unity3d 制作打飞机小游戏




使用了官方的joystick类,但是官方没有提供c#版的joystick,这就导致了我不会将js脚本和c#脚本进行通信。最后解决办法是找到网络大牛翻译回来的joystick  c#版本,顺利实现摇杆。附上c#版joystick

using UnityEngine;


 * File: MPJoystick.cs

 * Author: Chris Danielson of (monkeyprism.com)


// USED TO BE: Joystick.js taken from Penelope iPhone Tutorial


// Joystick creates a movable joystick (via GUITexture) that 

// handles touch input, taps, and phases. Dead zones can control

// where the joystick input gets picked up and can be normalized.


// Optionally, you can enable the touchPad property from the editor

// to treat this Joystick as a TouchPad. A TouchPad allows the finger

// to touch down at any point and it tracks the movement relatively 

// without moving the graphic


public class MPJoystick : MonoBehaviour

    class Boundary

        public Vector2 min = Vector2.zero;

        public Vector2 max = Vector2.zero;

    private static MPJoystick[] joysticks;	 // A static collection of all joysticks

    private static bool enumeratedJoysticks = false;

    private static float tapTimeDelta = 0.3f;	 // Time allowed between taps
    public bool touchPad;

    public Vector2 position = Vector2.zero;

    public Rect touchZone;

    public Vector2 deadZone = Vector2.zero;	 // Control when position is output

    public bool normalize = false; // Normalize output after the dead-zone?

    public int tapCount;

    private int lastFingerId = -1;	 // Finger last used for this joystick

    private float tapTimeWindow;	 // How much time there is left for a tap to occur

    private Vector2 fingerDownPos;

    //private float fingerDownTime;

    //private float firstDeltaTime = 0.5f;
    private GUITexture gui;

    private Rect defaultRect;	 // Default position / extents of the joystick graphic

    private Boundary guiBoundary = new Boundary();	 // Boundary for joystick graphic

    private Vector2 guiTouchOffset;	 // Offset to apply to touch input

    private Vector2 guiCenter;	 // Center of joystick
    void Start()

        gui = (GUITexture)GetComponent(typeof(GUITexture));
        defaultRect = gui.pixelInset;

        defaultRect.x += transform.position.x * Screen.width;// + gui.pixelInset.x; // -  Screen.width * 0.5;

        defaultRect.y += transform.position.y * Screen.height;// - Screen.height * 0.5;
        transform.position = Vector3.zero;
        if (touchPad)

            // If a texture has been assigned, then use the rect ferom the gui as our touchZone

            if (gui.texture)

                touchZone = defaultRect;


            guiTouchOffset.x = defaultRect.width * 0.5f;

            guiTouchOffset.y = defaultRect.height * 0.5f;
            // Cache the center of the GUI, since it doesn‘t change

            guiCenter.x = defaultRect.x + guiTouchOffset.x;

            guiCenter.y = defaultRect.y + guiTouchOffset.y;
            // Let‘s build the GUI boundary, so we can clamp joystick movement

            guiBoundary.min.x = defaultRect.x - guiTouchOffset.x;

            guiBoundary.max.x = defaultRect.x + guiTouchOffset.x;

            guiBoundary.min.y = defaultRect.y - guiTouchOffset.y;

            guiBoundary.max.y = defaultRect.y + guiTouchOffset.y;


    public Vector2 getGUICenter()

        return guiCenter;

    void Disable()

        gameObject.active = false;

        //enumeratedJoysticks = false;

    private void ResetJoystick()

        gui.pixelInset = defaultRect;

        lastFingerId = -1;

        position = Vector2.zero;

        fingerDownPos = Vector2.zero;

    private bool IsFingerDown()

        return (lastFingerId != -1);

    public void LatchedFinger(int fingerId)

        // If another joystick has latched this finger, then we must release it

        if (lastFingerId == fingerId)


    void Update()

        if (!enumeratedJoysticks)

            // Collect all joysticks in the game, so we can relay finger latching messages

            joysticks = (MPJoystick[])FindObjectsOfType(typeof(MPJoystick));

            enumeratedJoysticks = true;

        int count = Input.touchCount;
        if (tapTimeWindow > 0)

            tapTimeWindow -= Time.deltaTime;


            tapCount = 0;
        if (count == 0)



            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)

                Touch touch = Input.GetTouch(i);

                Vector2 guiTouchPos = touch.position - guiTouchOffset;
                bool shouldLatchFinger = false;

                if (touchPad)

                    if (touchZone.Contains(touch.position))

                        shouldLatchFinger = true;


                else if (gui.HitTest(touch.position))

                    shouldLatchFinger = true;

                // Latch the finger if this is a new touch

                if (shouldLatchFinger && (lastFingerId == -1 || lastFingerId != touch.fingerId))
                    if (touchPad)

                        //gui.color.a = 0.15;

                        lastFingerId = touch.fingerId;

                        //fingerDownPos = touch.position;

                        //fingerDownTime = Time.time;

                    lastFingerId = touch.fingerId;

                    // Accumulate taps if it is within the time window

                    if (tapTimeWindow > 0)



                        tapCount = 1;

                        tapTimeWindow = tapTimeDelta;

                    // Tell other joysticks we‘ve latched this finger

                    //for (  j : Joystick in joysticks )

                    foreach (MPJoystick j in joysticks)

                        if (j != this)



                if (lastFingerId == touch.fingerId)

