As well as REST web services, you can also use Spring MVC to serve dynamic HTML content. Spring MVC supports a variety of templating technologies, including Thymeleaf, FreeMarker, and JSPs. Also, many other templating engines include their own Spring MVC integrations.
Spring Boot includes auto-configuration support for the following templating engines:
* FreeMarker
* Groovy
* Thymeleaf
* Mustache
If possible, JSPs should be avoided. There are several known limitations when using them with embedded servlet containers
When you use one of these templating engines with the default configuration, your templates are picked up automatically from src/main/resources/templates.
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 2 <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 3 xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd"> 4 <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> 5 <parent> 6 <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> 7 <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-parent</artifactId> 8 <version>2.1.4.RELEASE</version> 9 <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository --> 10 </parent> 11 <groupId>com.hnnz</groupId> 12 <artifactId>demo</artifactId> 13 <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version> 14 <name>SpringBootDemo</name> 15 <description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description> 16 17 18 <properties> 19 <java.version>1.8</java.version> 20 </properties> 21 22 23 <dependencies> 24 <dependency> 25 <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> 26 <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactId> 27 </dependency> 28 29 30 <dependency> 31 <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> 32 <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-test</artifactId> 33 <scope>test</scope> 34 </dependency> 35 36 37 <dependency> 38 <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> 39 <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf</artifactId> 40 </dependency> 41 42 43 <!-- Compile --> 44 <dependency> 45 <groupId>javax.servlet</groupId> 46 <artifactId>jstl</artifactId> 47 </dependency> 48 <!-- Provided --> 49 <dependency> 50 <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> 51 <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-tomcat</artifactId> 52 <scope>provided</scope> 53 </dependency> 54 <dependency> 55 <groupId>org.apache.tomcat.embed</groupId> 56 <artifactId>tomcat-embed-jasper</artifactId> 57 <scope>provided</scope> 58 </dependency> 59 60 61 </dependencies> 62 63 64 <build> 65 <plugins> 66 <plugin> 67 <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> 68 <artifactId>spring-boot-maven-plugin</artifactId> 69 </plugin> 70 </plugins> 71 </build> 72 73 74 </project>
- 红色标注部分是SpringBoot集成Thymeleaf
- 蓝色划去部分是我们上一章整合JSP的内容,这里可以忽略或者删除
1 spring.mvc.view.prefix: /resources/templates/ 2 spring.mvc.view.suffix: .html
其实还是修改前缀后缀,但是这里我们完全可以不写,因为本章最开始的英文文档已经说过:Spring会默认的去/resources/templates/ 下寻找HTML模板
1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en" xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org"> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 5 <title>Title</title> 6 </head> 7 <body> 8 Hello,Thymeleaf! 9 </body> 10 </html>
绿色部分表示 声明当前文件是 thymeleaf, 里面可以用th开头的属性
1 package com.hnnz.demo.controller; 2 3 4 import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; 5 import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; 6 import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody; 7 import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; 8 9 10 @Controller 11 public class HelloController { 12 13 14 @RequestMapping("/hello") 15 @ResponseBody 16 public String hello(){ 17 return "Hello,Spring Boot!"; 18 } 19 20 21 @RequestMapping("/index") 22 public String index() { 23 return "index"; 24 } 25 26 27 }
④,访问 http://localhost:8080/index 浏览器返回的视图如下
1 package com.hnnz.demo.controller; 2 3 4 import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; 5 import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap; 6 import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; 7 import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody; 8 import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; 9 10 11 @Controller 12 public class HelloController { 13 14 15 private String hello = "Hello,Thymeleaf!"; 16 17 18 @RequestMapping("/hello") 19 @ResponseBody 20 public String hello(){ 21 return "Hello,Spring Boot!"; 22 } 23 24 25 @RequestMapping("/index") 26 public String index(ModelMap modelMap) { 27 modelMap.addAttribute("hello",hello); 28 return "index"; 29 } 30 31 32 }
- 我们要做的就是将这个类里面的私有属性hello传递到html文件中
- ModelMap实质上就是一个Map集合,我们可以通过addAttribute(String,Object)方法添加值
1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en" xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org"> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 5 <title>Title</title> 6 </head> 7 <body> 8 <p th:text="${hello}"></p> 9 </body> 10 </html>
③,访问 http://localhost:8080/index 浏览器返回的视图如下
Thymeleaf也有其他用法,比如判断,遍历等等,这里给出一个表格,不再赘述,你也可以参阅官方文档了解它的用法,地址: https://www.thymeleaf.org/documentation.html
关键字 |
功能介绍 |
案例 |
th:id |
替换id |
<input th:id="‘xxx‘ + ${collect.id}"/> |
th:text |
文本替换 |
<p th:text="${collect.description}">description</p> |
th:utext |
支持html的文本替换 |
<p th:utext="${htmlcontent}">conten</p> |
th:object |
替换对象 |
<div th:object="${session.user}"> |
th:value |
属性赋值 |
<input th:value="${user.name}" /> |
th:with |
变量赋值运算 |
<div th:with="isEven=${prodStat.count}%2==0"></div> |
th:style |
设置样式 |
th: |
th:onclick |
点击事件 |
th:onclick="‘getCollect()‘" |
th:each |
遍历 |
tr th:each="user,userStat:${users}"> |
th:if |
判断条件 |
<a th:if="${userId == collect.userId}" > |
th:unless |
和th:if判断相反 |
<a th:href="@{/login}" th:unless=${session.user != null}>Login</a> |
th:href |
链接地址 |
<a th:href="@{/login}" th:unless=${session.user != null}>Login</a> /> |
th:switch |
多路选择 配合th:case 使用 |
<div th:switch="${user.role}"> |
th:case |
th:switch的一个分支 |
<p th:case="‘admin‘">User is an administrator</p> |
th:fragment |
布局标签,定义一个代码片段,方便其它地方引用 |
<div th:fragment="alert"> |
th:include |
布局标签,替换内容到引入的文件 |
<head th:include="layout :: htmlhead" th:with="title=‘xx‘"></head> /> |
th:replace |
布局标签,替换整个标签到引入的文件 |
<div th:replace="fragments/header :: title"></div> |
th:selected |
selected选择框 选中 |
th:selected="(${xxx.id} == ${configObj.dd})" |
th:src |
图片类地址引入 |
<img class="img-responsive" alt="App Logo" th:src="@{/img/logo.png}" /> |
th:inline |
定义js脚本可以使用变量 |
<script type="text/javascript" th:inline="javascript"> |
th:action |
表单提交的地址 |
<form action="subscribe.html" th:action="@{/subscribe}"> |
th:remove |
删除某个属性 |
<tr th:remove="all"> 1.all:删除包含标签和所有的孩子。2.body:不包含标记删除,但删除其所有的孩子。3.tag:包含标记的删除,但不删除它的孩子。4.all-but-first:删除所有包含标签的孩子,除了第一个。5.none:什么也不做。这个值是有用的动态评估。 |
th:attr |
设置标签属性,多个属性可以用逗号分隔 |
比如th:attr="[email protected]{/image/aa.jpg},title=#{logo}",此标签不太优雅,一般用的比较少。 |