leetcode笔记:Reorder List



直接按照题目的要求求解,设ListNode *head为待处理的链表,算法包括以下步骤:

1. 将链表head分为前后两部分,前半部分链表head1 和后半部分链表head2;

2. 将后半段链表head12做逆序操作;

3. 合并head1, head2;


struct ListNode
    int value;
    ListNode *next;
    ListNode(int x) : value(x), next(NULL){};

class Solution
    ListNode * reorderList(ListNode *head) {
        if (head == NULL || head->next == NULL)
            return head;
        ListNode *slow = head;
        ListNode *fast = head;
        ListNode *cut = head;
        while (fast && fast->next)
            cut = slow;
            slow = slow->next;
            fast = fast->next->next;
        cut->next = NULL;

        slow = reverseList(slow);
        ListNode *result = mergeList(head, slow);
        return result;

    ListNode* reverseList(ListNode *head) // 翻转链表
        if (head == NULL || head->next == NULL)
            return head;
        ListNode *prev = head;
        ListNode *curr = head->next;
        ListNode *temp = curr;
        prev->next = NULL;

        while (curr)
            temp = curr->next;
            curr->next = prev;
            prev = curr;
            curr = temp;
        return prev;

    ListNode* mergeList(ListNode *head1, ListNode *head2)
        ListNode* temp1 = head1;
        ListNode* temp2 = head2;
        ListNode* pMerge = head1;
        bool flag = true;

        while (temp1 != NULL && temp2 != NULL)
            if (flag  && temp2 != NULL)
                temp1 = head1->next;
                head1->next = temp2;
                head1 = head1->next;
                flag = false;
            if (!flag  && temp1 != NULL)
                temp2 = head1->next;
                head1->next = temp1;
                head1 = head1->next;
                flag = true;
        return pMerge;





时间: 2024-12-14 08:13:45

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