

How To


Optimize your scene


Table of contents 内容列表

  1. How To Optimize Your Scene 如何优化你的场景
    1. Use TransformNode instead of AbstractMesh or empty meshes 使用变换节点代替抽象网格或者空网格
    2. Changing per mesh culling strategy改变每个网格的剔除策略
    3. Reducing Shaders Overhead降低着色器开销
    4. Reducing World Matrices Computation 减少世界矩阵计算
    5. Freezing the active meshes 冻结活动的网格
    6. Reducing draw calls 减少绘制调用
    7. Reducing calls to gl.clear() 减少gl.clear()的调用
    8. Using depth pre-pass 使用深度预加载
    9. Using unindexed meshes 使用未索引的网格
    10. Turning AdaptToDeviceRatio Off 关闭适应设备比例(ratio是比例,rate是速率)
    11. Blocking the dirty mechanism 停止不好的机制
    12. Using Animation Ratio 使用动画比率
    13. Handling WebGL context lost 处理WebGL上下文丢失
    14. Scene with large number of meshes 处理包含大量网格的场景
    15. Instrumentation 仪表
      1. EngineInstrumentation 引擎仪表
      2. SceneInstrumentation 场景仪表
  2. Further Reading 进一步阅读
    1. More Advanced - L3 更进一步

How To Optimize Your Scene


This tutorial will help you find some links and info on how you can improve your scene regarding rendering performance.


Use TransformNode instead of AbstractMesh or empty meshes


If you need node containers or transform nodes, do not use meshes but TransformNode instead. Use meshes only when associated with content to render.


The meshes need to go through an evaluation process where the camera checks if they are in the frustum. This is an expensive process so reducing the number of candidates by using TransformNode when possible is a good practice.



Changing per mesh culling strategy


Starting with Babylon.js v3.3, you can now specify a strategy used to cull a specific mesh with mesh.cullingStrategy.

从Babylon.js v3.3开始,你可以设定一个策略来剔除一个特定的网格,通过设置mesh.cullingStrategy

You can set it to:


  • BABYLON.AbstractMesh.CULLINGSTRATEGY_STANDARD: This is the default value and it will use a combination of bounding sphere culling, bounding box culling and then frustum culling


  • BABYLON.AbstractMesh.CULLINGSTRATEGY_BOUNDINGSPHERE_ONLY: This strategy will use a bounding sphere culling and then frustum culling. This is faster than the standard one but can imply having more meshes sent to the GPU. Really useful if you are CPU bound.


Reducing Shaders Overhead


Babylon.js uses an advanced and automatic shaders engine. This system will keep shaders up to date regarding material options. If you are using a static material (ie. an immutable material) then you can let it know to Babylon.js by using the following code:



Once frozen, the shader will remain unchanged even if you change material‘s properties. You will have to unfreeze it to update the inner shader:



Reducing World Matrices Computation


Every mesh has a world matrix to specify its position / rotation / scaling. This matrix is evaluated on every frame. You can improve performances by freezing this matrix. Any subsequent changes to position / rotation / scaling will then be ignore:



You can unfreeze a mesh with:



Freezing the active meshes


If you are CPU bound, you can decide to keep the list of active meshes unchanged and then free the time spent by the CPU to determine active meshes:



You can unfreeze the active meshes with:



Note that you can force a mesh to be in the active meshes before freezing the list with mesh.alwaysSelectAsActiveMesh = true.

注意你可以在冻结活动网格列表前,强制一个网格进入活动网格列表,通过mesh.alwaysSelectAsActiveMesh = true.


Reducing draw calls


As soon as you can please use instances as they are drawn with one single draw call.


If sharing the same material is a problem, you can then think about using clones which share the same geometry with mesh.clone("newName")



Reducing calls to gl.clear()


By default, Babylon.js automatically clears the color, depth, and stencil buffers before rendering the scene. It also clears the depth and stencil buffers after switching to a new camera and before rendering a new RenderingGroup. On systems with poor fill rates, these can add up quickly and have a significant impact on performance.


