POJ 3872 Nescafe模拟赛 Laser



Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K
Total Submissions: 117   Accepted: 32


Consider a set K of positive integers.
Let p and q be two non-zero decimal digits. Call them K-equivalent if the following condition applies:

For every n
K, if you replace one digit p with q or one digit q with p in the
decimal notation of n then the resulting number will be an element of K.

For example, when K is the set of integers divisible by 3, the
digits 1, 4, and 7 are K-equivalent. Indeed, replacing a 1 with a 4 in
the decimal notation of a number never changes its divisibility by 3.

It can be seen that K-equivalence is an equivalence relation (it is reflexive, symmetric and transitive).

You are given a finite set K in form of a union of disjoint finite intervals of positive integers.

Your task is to find the equivalence classes of digits 1 to 9.


The first line contains n, the number of intervals composing the set K (1 <= n <= 10 000).

Each of the next n lines contains two positive integers ai and bi
that describe the interval [ai, bi] (i. e. the set of positive integers
between ai and bi, inclusive), where 1 <= ai <= bi <= 1018. Also, for i [2..n]: ai >= b(i-1) + 2.


Represent each equivalence class as a concatenation of its elements, in ascending order.

Output all the equivalence classes of digits 1 to 9, one at a line, sorted lexicographically.

Sample Input

Sample Input #1:
1 566

Sample Input #2:
30 75

Sample Output

Sample Output #1:

Sample Output #2:


Northeastern Europe 2009

时间: 2024-10-10 14:09:24

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