时间: 2024-10-14 23:46:45
Hadoop Ansible Architecture
Hadoop Ansible Architecture的相关文章
XII ansible
运维工具: OS provisioning(PXE(dhcp,tftp,ftp|http):cobbler(repository,distribution,profile)): OS config(puppet:saltstack:func): task execute(fabric:func:saltstack): deployment(fabric): 注: dnsmasq替代dhcp,dnsmasq(可用于嵌入式环境,提供dhcp.dns服务): cobbler若配置自身管理dhcp则会启
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Ansible实现自动decommission Hadoop node
介绍 如何用ansible的playbook实现自动decommission hadoop 的node ? 正文 对于如何部署安装ansible ,请看http://haohaozhang.blog.51cto.com/9176600/1610499 hadoop部署,请看http://haohaozhang.blog.51cto.com/9176600/1607089 使用hadoop用户创建目录ansible_decom,里面的目录结构如下: ansible_decom/ ansible_d
【转载】Hadoop官方文档翻译——HDFS Architecture 2.7.3
HDFS Architecture HDFS Architecture(HDFS 架构) Introduction(简介) Assumptions and Goals(假设和目标) Hardware Failure(硬件失效是常态) Streaming Data Access(支持流式访问) Large Data Sets(大数据集) Simple Coherency Model(简单一致性模型) “Moving Computation is Cheaper than Moving Data”(
Hadoop官方文档翻译——YARN Architecture(2.7.3)
The fundamental idea of YARN is to split up the functionalities of resource management and job scheduling/monitoring into separate daemons. The idea is to have a global ResourceManager (RM) and per-application ApplicationMaster (AM). An application i
[email protected]一个高效的配置管理工具--Ansible configure management--翻译(六)
无书面许可请勿转载 高级playbook Finding files with variables All modules can take variables as part of their arguments by dereferencing them with {{ and }} . You can use this to load a particular file based on a variable. For example, you might want to select a
Architecture In a typical HA clusiter, two separate machines are configured as NameNodes. At any point in time, exactly one of the NameNodes is in an Active state, and the other is in a Standby state. The Active NameNode is responsible for all client
作者:廖君链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/19868791/answer/88873783来源:知乎 分布式系统(Distributed System)资料 <Reconfigurable Distributed Storage for Dynamic Networks> 介绍:这是一篇介绍在动态网络里面实现分布式系统重构的paper.论文的作者(导师)是MIT读博的时候是做分布式系统的研究的,现在在NUS带学生,不仅仅是分布式系统,还有无线网络.如果感兴趣
1.hadoop本地库的作用是什么?2.哪两个压缩编码器必须使用hadoop本地库才能运行?3.hadoop的使用方法?4.hadoop本地库与系统版本不一致会引起什么错误?5.$ export HADOOP_ROOT_LOGGER=DEBUG,console有什么作 本帖最后由 pig2 于 2014-3-20 20:46 编辑目的 鉴于性能问题以及某些Java类库的缺失,对于某些组件,Hadoop提供了自己的本地实现. 这些组件保存在Hadoop的一个独立的动态链接的库里.这个库在*nix平