If your scene is set up in such a way that the viewport is always 100% filled with opaque geometry (if you‘re always inside a skybox, for instance), you can disable the default scene clearing behavior with:


scene.autoClear = false; // Color buffer颜色缓存
scene.autoClearDepthAndStencil = false; // Depth and stencil, obviously显然是深度和模板缓存

If you know that the geometry in a particular RenderingGroup will always be positioned in front of geometry from other groups, you can disable buffer clearing for that group with the following:


scene.setRenderingAutoClearDepthStencil(renderingGroupIdx, autoClear, depth, stencil);

autoClear: true to enable auto clearing. If false, overrides depth and stencil


depth: Defaults to true to enable clearing of the depth buffer


stencil: Defaults to true to enable clearing of the stencil buffer


Go ahead and be aggressive with these settings. You‘ll know if it‘s not appropriate for your application if you see any smearing!



Using depth pre-pass


When dealing with complex scenes, it could be useful to use depth pre-pass. This technique will render designated meshes only in the depth buffer to leverage early depth test rejection. This could be used for instance when a scene contains meshes with advanced shaders. To enable a depth pre-pass for a mesh, just call mesh.material.needDepthPrePass = true.

在处理复杂的场景时,使用深度预传递是很有用的。这项技术将只在深度缓存中(意思是一个不显示的网格,但能影响其他网格的显示?)渲染指定的网格,来影响早期的深度测试剔除。在有网格应用了高级着色器的场景中这会很有用。要启用一个网格的深度预传递,只需要调用:mesh.material.needDepthPrePass = true.

Using unindexed meshes


By default Babylon.js uses indexed meshes where vertices can be reuse by faces. When vertex reuse is low and when vertex structure is fairly simple (like just a position and a normal) then you may want to unfold your vertices and stop using indices:



For example this works very well for a cube where it is more efficient to send 32 positions instead of 24 positions and 32 indices.



Turning AdaptToDeviceRatio Off


By default, Babylon.js will adapt to device ratio in order to produce the best possible quality even on high-DPI devices.


The drawback is that this could cost a lot on low-end devices. You can turn it off with the fourth parameter of the Engine constructor:


var engine = new BABYLON.Engine(canvas, antialiasing, null, false);

In the same constructor, you may also want to turn off antialiasing support with the second parameter.


Blocking the dirty mechanism


By default the scene will keep all materials up to date when you change a property that could potentially impact them (alpha, texture update, etc...). To do so the scene needs to go through all materials and flag them as dirty. This could be a potential bottleneck if you have a lot of material.


To prevent this automatic update, you can execute:


scene.blockMaterialDirtyMechanism = true;

Do not forget to restore it to false when you are done with your batch changes.



Using Animation Ratio


Babylon.js processes speed depending on the current frame rate.


On low-end devices animations or camera movement may differ from high-end devices. To compensate this you can use:



The return value is higher on low frame rates.


Handling WebGL context lost


Starting with version 3.1, Babylon.js can handle WebGL context lost event. This event is raised by the browser when the GPU needs to be taken away from your code. This can happen for instance when using WebVR in hybrid scenario (with multiple GPU). In this case, Babylon.js has to recreate ALL low level resources (including textures, shaders, program, buffers, etc.). The process is entirely transparent and done under the hood by Babylon.js.


As a developer you should not be concerned by this mechanism. However, to support this scenario, Babylon.js may need an additional amount of memory to keep track of resources creation. If you do not need to support WebGL context lost event, you can turn off the tracking by instantiating your engine with doNotHandleContextLost option set to true.


If you created resources that need to be rebuilt (like vertex buffers or index buffers), you can use the engine.onContextLostObservable and engine.onContextRestoredObservable observables to keep track of the context lost and context restored events.



Scene with large number of meshes


If you have a large number of meshes in a scene, and need to reduce the time spent in adding/removing thoses meshes to/from the scene, There are several options of the Scene constructor that can help :


  • Setting the option useGeometryIdsMap to true will speed-up the addition and removal of Geometry in the scene.


  • Setting the option useMaterialMeshMap to true will speed-up the disposing of Material by reducing the time spent to look for bound meshes.


  • Setting the option useClonedMeshMap to true will speed-up the disposing of Mesh by reducing the time spent to look for associated cloned meshes.


For each of this options turned on, Babylon.js will need an additional amount of memory.


Also, If you are disposing a large number of meshes in a row, you can save unecessary computation by turnning the scene property blockfreeActiveMeshesAndRenderingGroups to true just before disposing the meshes, and set it back to false just after, like this :


scene.blockfreeActiveMeshesAndRenderingGroups = true;
 * Dispose all the meshes in a row here在这里一次性回收所有的网格
scene.blockfreeActiveMeshesAndRenderingGroups = false;



Instrumentation is a key tool when you want to optimize a scene. It will help you figure out where are the bottlenecks so you will be able to optmize what needs to be optimized.




