mysqldump: Error: Binlogging on server not active


[[email protected] backup]# ./

Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.


# Remove leading # to turn on a very important data integrity option: logging
# changes to the binary log between backups.


时间: 2024-11-29 09:06:45

mysqldump: Error: Binlogging on server not active的相关文章

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Redhat 6.5 X64   Mysql 5.7执行备份: [[email protected] 3306]# mysqldump -u root -p --master-data=2 --single-transaction -R --triggers -A > all.sqlEnter password: mysqldump: Error: Binlogging on server not active 解决方案: sudo vi /etc/my.cnf 在[mysqld]标签下添加:

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mysql error: (2006, &#39;MySQL server has gone away&#39;)

max_allowed_packet=16M wait_timeout=400000 interactive_timeout = 400000 vim /etc/my.cnf  mysqld 中加入上面的内容. mysql error: (2006, 'MySQL server has gone away')

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