘t interfere with certain content types.

To disable is to stop the profiler from storing the request, and displaying the button. Data for this request will be lost.

You can hide the profiler using:


Or you can apply the anbu.hide filter as a before filter to any route or route group.

You can disable the profiler using:


Or you can apply the anbu.disable filter as a before filter to any route or route group.


If a new module is added, then you might get an error when rendering a previous request.

Here‘s some things you can try if you have any problems. First you can try updating Anbu with:

composer update

Secondly you can clear the previous requests with the following Artisan command.

php artisan anbu:clear
时间: 2024-10-12 15:00:27


laravel 调试工具

debugbar  github 地址:      laravel 针对1.8版本 Require this package with composer: composer require barryvdh/laravel-debugbar:~1.8 After updating composer, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array


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迁移就像数据库的版本控制,允许团队简单轻松的编辑并共享应用的数据库表结构,迁移通常和Laravel 的 schema 构建器结对从而可以很容易地构建应用的数据库表结构.如果你曾经告知小组成员需要手动添加列到本地数据库结构,那么这正是数据库迁移所致力于解决的问题. Laravel 的 Schema 门面提供了与数据库系统无关的创建和操纵表的支持,在 Laravel 所支持的所有数据库系统中提供一致的.优雅的.平滑的 API. laravel默认有两个文件uses  和 password_reset


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Python -- pdb调试工具

诗歌是一种忧郁的媒体,而诗人的使命是孤独的:     -- 北岛<时间的玫瑰> 学习是一首深邃的民谣,而我们的任务是享受他.     -- 小Q <20161203> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 学c++时,老师教我们有gdb调试工具,在工作中会经常用到: 学shell时,经理让我见到了"-x"跟踪

Linux GDB程序调试工具使用简介

GDB概述 GDB是GNU开源组织发布的一个强大的UNIX下的程序调试工具.或许,各位比较喜欢那种图形界面方式的,像VC.BCB等IDE的调试,但如果你是在UNIX平台下做软件,你会发现GDB这个调试工具有比VC.BCB的图形化调试器更强大的功能.所谓"寸有所长,尺有所短"就是这个道理. 一般来说,GDB主要帮忙你完成下面四个方面的功能: 启动你的程序,可以按照你的自定义的要求随心所欲的运行程序. 可让被调试的程序在你所指定的调置的断点处停住.(断点可以是条件表达式) 当程序被停住时,