reversing the digits

int main(){

    unsigned int number = 0;
    unsigned int rebmun = 0;
    unsigned int temp   = 0;

    //read the value to be reversed
    printf("\nEnter a positive integer");
    scanf("%u", &number);

    temp = number;

    //reverse the number stored int temp
        rebmun = 10*rebmun + temp % 10;//add rightmost digit of temp to rebum,执行一次迭代时把个位数字挪到前面
        temp   = temp / 10;                //remove it from temp

    printf("\nThe number %u is reversed is %u rebum\n", number, rebmun);

    return 0;


digits & number:

NumberNumeral DigitFigure



Numeral是代表(represent)数量概念的符号,有不同的书写体系(writing system),例如罗马数字(Roman numerals)【numeral XVII代表17】和印度阿拉伯数字(Hind-Arabic numerals)【即阿拉伯数字】。简单说,numeral就是把number写出来的方法。例如,三的抽象数量概念(threeness)可以具体表达为‘three’、‘3’、‘III’、‘11’【二进制(binary)】、‘三’和其它形式。Numeral广义上指任何代表数字的符号,但狭义上就指阿拉伯数字。

Digit是用来表达numeral的单独符号(single symbol)。日常生活中用0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8与9十个digit来表达number。例如,numeral 153由三个digit【1、5和3】来组成;numeral 9由一个digit【9】组成。



Number 在日常使用中既可指文字形式也可指数字形式的数量概念,所以如果强调文字形式用spell out或word;反之则用figure、digit或numeral。而write out则似乎两者皆可。例如:

l The small numbers, such as whole numbers smaller than ten, should be spelled out.

l Some experts say that any one-word number should be written out.

l Two-word numbers should be expressed in figures.

l With everyday writing and recipes you can use digits, like “4% of the children” or “Add 2 cups of brown rice.”

l You should use numerals, not words, when the number is a key value, an exact measurement value, or both. For example, in the sentence “Our computer backup system uses 4 mm tape” the numeral is in order.

l Rounded numbers over a million are written as a numeral plus a word. Use “About 400 million people speak Spanish natively,” instead of “About 400,000,000 people speak Spanish natively.” If you’re using the exact number, you’dwrite it out, of course.【这里write out 应该指用数字表示准确数量,而非文字】

时间: 2024-10-13 05:40:32

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