
ceph df
ceph features
ceph fs ls
ceph fs status
ceph fsid
ceph health
ceph -s
ceph status
ceph mgr module ls
ceph mgr module enable dashboard
ceph mgr services
ceph mon feature ls
ceph node ls
ceph osd crush rule ls
ceph osd crush rule dump
ceph osd df tree
ceph osd lspools
ceph osd perf
watch ceph osd perf
ceph osd pool get kycrbd all
ceph osd pool ls
ceph osd pool ls detail
ceph osd pool stats
ceph osd status
ceph osd tree
ceph osd utilization

pg dump {all|summary|sum|delta|pools|osds|pgs|pgs_brief [all|summary|sum|delta|pools|osds|pgs|pgs_brief...]}
ceph pg dump all
ceph pg dump summary
ceph pg dump sum
ceph pg dump delta
ceph pg dump pools
ceph pg dump osds
ceph pg dump pgs
ceph pg dump pgs_brief
ceph pg dump pgs
ceph pg ls
ceph pg ls-by-osd osd.0
ceph pg ls-by-pool kycfs_metadata
ceph pg ls-by-primary
ceph pg map 7.1e8
ceph report

ceph time-sync-status
ceph version
ceph versions
[email protected]:~# ceph fs get kycfs
Filesystem ‘kycfs‘ (1)
fs_name kycfs
epoch   17
flags   c
created 2019-04-30 20:52:48.957941
modified        2019-04-30 21:22:33.599472
tableserver     0
root    0
session_timeout 60
session_autoclose       300
max_file_size   1099511627776
last_failure    0
last_failure_osd_epoch  172
compat  compat={},rocompat={},incompat={1=base v0.20,2=client writeable ranges,3=default file layouts on dirs,4=dir inode in separate object,5=mds uses versioned encoding,6=dirfrag is stored in omap,8=no anchor table,9=file layout v2}
max_mds 1
in      0
up      {0=64099}
data_pools      [5]
metadata_pool   6
inline_data     disabled
standby_count_wanted    1
64099: ‘cu-pve05‘ mds.0.12 up:active seq 31 (standby for rank -1 ‘pve‘)

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph fs ls
name: kycfs, metadata pool: kycfs_metadata, data pools: [kycfs_data ]

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph fs status
kycfs - 9 clients
| Rank | State  |   MDS    |    Activity   |  dns  |  inos |
|  0   | active | cu-pve05 | Reqs:    0 /s | 1693  | 1622  |
|      Pool      |   type   |  used | avail |
| kycfs_metadata | metadata | 89.7M | 16.3T |
|   kycfs_data   |   data   | 14.0G | 16.3T |

| Standby MDS |
|   cu-pve04  |
|   cu-pve06  |
MDS version: ceph version 12.2.12 (39cfebf25a7011204a9876d2950e4b28aba66d11) luminous (stable)

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph fsid
[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph health
[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph -s
    id:     b5fd132b-9ff4-470a-9a14-172eb48dc973
    health: HEALTH_OK

    mon: 3 daemons, quorum cu-pve04,cu-pve05,cu-pve06
    mgr: cu-pve04(active), standbys: cu-pve05, cu-pve06
    mds: kycfs-1/1/1 up  {0=cu-pve05=up:active}, 2 up:standby
    osd: 24 osds: 24 up, 24 in

    pools:   3 pools, 1152 pgs
    objects: 46.35k objects, 176GiB
    usage:   550GiB used, 51.9TiB / 52.4TiB avail
    pgs:     1152 active+clean

    client:   0B/s rd, 43.5KiB/s wr, 0op/s rd, 6op/s wr

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph mgr module ls
    "enabled_modules": [
    "disabled_modules": [

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph mgr module enable dashboard

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph mgr services
    "dashboard": "http://cu-pve04.ka1che.com:7000/"

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph -v
ceph version 12.2.12 (39cfebf25a7011204a9876d2950e4b28aba66d11) luminous (stable)

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph mds versions
    "ceph version 12.2.12 (39cfebf25a7011204a9876d2950e4b28aba66d11) luminous (stable)": 3
[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph mgr versions
    "ceph version 12.2.12 (39cfebf25a7011204a9876d2950e4b28aba66d11) luminous (stable)": 3
[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph mon versions
    "ceph version 12.2.12 (39cfebf25a7011204a9876d2950e4b28aba66d11) luminous (stable)": 3
[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph osd versions
    "ceph version 12.2.12 (39cfebf25a7011204a9876d2950e4b28aba66d11) luminous (stable)": 24

