白菜刷LeetCode记-384. Shuffle an Array




1) 将第一个元素与 n 个元素中的任意一个交换;

2) 将第二个与 n - 1 个元素进行交换;

3) 重复上述步骤,直到剩下1个元素。


 1 var original;
 2 var copy;
 3 var num;
 4 /**
 5  * @param {number[]} nums
 6  */
 7 var Solution = function(nums) {
 8     original = nums;
 9     copy = original.concat();
10     num = original.length;
11 };
14 /**
15  * Resets the array to its original configuration and return it.
16  * @return {number[]}
17  */
18 Solution.prototype.reset = function() {
19     return original;
20 };
22 /**
23  * Returns a random shuffling of the array.
24  * @return {number[]}
25  */
26 Solution.prototype.shuffle = function() {
27     let n = num;
28     while(n>1){
29         n--;
30         let k = Math.floor(Math.random()*(n+1));
31         let value = copy[k];
32         copy[k] = copy[n];
33         copy[n] = value;
34     }
36     return copy;
37 };
39 /**
40  * Your Solution object will be instantiated and called as such:
41  * var obj = Object.create(Solution).createNew(nums)
42  * var param_1 = obj.reset()
43  * var param_2 = obj.shuffle()
44  */



时间: 2024-08-25 12:59:18

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