nfs umount 卸载不掉 Stale file handle


umount /xxx
umount.nfs: /xxx: device is busy
umount.nfs: /xxx: device is busy


umount -l /xxx  就可以卸载了

当然,也有可能是我挂在了 /xxx ,然后在/xxx下同时也挂在了/xxx/yyy,如果使用

umount -l /xxx/yyy 就会报错

umount -l /xxx/yyy
umount.nfs: /xxx/yyy: Stale file handle

这时,只需要使用umount -l /xxx就可以了

但是 ,我们使用mount 查看挂在的时候/xxx/yyy还是存在的,那么就可以

touch /xxx/yyy


umount -f  也可以试试

时间: 2024-08-14 07:13:46

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fuser -cu /usr/local/openresty/nginx/html/down/ fuser -ck /usr/local/openresty/nginx/html/down/ fuser -c /usr/local/openresty/nginx/html/down/ umount /usr/local/openresty/nginx/html/down/ CentOS下强行umount卸载设备

NFS挂载报如下错误信息:mount.nfs: Stale NFS file handle解决

1)用fuser杀掉占用那个目录的进程 linux:~ # fuser -k /home/msgplus/msgplus/remote_dir 2)强制umount linux:~ # umount -f /home/msgplus/msgplus/remote_dir 3)重新挂载 linux:~ # mount -t nfs /home/msgplus/msgplus/remote_dir -o nolock

umount 卸载

[email protected]:~# umount /home/opt/log/ umount.nfs: /home/opt/log/ device is busy umount.nfs: /home/opt/log/ device is busy [email protected]:~# umount -f /home/opt/log/   #加-f参数,多试几次即可


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