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph mon feature ls
all features
        supported: [kraken,luminous]
        persistent: [kraken,luminous]
on current monmap (epoch 3)
        persistent: [kraken,luminous]
        required: [kraken,luminous]

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph mds stat
kycfs-1/1/1 up  {0=cu-pve05=up:active}, 2 up:standby

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph mon stat
e3: 3 mons at {cu-pve04=,cu-pve05=,cu-pve06=}, election epoch 22, leader 0 cu-pve04, quorum 0,1,2 cu-pve04,cu-pve05,cu-pve06

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph osd stat
24 osds: 24 up, 24 in

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph pg stat
1152 pgs: 1152 active+clean; 176GiB data, 550GiB used, 51.9TiB / 52.4TiB avail; 673B/s rd, 197KiB/s wr, 23op/s

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph node ls
    "mon": {
        "cu-pve04": [
        "cu-pve05": [
        "cu-pve06": [
    "osd": {
        "cu-pve04": [
        "cu-pve05": [
        "cu-pve06": [
    "mds": {
        "cu-pve04": [
        "cu-pve05": [
        "cu-pve06": [

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph osd crush rule ls
[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph osd crush rule dump
        "rule_id": 0,
        "rule_name": "replicated_rule",
        "ruleset": 0,
        "type": 1,
        "min_size": 1,
        "max_size": 10,
        "steps": [
                "op": "take",
                "item": -1,
                "item_name": "default"
                "op": "chooseleaf_firstn",
                "num": 0,
                "type": "host"
                "op": "emit"

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph osd df tree
-1       52.39417        - 52.4TiB  550GiB 51.9TiB 1.03 1.00   - root default
-3       17.46472        - 17.5TiB  183GiB 17.3TiB 1.03 1.00   -     host cu-pve04
 0   hdd  2.18309  1.00000 2.18TiB 23.1GiB 2.16TiB 1.04 1.01 144         osd.0
 1   hdd  2.18309  1.00000 2.18TiB 20.2GiB 2.16TiB 0.90 0.88 126         osd.1
 2   hdd  2.18309  1.00000 2.18TiB 25.1GiB 2.16TiB 1.12 1.10 152         osd.2
 3   hdd  2.18309  1.00000 2.18TiB 27.0GiB 2.16TiB 1.21 1.18 153         osd.3
 4   hdd  2.18309  1.00000 2.18TiB 19.1GiB 2.16TiB 0.85 0.83 142         osd.4
 5   hdd  2.18309  1.00000 2.18TiB 25.1GiB 2.16TiB 1.12 1.09 160         osd.5
 6   hdd  2.18309  1.00000 2.18TiB 23.2GiB 2.16TiB 1.04 1.01 137         osd.6
 7   hdd  2.18309  1.00000 2.18TiB 20.6GiB 2.16TiB 0.92 0.90 138         osd.7
-5       17.46472        - 17.5TiB  183GiB 17.3TiB 1.03 1.00   -     host cu-pve05
 8   hdd  2.18309  1.00000 2.18TiB 27.0GiB 2.16TiB 1.21 1.18 160         osd.8
 9   hdd  2.18309  1.00000 2.18TiB 24.4GiB 2.16TiB 1.09 1.07 142         osd.9
10   hdd  2.18309  1.00000 2.18TiB 24.4GiB 2.16TiB 1.09 1.06 148         osd.10
11   hdd  2.18309  1.00000 2.18TiB 22.2GiB 2.16TiB 0.99 0.97 164         osd.11
12   hdd  2.18309  1.00000 2.18TiB 22.9GiB 2.16TiB 1.02 1.00 134         osd.12
13   hdd  2.18309  1.00000 2.18TiB 22.2GiB 2.16TiB 1.00 0.97 132         osd.13
14   hdd  2.18309  1.00000 2.18TiB 20.3GiB 2.16TiB 0.91 0.89 135         osd.14
15   hdd  2.18309  1.00000 2.18TiB 19.9GiB 2.16TiB 0.89 0.87 137         osd.15
-7       17.46472        - 17.5TiB  183GiB 17.3TiB 1.03 1.00   -     host cu-pve06
16   hdd  2.18309  1.00000 2.18TiB 22.9GiB 2.16TiB 1.03 1.00 141         osd.16
17   hdd  2.18309  1.00000 2.18TiB 23.3GiB 2.16TiB 1.04 1.02 148         osd.17
18   hdd  2.18309  1.00000 2.18TiB 26.0GiB 2.16TiB 1.16 1.13 154         osd.18
19   hdd  2.18309  1.00000 2.18TiB 21.0GiB 2.16TiB 0.94 0.92 141         osd.19
20   hdd  2.18309  1.00000 2.18TiB 25.4GiB 2.16TiB 1.14 1.11 151         osd.20
21   hdd  2.18309  1.00000 2.18TiB 18.8GiB 2.16TiB 0.84 0.82 140         osd.21
22   hdd  2.18309  1.00000 2.18TiB 24.4GiB 2.16TiB 1.09 1.06 134         osd.22
23   hdd  2.18309  1.00000 2.18TiB 21.5GiB 2.16TiB 0.96 0.94 143         osd.23
                     TOTAL 52.4TiB  550GiB 51.9TiB 1.03
MIN/MAX VAR: 0.82/1.18  STDDEV: 0.11

