Enhancements using Customer Exits / User Exits

(Find a program exit that is implemented using a customer exits, and use them to enhance functions )

There are several types of Customer Exits :Menu Exits, Screen Exits, Function Module Exits, Field Exits .

• Enhancement management

• Function module exits --- program exits

• Menu exits

• Screen exits

• Use program, menu, and screen exits that are created using customer exit techniques

• Explain what components, enhancements and enhancement projects are

• Create enhancement projects and edit enhancements and their components

• Explain how to attach enhancement projects to change requests

• Transport enhancement projects

Unit Objectives

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

• Create, activate, and deactivate an enhancement project

• Find program exits that are implemented using customer exits, and use them to enhance functions

• Explain how menu exits work that are implemented using customer exits

• Find and use these menu exits

• Find and use screen exits that are implemented using customer exits

Customer Exits

Figure 31: Customer Enhancement Projects

SAP application programmers create SAP enhancements from function module exits, menu exits and screen exits. A management function is provided for this purpose (transaction code SMOD).

Customers are given a catalog containing an overview of existing SAP enhancements. They can then combine the SAP enhancements they want into an enhancement project using transaction CMOD.

Figure 32: Enhancements and Enhancements projects

SAP enhancements are made up of component parts. These components include program exits, menu exits, and screen exits.


Modifications ---- User Exit

Describe how to find user exits in the system and use them to enhance SAP software

Inside a user exit it is possible to read and change almost any data(local or global)from the host SAP program .


Userxits allow us to add our own functionality to SAP standard program without  modifying it .

These are implemented in the form of subroutines and hence are also known as FORM EXITs. The userexits are generally collected in includes and attached to the standard program by the SAP.

All Userexits start with the word  USEREXIT_...




You have to find user exits in the system and use them to enhance SAP software.


Figure109: User Exits : Building an SAP Module Pool

A module pool is organized as a collection of include programs. This is particularly good for making the program easier to understand. The organization is similar to that of function groups. In particular, the naming convention by which the last three letters of the name of the include program identify its contents, is identical.

The main program, as a rule, contains the include statements for all of the include programs that belong to the module pool.

The include programs described as “special” includes in the program are themselves only include programs - technically, they are not different. These programs are only delivered once.

Definition of USER-Exits:

User exits are a type of system enhancement that were originally developed for the Sales and Distribution component (SD). The original purpose of user exits was to allow the user to avoid modification adjustment.

Using a user exit is a modification, since it requires you to change objects in the SAP namespace.

Working with user-exits :

时间: 2024-12-22 04:10:49

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