python __new__



This method is only used for new-style classes (classes inheriting from object).

Called to create a new instance of class cls. new is a static method (special-cased so you need not declare it as such) that takes the class of which an instance was requested as its first argument. The remaining arguments are those passed to the object constructor expression (the call to the class). The return value of new should be the new object instance (usually an instance of cls).

Typical implementations create a new instance of the class by invoking the superclass’s new method using “super(currentclass, cls).new(cls[, …])” with appropriate arguments and then modifying the newly-created instance as necessary before returning it.

If new returns an instance of cls, then the new instance’s init method will be invoked like “init(self[, …])”, where self is the new instance and the remaining arguments are the same as were passed to new.

If new does not return an instance of cls, then the new instance’s init method will not be invoked.

[new]] is intended mainly to allow subclasses of immutable types (like [int, str, or tuple) to customize instance creation.

  • 静态方法
  • 构建cls对象
  • 如果__new__返回cls实例,__init__将被调用
  • 如果__new__返回为空,__init__不会被调用
  • init 实例方法,初始化实例



  • 重写new 但是不返回实例
  • code
  1. class A(object):
  2. a = 1
  3. def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
  4. print ‘+ A new‘
  5. inst = super(A, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
  6. print ‘- A new‘
  7. #return inst
  8. def __init__(self):
  9. print ‘+ A init‘
  10. print ‘- A init‘
  11. a = A()
  12. print type(a)
  13. + A new
  14. - A new
  15. <type ‘NoneType‘>
  • 结论:

    1 new无cls实例返回,初始化实例后将位None

    2 init方法并没有被调用


  • new 方法重写,调用超类的new并返回实例
  1. class A(object):
  2. a = 1
  3. def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
  4. print ‘+ A new‘
  5. inst = super(A, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
  6. print ‘- A new‘
  7. return inst
  8. def __init__(self):
  9. print ‘+ A init‘
  10. print ‘- A init‘
  11. a = A()
  12. print type(a)
  13. 结果
  14. + A new
  15. - A new
  16. + A init
  17. - A init
  18. <class ‘__main__.A‘>


  1. class A(object):
  2. _inst = None
  3. def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
  4. print ‘+ A new‘
  5. if not cls._inst:
  6. print ‘do new.‘
  7. cls._inst = super(A, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
  8. cls._inst.inst_count = 0
  9. print ‘- A new‘
  10. return cls._inst
  11. def __init__(self):
  12. print ‘+ A init‘
  13. self.inst_count += 1
  14. print ‘- A init‘
  15. a = A()
  16. print type(a), a.inst_count
  17. aa = A()
  18. print type(aa), aa.inst_count
  19. aaa = A()
  20. print type(aaa), aaa.inst_count
  • 结果
  1. + A new
  2. do new.
  3. - A new
  4. + A init
  5. - A init
  6. <class ‘__main__.A‘> 1
  7. + A new
  8. - A new
  9. + A init
  10. - A init
  11. <class ‘__main__.A‘> 2
  12. + A new
  13. - A new
  14. + A init
  15. - A init
  16. <class ‘__main__.A‘> 3


时间: 2024-11-05 00:38:42

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python __new__, __init__,__call__区别



1. 单例模式 单例模式(Singleton Pattern)是一种常用的软件设计模式,该模式的主要目的是确保某一个类只有一个实例存在.当你希望在整个系统中,某个类只能出现一个实例时,单例对象就能派上用场. 比如,某个服务器程序的配置信息存放在一个文件中,客户端通过一个 AppConfig 的类来读取配置文件的信息.如果在程序运行期间,有很多地方都需要使用配置文件的内容,也就是说,很多地方都需要创建 AppConfig 对象的实例,这就导致系统中存在多个 AppConfig 的实例对象,而这样会


__new__() 函数只能用于从object继承的新式类. 先看下object类中对__new__()方法的定义: class object:   @staticmethod # known case of __new__   def __new__(cls, *more): # known special case of object.__new__     """ T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a s


__init__与__new__这两个魔法方法组成了Python类对象的构造器,在Python类实例化时,其实最先调用的不是__init__而是__new__.__new__是负责实例化对象的,而__init__是初始化操作.__del__是析构器,当Python对象的所有引用都不存在了(被del了),就会自动触发__del__执行. class CapStr(str): def __new__(cls, string): #此时string = 'i love you' cls是CapStr这