                    // Override the tap count with what the iPhone SDK reports if it is greater

                    // This is a workaround, since the iPhone SDK does not currently track taps

                    // for multiple touches

                    if (touch.tapCount > tapCount)

                        tapCount = touch.tapCount;
                    if (touchPad)

                        // For a touchpad, let‘s just set the position directly based on distance from initial touchdown

                        position.x = Mathf.Clamp((touch.position.x - fingerDownPos.x) / (touchZone.width / 2), -1, 1);

                        position.y = Mathf.Clamp((touch.position.y - fingerDownPos.y) / (touchZone.height / 2), -1, 1);


                        // Change the location of the joystick graphic to match where the touch is

                        Rect r = gui.pixelInset;

                        r.x = Mathf.Clamp(guiTouchPos.x, guiBoundary.min.x, guiBoundary.max.x);

                        r.y = Mathf.Clamp(guiTouchPos.y, guiBoundary.min.y, guiBoundary.max.y);

                        gui.pixelInset = r;

                    if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended || touch.phase == TouchPhase.Canceled)




        if (!touchPad)

            // Get a value between -1 and 1 based on the joystick graphic location

            position.x = (gui.pixelInset.x + guiTouchOffset.x - guiCenter.x) / guiTouchOffset.x;

            position.y = (gui.pixelInset.y + guiTouchOffset.y - guiCenter.y) / guiTouchOffset.y;

        // Adjust for dead zone

        var absoluteX = Mathf.Abs(position.x);

        var absoluteY = Mathf.Abs(position.y);

        if (absoluteX < deadZone.x)

            // Report the joystick as being at the center if it is within the dead zone

            position.x = 0;


        else if (normalize)

            // Rescale the output after taking the dead zone into account

            position.x = Mathf.Sign(position.x) * (absoluteX - deadZone.x) / (1 - deadZone.x);

        if (absoluteY < deadZone.y)

            // Report the joystick as being at the center if it is within the dead zone

            position.y = 0;


        else if (normalize)

            // Rescale the output after taking the dead zone into account

            position.y = Mathf.Sign(position.y) * (absoluteY - deadZone.y) / (1 - deadZone.y);




        Vector2 screenpos = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(m_transform.position);
        float x = screenpos.x;
        float y = screenpos.y;
        float cross_x = Screen.width;
        float cross_y = Screen.height;
        float xx=-1.0f;
        float yy=5.0f;
        float cross_xx=5.0f;
        float cross_yy=15.0f;

        if (x < 0)
            m_transform.position = new Vector3(xx, m_transform.position.y, m_transform.position.z);
        else if (x > cross_x)
            m_transform.position = new Vector3(cross_xx, m_transform.position.y, m_transform.position.z);
        if (y < 0)
            m_transform.position = new Vector3(m_transform.position.x, m_transform.position.y, yy);
        else if (y > cross_y)
            m_transform.position = new Vector3(m_transform.position.x, m_transform.position.y, cross_yy);


unity3d 制作打飞机小游戏

时间: 2024-08-05 19:32:02

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在这篇博文中,我们准备为打飞机小游戏添加一个暂停的功能,即用户在游戏过程中随时可以通过单击屏幕右上方的一个暂停按钮来暂停和恢复游戏.这个功能看似比较简单,但其中涉及了鼠标操作.图片切换.代码结构的重置等等,接下来我们一一进行介绍. 1.加载暂停按钮图标 在image文件夹下一共有四张暂停按钮的图片,分别为深色和浅色两组,首先在main()函数中加载相关图片资源并初始化暂停/开始标志位: paused = False # 标志是否暂停游戏 pause_nor_image = pygame.imag


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之前的工作已经基本上将我方飞机的图形显示工作做的差不多了,这篇博客中我们将开始添加敌方飞机——小型敌机.中型敌机(直升机)和大型敌机(坦克).新建一个enemy.py文件,导入pygame和random模块,开始编写吧(还是要注意文件编码问题,以后就不再啰嗦了). 敌方飞机类与我方飞机模块有一定的相似性,但不会左右移动,不会发射子弹等等.小型敌机是敌方飞机中最基本的类型,一击毙命,没有血量.没有出场音效.中型敌机有一定血量,损毁时附带特殊音效.大型敌机血量最多,出场和损毁时都有特殊音效,游戏中中


思路分析: 一.制作一个地图 二.地图中放置墙.箱子.人.目标等 三.让小人动起来完成推箱子动作 游戏制作: 1.按照上述地图制作一个地图  (12行×13列) 地图可以看做是行和列组成的,即可以看做是由二维数组组成的 2.实体化:将0转换为空格,1转换为黑色方块 3.设置箱子.人.目标点 4.先让小人动起来,实现小人向上移动,因为坐标的交换,所以箱子向下移动了,同理,改变坐标可以实现向左.向下.向右移动 向下移动:y+1;向左移动:x-1;向右移动:x+1; 5.实现推箱子,以向上移动为例,其


现在飞机已经能够带着血条突突突飞下来让玩家虐,于是我们给用户一点打飞机的成就感——计分系统以及难度递增机制. 1.计分系统 首先,我们在main()函数中添加全局变量(score)并初始化为零用以统计当前用户的打飞机得分: score = 0 # 统计用户得分 接下来只需要在敌机销毁时对score进行累加就可以了,我们在这里先给敌机标个价:小型敌机一架值500分,中型敌机一架值2000分,大型敌机一架值6000分,然后在敌机损毁时根据敌机类型选择加多少分,对于小型敌机: for each in