The EngineInstrumentation class allows you to get the following counters:


  • gpuFrameTimeCounter: Time (in nanoseconds) spent by the GPU to render a single frame. Must be turned on with instrumentation.captureGPUFrameTime = true.


  • shaderCompilationTimeCounter: Time (in milliseconds) spent by the CPU to compile all shaders. Must be turned on with instrumentation.captureShaderCompilationTime = true.


Here is an example of how to use engine instrumentation: -


  1 var createScene = function () {
  2     var scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);
  3     var camera = new BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera("Camera", 0, 0, 10, BABYLON.Vector3.Zero(), scene);
  4     var material = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("kosh", scene);
  5     var sphere1 = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateSphere("Sphere1", 32, 5, scene);
  6     var light = new BABYLON.PointLight("Omni0", new BABYLON.Vector3(-17.6, 18.8, -49.9), scene);
  8    camera.setPosition(new BABYLON.Vector3(-15, 3, 0));
  9     camera.attachControl(canvas, true);
 11    // Sphere1 material
 12     material.refractionTexture = new BABYLON.CubeTexture("/textures/TropicalSunnyDay", scene);
 13     material.reflectionTexture = new BABYLON.CubeTexture("/textures/TropicalSunnyDay", scene);
 14     material.diffuseColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0, 0, 0);
 15     material.invertRefractionY = false;
 16     material.indexOfRefraction = 0.98;
 17     material.specularPower = 128;
 18     sphere1.material = material;
 20    material.refractionFresnelParameters = new BABYLON.FresnelParameters();
 21     material.refractionFresnelParameters.power = 2;
 22     material.reflectionFresnelParameters = new BABYLON.FresnelParameters();
 23     material.reflectionFresnelParameters.power = 2;
 24     material.reflectionFresnelParameters.leftColor = BABYLON.Color3.Black();
 25     material.reflectionFresnelParameters.rightColor = BABYLON.Color3.White();
 27    // Skybox
 28     var skybox = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateBox("skyBox", 100.0, scene);
 29     var skyboxMaterial = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("skyBox", scene);
 30     skyboxMaterial.backFaceCulling = false;
 31     skyboxMaterial.reflectionTexture = new BABYLON.CubeTexture("/textures/TropicalSunnyDay", scene);
 32     skyboxMaterial.reflectionTexture.coordinatesMode = BABYLON.Texture.SKYBOX_MODE;
 33     skyboxMaterial.diffuseColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0, 0, 0);
 34     skyboxMaterial.specularColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0, 0, 0);
 35     skyboxMaterial.disableLighting = true;
 36     skybox.material = skyboxMaterial;
 38     var colorGrading = new BABYLON.ColorGradingTexture("/textures/LateSunset.3dl", scene);
 39     skyboxMaterial.cameraColorGradingTexture = colorGrading;
 40     material.cameraColorGradingTexture = colorGrading;
 41     skyboxMaterial.cameraColorGradingEnabled = true;
 42     material.cameraColorGradingEnabled = true;
 44     // Instrumentation初始化指示器
 45     var instrumentation = new BABYLON.EngineInstrumentation(engine);
 46     instrumentation.captureGPUFrameTime = true;
 47     instrumentation.captureShaderCompilationTime = true;
 49     // GUI
 50     var advancedTexture = BABYLON.GUI.AdvancedDynamicTexture.CreateFullscreenUI("UI");
 51     var stackPanel = new BABYLON.GUI.StackPanel();
 52     stackPanel.verticalAlignment = BABYLON.GUI.Control.VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_TOP;
 53     stackPanel.isVertical = true;
 54     advancedTexture.addControl(stackPanel);
 56     var text1 = new BABYLON.GUI.TextBlock();
 57     text1.text = "";
 58     text1.color = "white";
 59     text1.fontSize = 16;
 60     text1.height = "30px";
 61     stackPanel.addControl(text1);
 63     var text2 = new BABYLON.GUI.TextBlock();
 64     text2.text = "";
 65     text2.color = "white";
 66     text2.fontSize = 16;
 67     text2.height = "30px";
 68     stackPanel.addControl(text2);
 70     var text3 = new BABYLON.GUI.TextBlock();
 71     text3.text = "";
 72     text3.color = "white";
 73     text3.fontSize = 16;
 74     text3.height = "30px";
 75     stackPanel.addControl(text3);
 77     var text4 = new BABYLON.GUI.TextBlock();
 78     text4.text = "";
 79     text4.color = "white";
 80     text4.fontSize = 16;
 81     text4.height = "30px";
 82     stackPanel.addControl(text4);
 84     var text5 = new BABYLON.GUI.TextBlock();
 85     text5.text = "";
 86     text5.color = "white";
 87     text5.fontSize = 16;
 88     text5.height = "30px";
 89     stackPanel.addControl(text5);
 91     var i = 0;
 92     scene.registerBeforeRender(function () {
 93         colorGrading.level = Math.sin(i++ / 120) * 0.5 + 0.5;
 94       //读取指示器
 95         text1.text = "current frame time (GPU): " + (instrumentation.gpuFrameTimeCounter.current * 0.000001).toFixed(2) + "ms";
 96         text2.text = "average frame time (GPU): " + (instrumentation.gpuFrameTimeCounter.average * 0.000001).toFixed(2) + "ms";
 97         text3.text = "total shader compilation time: " + ( + "ms";
 98         text4.text = "average shader compilation time: " + (instrumentation.shaderCompilationTimeCounter.average).toFixed(2) + "ms";
 99         text5.text = "compiler shaders count: " + instrumentation.shaderCompilationTimeCounter.count;
100     });
102     return scene;
103 }