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph osd lspools
5 kycfs_data,6 kycfs_metadata,7 kycrbd,

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph osd perf
osd commit_latency(ms) apply_latency(ms)
 23                  0                 0
 22                  1                 1
  9                  1                 1
  8                  0                 0
  7                  0                 0
  6                  1                 1
  5                  2                 2
  4                  1                 1
  0                  2                 2
  1                  0                 0
  2                  0                 0
  3                  0                 0
 10                  1                 1
 11                  7                 7
 12                  0                 0
 13                  2                 2
 14                  1                 1
 15                  0                 0
 16                  0                 0
 17                  4                 4
 18                  0                 0
 19                 11                11
 20                  0                 0
 21                  0                 0

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph osd pool get kycrbd all
size: 3
min_size: 2
crash_replay_interval: 0
pg_num: 512
pgp_num: 512
crush_rule: replicated_rule
hashpspool: true
nodelete: false
nopgchange: false
nosizechange: false
write_fadvise_dontneed: false
noscrub: false
nodeep-scrub: false
use_gmt_hitset: 1
auid: 0
fast_read: 0

[[email protected] ceph]# ceph osd pool create cfs_data 10
pool ‘cfs_data‘ created
[[email protected] ceph]# ceph osd pool create cfs_meta 10
pool ‘cfs_meta‘ created
[[email protected] ceph]# ceph fs new cefs cfs_meta cfs_data
new fs with metadata pool 7 and data pool 6

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph osd pool ls

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph osd pool ls detail
pool 5 ‘kycfs_data‘ replicated size 3 min_size 2 crush_rule 0 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 512 pgp_num 512 last_change 156 flags hashpspool stripe_width 0 application cephfs
pool 6 ‘kycfs_metadata‘ replicated size 3 min_size 2 crush_rule 0 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 128 pgp_num 128 last_change 156 flags hashpspool stripe_width 0 application cephfs
pool 7 ‘kycrbd‘ replicated size 3 min_size 2 crush_rule 0 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 512 pgp_num 512 last_change 187 flags hashpspool stripe_width 0 application rbd
        removed_snaps [1~3]

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph osd pool stats
pool kycfs_data id 5
  client io 2.42KiB/s wr, 0op/s rd, 0op/s wr

