
#!/usr/bin/env python
import tab,os,sys
exitcheck = False
listfile = ‘‘
Dictionary = {}
#with open(listfile,‘a‘) as datafile
for line in datafile.readlines():
#print Dictionary

while exitcheck is False:
 print "Welcome AddressList!"
 print "  1#Display ALL List"
 print "  2#Find Item"
 print "  3#Addend Item"
 print "  4#Dell Item"
 print "  5#exit"
 InputOption=int(raw_input("Please Input option[1-5]:").strip())
 if InputOption == 1:
  print "1#Display ALL List"
  while InputOption != "q":
   for key in Dictionary.keys():
    print key,Dictionary[key][0],Dictionary[key][1],Dictionary[key][2]
    if page == 4 :
     InputOption = raw_input("q:break anyone:next").strip()
     if InputOption == "q": break
   if InputOption != "q":
    InputOption = raw_input("q:break anyone:restart").strip()
 elif InputOption == 2:
  while InputOption != "q":
   search = raw_input("Input Search Key:[>3 char,q:break]").strip()
   InputOption = search
   findkeyid = ‘Null‘
   if len(search) == 0:
   for id in Dictionary.keys():
    valus=‘ ‘.join(Dictionary[id])
    if valus.count(search) !=0 :
     p_str= valus[:valus.find(search)]
     print p_str
     findkeyid = id
   if findkeyid !=‘Null‘ and searchcount ==1:
    InputOption = raw_input("Option[d:del.  e:edit. anyone:break")
    if InputOption == "d":
     InputOption =raw_input("delete it yes or no?").strip()
     if InputOption =="y":
      del Dictionary[findkeyid]
      print "Del success!"
      InputOption = ‘‘
    elif InputOption =="e":
      #print findkeyidi
      print findkeyid+Dictionary[findkeyid][0]+" "+Dictionary[findkeyid][1]+" "+Dictionary[findkeyid][2]   
      if len(nkeyid)>0:
       print "Item Edit success! "
       #InputOption = "q"
   elif findkeyid >0:
    print "Find count:%s" % searchcount
    print "Not Find Item"
 elif InputOption ==3:
  while InputOption != "q":
   print "3#Addend Item"
   while len(nkeyid) == 0 or len(nname) == 0 :
    if len(nkeyid) > 0 and len(nname) > 0 :
     for keyid in Dictionary.keys():
      if keyid == nkeyid :
       print "ID is Repeat."
     if len(nkeyid)>0:
      print "Item Add success! "
      InputOption = "q"
     print "ID or name is Null."

elif InputOption ==4:
  while InputOption != "q":
   print "4#Dell Item"
   delkeyid=raw_input("DELETE ID:").strip()
   if len(delkeyid) > 0:
    del Dictionary[delkeyid]
    print "Del success!"
    InputOption = ‘q‘
 elif InputOption ==5:
  print "5#Exit"
 savefile = file(listfile,‘w‘)
 for key in Dictionary.keys():
  str = key + ‘ ‘ + Dictionary[key][0] + ‘ ‘ + Dictionary[key][1] + ‘ ‘ + Dictionary[key][2] + ‘\n‘

时间: 2024-12-15 01:36:11



效果图: #!/usr/bin/env pythonimport tab,os,sysexitcheck = Falselistfile = ''Dictionary = {}#with open(listfile,'a') as datafiledatafile=file(listfile,'r') line in datafile.readlines(): id=line.split()[0] name=line.spli


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