Machine Learning Techniques -0

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时间: 2024-11-09 03:55:58

Machine Learning Techniques -0的相关文章

Machine Learning Techniques -1-Linear Support Vector Machine

1-Linear Support Vector Machine 我们将这种定义为margin,则之前判断最优划分的问题转化为寻找最大margain的问题. 对于待选的几个w所表示的线,问题转化成利用对应w比较相对距离的问题. 此时定义w为方向向量,b为之前的w0,即bia. 由于w就是所求点到直线的法线方向,问题转化为求投影的问题. 因为每个点对应符号yn只有在和距离表示的绝对值内部符号为+的时候才说明划分正确,所以可以乘上yn来去除abs() 这里的距离是一种容忍度,所以我们选其中最近的那个.

Machine Learning Techniques -3-Dual Support Vector Machine

For the naive thought to practise my academic English skill, the rest of my notes will be wrriten in my terrrible English.XD If you have any kind of uncomfortable feel, please close this window and refer to the original edition from Mr. Lin. I will b

Machine Learning Techniques -5-Kernel Logistic Regression

5-Kernel Logistic Regression Last class, we learnt about soft margin and its application. Now, a new idea comes to us, could we apply the kernel trick to our old frirend logistic regression? Firstly, let's review those four concepts of margin handlin

Machine Learning Techniques -6-Support Vector Regression

6-Support Vector Regression For the regression with squared error, we discuss the kernel ridge regression. With the knowledge of kernel function, could we find an analytic solution for kernel ridge regression? Since we want to find the best βn Howeve

A Survey of Machine Learning Techniques Applied to Software Defined Networking (SDN): Research Issues and Challenges

将机器学习用到SDN中的综述:研究的问题和挑战 从流量分类.路由优化.服务质量(Qos)/体验质量(QoE)预测.资源管理和安全性的角度,回顾了机器学习算法如何应用于SDN领域. 相关知识 在SDN中应用机器学习是合适的原因: 图形处理单元GPU和张量处理单元TPU等技术为机器学习提供了很好的机会: 集中式SDN控制器具有全局网络视图,能够收集各种网络数据,便于机器学习算法的应用. 基于实时和历史网络数据,机器学习技术可以通过执行数据分析,网络优化和网络服务的自动提供来为SDN控制器提供智能化.

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