pool kycfs_metadata id 6
  client io 1.08KiB/s wr, 0op/s rd, 0op/s wr

pool kycrbd id 7
  client io 0B/s rd, 357KiB/s wr, 0op/s rd, 25op/s wr

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph osd status
| id |   host   |  used | avail | wr ops | wr data | rd ops | rd data |   state   |
| 0  | cu-pve04 | 23.1G | 2212G |    0   |  7071   |    0   |     0   | exists,up |
| 1  | cu-pve04 | 20.1G | 2215G |    0   |  12.8k  |    0   |     0   | exists,up |
| 2  | cu-pve04 | 25.1G | 2210G |    0   |  6553   |    0   |     0   | exists,up |
| 3  | cu-pve04 | 27.0G | 2208G |    0   |  11.2k  |    0   |     0   | exists,up |
| 4  | cu-pve04 | 19.0G | 2216G |    0   |  1948   |    0   |     0   | exists,up |
| 5  | cu-pve04 | 25.0G | 2210G |    0   |  16.5k  |    0   |     0   | exists,up |
| 6  | cu-pve04 | 23.2G | 2212G |    0   |  16.0k  |    0   |     0   | exists,up |
| 7  | cu-pve04 | 20.5G | 2214G |    1   |  16.0k  |    0   |     0   | exists,up |
| 8  | cu-pve05 | 27.0G | 2208G |    3   |  85.2k  |    0   |     0   | exists,up |
| 9  | cu-pve05 | 24.4G | 2211G |    0   |  3276   |    0   |     0   | exists,up |
| 10 | cu-pve05 | 24.3G | 2211G |    2   |  38.4k  |    0   |     0   | exists,up |
| 11 | cu-pve05 | 22.2G | 2213G |    0   |  12.8k  |    0   |     0   | exists,up |
| 12 | cu-pve05 | 22.8G | 2212G |    0   |  7035   |    0   |     0   | exists,up |
| 13 | cu-pve05 | 22.2G | 2213G |    1   |  16.1k  |    0   |     0   | exists,up |
| 14 | cu-pve05 | 20.3G | 2215G |    0   |  12.8k  |    0   |     0   | exists,up |
| 15 | cu-pve05 | 19.8G | 2215G |    0   |  3559   |    0   |     6   | exists,up |
| 16 | cu-pve06 | 22.9G | 2212G |    1   |  22.4k  |    0   |     0   | exists,up |
| 17 | cu-pve06 | 23.3G | 2212G |    0   |  25.6k  |    0   |     0   | exists,up |
| 18 | cu-pve06 | 25.9G | 2209G |    1   |  8192   |    0   |     0   | exists,up |
| 19 | cu-pve06 | 21.0G | 2214G |    0   |   352   |    0   |     0   | exists,up |
| 20 | cu-pve06 | 25.4G | 2210G |    2   |  24.2k  |    0   |     0   | exists,up |
| 21 | cu-pve06 | 18.8G | 2216G |    0   |  6553   |    0   |     0   | exists,up |
| 22 | cu-pve06 | 24.3G | 2211G |    1   |  13.9k  |    0   |     0   | exists,up |
| 23 | cu-pve06 | 21.4G | 2214G |    0   |  6553   |    0   |     0   | exists,up |

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph osd tree
-1       52.39417 root default
-3       17.46472     host cu-pve04
 0   hdd  2.18309         osd.0         up  1.00000 1.00000
 1   hdd  2.18309         osd.1         up  1.00000 1.00000
 2   hdd  2.18309         osd.2         up  1.00000 1.00000
 3   hdd  2.18309         osd.3         up  1.00000 1.00000
 4   hdd  2.18309         osd.4         up  1.00000 1.00000
 5   hdd  2.18309         osd.5         up  1.00000 1.00000
 6   hdd  2.18309         osd.6         up  1.00000 1.00000
 7   hdd  2.18309         osd.7         up  1.00000 1.00000
-5       17.46472     host cu-pve05
 8   hdd  2.18309         osd.8         up  1.00000 1.00000
 9   hdd  2.18309         osd.9         up  1.00000 1.00000
10   hdd  2.18309         osd.10        up  1.00000 1.00000
11   hdd  2.18309         osd.11        up  1.00000 1.00000
12   hdd  2.18309         osd.12        up  1.00000 1.00000
13   hdd  2.18309         osd.13        up  1.00000 1.00000
14   hdd  2.18309         osd.14        up  1.00000 1.00000
15   hdd  2.18309         osd.15        up  1.00000 1.00000
-7       17.46472     host cu-pve06
16   hdd  2.18309         osd.16        up  1.00000 1.00000
17   hdd  2.18309         osd.17        up  1.00000 1.00000
18   hdd  2.18309         osd.18        up  1.00000 1.00000
19   hdd  2.18309         osd.19        up  1.00000 1.00000
20   hdd  2.18309         osd.20        up  1.00000 1.00000
21   hdd  2.18309         osd.21        up  1.00000 1.00000
22   hdd  2.18309         osd.22        up  1.00000 1.00000
23   hdd  2.18309         osd.23        up  1.00000 1.00000

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph osd utilization
avg 144
stddev 9.49561 (expected baseline 11.7473)
min osd.1 with 126 pgs (0.875 * mean)
max osd.11 with 164 pgs (1.13889 * mean)

