[Java in NetBeans] Lesson 01. Java Programming Basics



  1. Create new project, choose Java Application.
  2. one .jar file/ package(.jar name with the same as package), one package can contains mutiple .java files.
  3. Comment mutiple lines by using "/* */"; comment one line by using "//"
*  This is example to comment mutliple lines

// This is one line comment
  • A class is the template from which objects are created.
  • Objects is instances of a class.
  • public can be accessed by other class and private can not.
  • static means that you can use it without define it first.
  • void mens return nothing, like in C.
  • Statements should end with ;


时间: 2024-08-28 13:00:19

[Java in NetBeans] Lesson 01. Java Programming Basics的相关文章

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00 Java语言       由美国SUN公司发明于1995年,是目前业界应用最广泛.使用人数最多的语言,连续多年排名世界第一,可以称之为“计算机语言界的英语”. Java广泛应用于企业级软件开发.安卓移动开发.大数据云计算等领域,几乎涉及IT所有行业.   01 Java历史 1991年,James Gosling在SUN公司的工程师小组想要设计这样一种小型计算机语言.该语言主要用于像电视盒这样的消费类电子产品.另外,由于不同的厂商选择不同的CPU和操作系统,因此,要求该语言不能和特定的体系