youtube-VisualSfM and MeshLab workflow video-meshlab part integration

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!go die

what if sb. give me a tut like this!


  1. open
  2. filter->point set->compute normals...->click flip normals...->apply->close
  3. edit->select connected..
  4. click the seventh BUTTON in nav bar
  5. filter->point set->surface re..->set paras to 12 10 2 ->apply->close AFRAID OF CRASH
  6. filter->texture->parameterization from registerd rasters..->toggle the first second forth check box->apply->close
  7. filter->camera->project active rasters color to current mesh,filling..->_color.png change to color.png,1024 change to 2048->apply->close
  8. file->export file as->click color.png,toggle normal->ok
  9. file->reload
  10. filter->texture->parameterization+texturing...->1024 change to 2048->toggle "use distance weight""use image border weight"->apply->close
  11. optional)filter->selection->select non maniford vertices
时间: 2024-08-03 07:46:18

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