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph pg dump sum
dumped sum
version 8480
stamp 2019-05-06 15:20:45.513442
last_osdmap_epoch 0
last_pg_scan 0
full_ratio 0
nearfull_ratio 0
sum       46354                  0        0         0       0 188474766417 838378   838378
sum      550GiB 51.9TiB 52.4TiB
[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph pg dump pools
dumped pools
7        41495                  0        0         0       0 173343324074 792409   792409
6           45                  0        0         0       0     96511173  18569    18569
5         4814                  0        0         0       0  15034939056  27514    27514
[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph pg dump osds
dumped osds
OSD_STAT USED    AVAIL   TOTAL   HB_PEERS                                            PG_SUM PRIMARY_PG_SUM
23       21.5GiB 2.16TiB 2.18TiB          [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,22]    143             42
22       24.4GiB 2.16TiB 2.18TiB       [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,21,23]    134             50
9        24.4GiB 2.16TiB 2.18TiB      [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23]    142             48
8        27.0GiB 2.16TiB 2.18TiB         [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23]    160             56
7        20.6GiB 2.16TiB 2.18TiB   [6,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23]    138             45
6        23.2GiB 2.16TiB 2.18TiB [5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23]    137             44
5        25.1GiB 2.16TiB 2.18TiB [4,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23]    160             52
4        19.1GiB 2.16TiB 2.18TiB [3,5,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23]    142             50
0        23.2GiB 2.16TiB 2.18TiB   [1,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23]    144             59
1        20.2GiB 2.16TiB 2.18TiB [0,2,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23]    126             42
2        25.1GiB 2.16TiB 2.18TiB [1,3,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23]    152             46
3        27.0GiB 2.16TiB 2.18TiB [2,4,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23]    153             54
10       24.4GiB 2.16TiB 2.18TiB      [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,11,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23]    148             52
11       22.2GiB 2.16TiB 2.18TiB     [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,12,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23]    164             69
12       22.9GiB 2.16TiB 2.18TiB     [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,13,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23]    134             30
13       22.2GiB 2.16TiB 2.18TiB     [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,12,14,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23]    132             48
14       20.3GiB 2.16TiB 2.18TiB     [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,13,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23]    135             40
15       19.9GiB 2.16TiB 2.18TiB        [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,14,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23]    137             36
16       22.9GiB 2.16TiB 2.18TiB [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,17,18,19,20]    141             47
17       23.3GiB 2.16TiB 2.18TiB       [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,18]    148             47
18       26.0GiB 2.16TiB 2.18TiB       [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,17,19]    154             43
19       21.0GiB 2.16TiB 2.18TiB       [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,18,20]    141             43
20       25.4GiB 2.16TiB 2.18TiB       [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,19,21]    151             60
21       18.8GiB 2.16TiB 2.18TiB       [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,20,22]    140             49
sum       550GiB 51.9TiB 52.4TiB

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph pg map 7.1e8
osdmap e190 pg 7.1e8 (7.1e8) -> up [0,14,16] acting [0,14,16]

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph status
    id:     b5fd132b-9ff4-470a-9a14-172eb48dc973
    health: HEALTH_OK

    mon: 3 daemons, quorum cu-pve04,cu-pve05,cu-pve06
    mgr: cu-pve04(active), standbys: cu-pve05, cu-pve06
    mds: kycfs-1/1/1 up  {0=cu-pve05=up:active}, 2 up:standby
    osd: 24 osds: 24 up, 24 in

    pools:   3 pools, 1152 pgs
    objects: 46.35k objects, 176GiB
    usage:   550GiB used, 51.9TiB / 52.4TiB avail
    pgs:     1152 active+clean

    client:   0B/s rd, 290KiB/s wr, 0op/s rd, 15op/s wr

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph time-sync-status
    "time_skew_status": {
        "cu-pve04": {
            "skew": 0.000000,
            "latency": 0.000000,
            "health": "HEALTH_OK"
        "cu-pve05": {
            "skew": 0.002848,
            "latency": 0.001070,
            "health": "HEALTH_OK"
        "cu-pve06": {
            "skew": 0.002570,
            "latency": 0.001064,
            "health": "HEALTH_OK"
    "timechecks": {
        "epoch": 22,
        "round": 3536,
        "round_status": "finished"

[email protected]-pve04:~# ceph versions
    "mon": {
        "ceph version 12.2.12 (39cfebf25a7011204a9876d2950e4b28aba66d11) luminous (stable)": 3
    "mgr": {
        "ceph version 12.2.12 (39cfebf25a7011204a9876d2950e4b28aba66d11) luminous (stable)": 3
    "osd": {
        "ceph version 12.2.12 (39cfebf25a7011204a9876d2950e4b28aba66d11) luminous (stable)": 24
    "mds": {
        "ceph version 12.2.12 (39cfebf25a7011204a9876d2950e4b28aba66d11) luminous (stable)": 3
    "overall": {
        "ceph version 12.2.12 (39cfebf25a7011204a9876d2950e4b28aba66d11) luminous (stable)": 33


