Path Control

The Cisco IOS IP prefix-list feature gives the network engineer another tool for matching routes when performing route filtering.

IP prefix lists can examine both the prefix and the prefix length, and a range of prefixes or a range fo prefix lenghts. Using IP prefix lists for route filtering has several advantages:

  • IP prefix lists allow matching of the prefix length, whereas the ACL used by the distribute-list command cann‘t
  • more intuitive
  • uses an internal tree structure that results in faster matching of routes as compared with ACL

IP prefix lists provide mechanisms to match two components of an IP route:

  • the route prefix(the subnet number)
  • the prefix length(the subnet mask)

The generic commnad syntax is as follows:

ip prefix-list list-name [seq seq-value] {deny | permit prefix/prefix-length} [ge ge-value] [le le-value]

the following stateemnts summarize the logic:

step 1: the route‘s prefix must be within the range of addresses mplied by the prefix-list command‘s prefix/prefix-length parameters.

step 2: The route‘s prefix length must match the range of prefixes implied by the prefix-list command‘s prefix-length, ge and le parameters.

Le and Ge Parameters 
Prefix List Parameter Range of Prefix Length
Neither Conf-length must = route-length
Both ge and le ge-value <=route-length<=le-value
Only le conf-length<=route-length<=le-value
Oly ge ge-value<=route-length<=32 means “match all prefixes.” However, because no le nor ge parameter is configured, the /0 also means that the prefix length must be 0. So, it would match all routes’ prefixes, but none of their prefix lengths. Only a default route would match this prefix list. le 32

The range implied by is all IPv4 addresses. The le 32 combined with prefix length 0 implies any prefix length between 0 and 32, inclusive. This is the syntax for “match all” prefix list logic.

时间: 2024-10-16 17:58:57

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