Please note that each counter is PerfCounter object which can provide multiple properties like average, total, min, max, count, etc.


GPU timer require a special extension (EXT_DISJOINT_TIMER_QUERY) in order to work. This extension has been disabled due to Spectre and Meltdown on all major browsers. This is still possible to use by enabling the flag gfx.webrender.debug.gpu-time-queries on firefox at the moment. This should be re-enabled soon in the browsers.




The SceneInstrumentation class allows you to get the following counters (per scene):


  • activeMeshesEvaluationTimeCounter: Time (in milliseconds) spent to evaluable active meshes (based on active camra frustum). Must be turned on with instrumentation.captureActiveMeshesEvaluationTime = true.

活动网格评价时间计数器:评价活动网格(根据活动相机的截锥体)所花费的时间(用毫秒表示)。必须设置instrumentation.captureActiveMeshesEvaluationTime= true.

  • renderTargetsRenderTimeCounter: Time (in milliseconds) spent to render all render target textures. Must be turned on with instrumentation.captureRenderTargetsRenderTime = true.

渲染目标渲染时间计数器:渲染所有渲染目标纹理所花费的时间(毫秒)必须设置instrumentation.captureRenderTargetsRenderTime = true.

  • drawCallsCounter: Number of draw calls (actual calls to engine.draw) per frame. A good advice is to keep this number as small as possible.


  • textureCollisionsCounter: Number of time a texture has to be removed to free a texture slot. Generally, there are 16 texture slots on most recent hardwares. Babylon.js will try to use all of them as the process of binding a texture is expensive. It is a good idea to try to keep this number as low as possible.


  • frameTimeCounter: Time (in milliseconds) spent to process an entire frame (including animations, physics, render targets, special fx, etc.). Must be turned on with instrumentation.captureFrameTime = true.

帧时间计数器:计算一整个帧(包括动画、物理效果、渲染目标、特殊效果等等)所花费的时间(毫秒)。必须设置instrumentation.captureFrameTime = true.

  • renderTimeCounter: Time (in milliseconds) spent to render a frame. Must be turned on with instrumentation.captureRenderTime = true.


  • interFrameTimeCounter: Time (in milliseconds) spent between two frames. Must be turned on with instrumentation.captureInterFrameTime = true.


  • particlesRenderTimeCounter: Time (in milliseconds) spent rendering particles (including animations). Must be turned on with instrumentation.captureParticlesRenderTime = true.


  • spritesRenderTimeCounter: Time (in milliseconds) spent rendering sprites. Must be turned on with instrumentation.captureSpritesRenderTime = true.


  • physicsTimeCounter: Time (in milliseconds) spent simulating physics. Must be turned on with instrumentation.capturePhysicsTime = true.


  • cameraRenderTimeCounter: Time (in milliseconds) spent to render a camera. Must be turned on with instrumentation.captureCameraRenderTime = true.


Those counters are all resetted to 0 at the beginning of each frame. Therefore it is easier to access them in the onAfterRender callback or observable.


Further Reading


More Advanced - L3

How to Use Scene Optimizer How To Optimize Your Scene With Octrees





时间: 2025-01-06 02:13:21



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