时间: 2024-07-31 05:41:12



工作原理语法格式 工作原理sed是一个非交互式的流编辑器.所谓非交互式,是指使用sed只能在命令行下输入编辑命令来编辑文本,然后在屏幕上查看输出:而所谓流编辑器,是指sed每次只从文件(或输入)读入一行,然后对该行进行指定的处理,并将结果输出到屏幕(除非取消了屏幕输出又没有显式地使用打印命令),接着读入下一行.整个文件像流水一样被逐行处理然后逐行输出.下面我们看一下sed的工作过程.sed不是在原输入上直接进行处理的,而是先将读入的行放到缓冲区中,对缓冲区里的内容进行处理,处理完毕后也不会写回原


磁盘与分区及文件系统 [[email protected] ~]# hdparm -i /dev/sda 查看硬盘参数[[email protected] ~]# fdisk -l 查看所有分区[[email protected] ~]# df -h|column -t 查看各分区使用情况[[email protected] ~]# mount|column -t 查看挂载的分区状态[[email protected] ~]# du -sh /var/log 查看指定目录大小[[email pr


dmesg cat /proc/cpuinfo,/proc/meminfo,/proc/bus/usb/devices lspci,lsusb,lshal dmidecode [[email protected] ~]# dmesg |wc -l 1079 [[email protected] ~]# dmesg |grep cpu powernow-k8: Found 4 AMD Opteron(TM) Processor 6212 processors (16 cpu cores) (ver


[[email protected] ~]# yum install rpcbind Installed:  rpcbind.x86_64 0:0.2.0-11.el6Dependency Installed:  libgssglue.x86_64 0:0.1-11.el6                                               libtirpc.x86_64 0:0.2.1-6.el6_5.2[[email protected] network-script


1.翻屏 命令:Ctrl+f 描述:向下翻一屏 命令:Ctrl+b 描述:向上翻一屏 命令:Ctrl+d 描述:向下翻半屏 命令:Ctrl+u 描述:向上翻半屏


[email protected]:~$ ceph --help General usage: ==============usage: ceph [-h] [-c CEPHCONF] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [--id CLIENT_ID] [--name CLIENT_NAME] [--cluster CLUSTER] [--admin-daemon ADMIN_SOCKET] [--admin-socket ADMIN_SOCKET_NOPE] [


结合网络.官网.手动查询等多方渠道,整理ceph维护管理常用命令,并且梳理常规命令在使用过程中的逻辑顺序.另外整理期间发现ceph 集群的命令体系有点乱,详细情况各自体验. 一:ceph集群启动.重启.停止 1:ceph 命令的选项如下: 选项简写描述 --verbose-v详细的日志. --valgrindN/A(只适合开发者和质检人员)用 Valgrind 调试. --allhosts-a在 ceph.conf 里配置的所有主机上执行,否 则它只在本机执行. --restartN/A核心转储


结合网络.官网.手动查询等多方渠道,整理ceph维护管理常用命令,并且梳理常规命令在使用过程中的逻辑顺序.另外整理期间发现ceph 集群的命令体系有点乱,详细情况各自体验. 一:ceph集群启动.重启.停止 1:ceph 命令的选项如下: 选项 简写 描述 --verbose -v 详细的日志. --valgrind N/A (只适合开发者和质检人员)用 Valgrind 调试. --allhosts -a 在 ceph.conf 里配置的所有主机上执行,否 则它只在本机执行. --restar

串口屏之------Usart GPU 使用手册

Usart GPU 使用手册 文档更新日期 更新内容 2014-9-10 C编程sprintf问题 2014-8-8 版本程序1.0,升级了自定义波特率部分 ------ 原始版本 第一部分:基础应用 概述: Usart 是串口的意思,GPU 是图形处理器的意思,产品的含义是做一个单片机使用的专用图形处理器,或者称之为串口液晶显示模块. 一. 接线 开箱后,可以将串口输出的4根引脚焊上排插,使用杜邦线将串口接到USB转TTL线上,即可接到电脑USB口上上电,屏幕即会显示第一屏的Hello界面: