Bitbucket Repository size limits

Repository size limits

By Justen Stepka, Product Manager on May 30, 2014

In order to improve and maintain the overall performance for everyone who uses Bitbucket, we are rolling out size limits on newly-created repositories. Starting today, repository size limits will be:

  • Soft limit of 1 GB – In-product and email notifications will give you a heads-up that you’re approaching the limit.
  • Hard limit of 2 GB – Pushing to the repository will be disabled until you’re back under the limit.

If you already have a repository that is larger than the 2GB limit, your repository has been grandfathered so you won’t have any issues.

Should you find your new repository approaching the 1GB soft limit, check out our documentation on

how to reduce repository sizes or our blog

“How to handle big repositories”.

Of course, Bitbucket still offers

unlimited private repositories free for five users!

时间: 2024-08-25 18:47:09

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