重构14-Break Responsibilities


public class Video {    public void PayFee(Double fee) {    }    public void RentVideo(Video video, Customer customer) {        customer.Videos.add(video);}    public Double CalculateBalance(Customer customer) {        return customer.sum(customer.LateFees);}}public class Customer {    public List<Double> LateFees;    public List<Video> Videos;    double sum(List<Double> LateFees){        double sum=0d;        for (Double d:LateFees){            sum=+d;}        return sum;}}



public class Video {    public void RentVideo(Video video, Customer customer) {        customer.Videos.add(video);}}

public class Customer {    public List<Double> LateFees;    public List<Video> Videos;    public void PayFee(Double fee){}    public Double CalculateBalance(Customer customer) {        return sum(customer.LateFees);}    double sum(List<Double> LateFees) {        double sum = 0d;        for (Double d : LateFees) {            sum = +d;}        return sum;}}


时间: 2024-10-27 13:08:00

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