字体jquery ---

You don’t need icons! Here are 100+ unicode symbols that you can use

Danny Markov December 3rd, 2014

Ever needed to add an icon to your design, but you didn’t want to include images or an entire icon font like Font Awesome into your page? We’ve got good news for you – there is a vast library of available icons and glyphs already in your browser. It is called Unicode, and it is a standard which assigns a unique identifier for an ever expanding number (currently over 110 000) of characters, symbols and icons.

This doesn’t mean that you have a choice of a hundred thousand icons, though. It is up to the browser to render them, and it uses the fonts which are installed on the system to do so. In this article, we’ve collected a number of symbols that are available across Windows, Linux, OS X, Android and iOS. You can use them in your web designs today!

Tip: There is a good article which explains everything you need to know about character encodings and unicode, which we recommend for every software developer to read.

How to use these icons

The icons given in the tables below, are regular characters, which you can copy and paste as if they are letters of text. But if the encoding used to save your HTML/CSS files is not UTF-8 they might not show up. This is why we’ve provided an HTML escape code, which will always work. Here is what you need to do to use these icons:

  1. Find an icon that you like. We’ve provided small and large previews.
  2. Copy the code.
  3. Paste it in your HTML as regular text. In your CSS, you can use it as the value of the content property. In JS, PHP and other programming languages, you can use it as text in strings.
  4. You can customize the icons by setting a font-size, color and text shadows, just like regular text.


Name Preview Code
Smiley ? ?
Hot Springs ? ?
8-Ball ? ?
White Star
Black Star
White Heart ? ?
Black Heart ? ?
Airplane ? ?
Black Scissors ? ?
White Scissors ? ?
Crown ? ?
Cross ? ?
Black-White Circle ? ?
Eight Note ? ?
Beamed Eighth Notes ? ?
Four Balloon-Spoked Asterisk ? ?
Circled White Star ? ?
White Star ? ?
White Four Pointed Star ? ?
Black Four Pointed Star ? ?
Ballot Box Check ? ?
Check Mark ? ?
Cross Mark ? ?
Pencil ? ?
Writing Hand ? ?
Black Telephone ? ?
White Telephone ? ?
Envelope ? ?
Telephone Location ? ?


Name Preview Code
Leftwards Arrow
Rightwards Arrow
Upwards Arrow
Downwards Arrow
Left Right Arrow
Up Down Arrow ? ?
Right And Left Arrows ? ?
Up And Down Arrows ? ?
Down-Left 90deg Arrow ? ?
Down-Right 90deg Arrow ? ?
Up-Left 90deg Arrow ? ?
Up-Right 90deg Arrow ? ?
Leftwards Arrow To Bar ? ?
Rightwards Arrow To Bar ? ?
Anticlockwise Semicircle Arrow ? ?
Clockwise Semicircle Arrow ? ?
Anticlockwise Circle Arrow ? ?
Clockwise Circle Arrow ? ?
Wide-Headed Rightwards Arrow ? ?
Downwards Zigzag Arrow ? ?
North West Arrow
Heavy South East Arrow ? ?
Heavy Rightwards Arrow ? ?
Heavy North East Arrow ? ?
Dashed Rightwards Arrow ? ?
Dotted Leftwards Arrow ? ?
Black Rightwards Arrowhead ? ?
Leftwards White Arrow ? ?
Rightwards White Arrow ? ?
Left Angle Quotation Mark « « «
Right Angle Quotation Mark » » »
Right Black Pointer ? ?
Left Black Pointer ? ?
Up Black Pointer
Down Black Pointer
Right White Pointer ? ?
Left White Pointer ? ?
Up White Pointer
Down White Pointer
Bow Arrow ? ?


Name Preview Code
Copyright © © ©
Registered ® ® ®
Estimated ? ?
Middle Dot · · ·


Name Preview Code
Pound £ £ £
Lira ? ?
Yen ¥ ¥ ¥
Cent ¢ ¢ ¢
Currency ¤ ¤ ¤


Name Preview Code
Degree ° ° °
Small Sun ? ?
Big Sun ? ?
Cloud ? ?
Snowflake 1 ? ?
Snowflake 2 ? ?
Snowflake 3 ? ?


Name Preview Code
Pointer Left Black ? ?
Pointer Right Black ? ?
Pointer Left White ? ?
Pointer Up White ? ?
Pointer Right White ? ?
Pointer Down White ? ?

Card Suits

Name Preview Code
Spades Black
Hearts Black
Diamonds Black
Clubs Black
Spades White ? ?
Hearts White ? ?
Diamonds White ? ?
Clubs White ? ?


Name Preview Code
King White ? ?
Queen White ? ?
Rook White ? ?
Bishop White ? ?
Knight White ? ?
Pawn White ? ?
King Black ? ?
Queen Black ? ?
Rook Black ? ?
Bishop Black ? ?
Knight Black ? ?
Pawn Black ? ?


Name Preview Code
Plus Minus ± ± ±
Less-Than Or Equal To
More-Than Or Equal To
Not Equal To
Division ÷ ÷ ÷
Multiplication x × × ×
Heavy Multiplication x ? ?
Superscript One ¹ ¹ ¹
Superscript Two ² ² ²
Superscript Three ³ ³ ³
Circled Plus
Circled Multiplication
Logical AND
Logical OR
Delta ? ?
Sigma (SUM)
Omega Ω Ω Ω
Empty Set
Almost Equal To


Name Preview Code
One Quarter (1/4) ¼ ¼ ¼
One Half (1/2) ½ ½ ½
Three Quarters (3/4) ¾ ¾ ¾
One Third (1/3) ? ?
Two Thirds (2/3) ? ?
One Eight (1/8) ? ?
Three Eights (3/8) ? ?
Five Eights (5/8) ? ?
Seven Eights (7/8) ? ?

Roman Numerals

Name Preview Code
Roman Numeral One
Roman Numeral Two
Roman Numeral Three
Roman Numeral Four
Roman Numeral Five
Roman Numeral Six
Roman Numeral Seven
Roman Numeral Eight
Roman Numeral Nine
Roman Numeral Ten
Roman Numeral Eleven
Roman Numeral Twelve

A few notes

There are some rendering differences between these symbols across operating symbols. This is caused by the different font families that are used. Also, iOS and Android replace some Unicode characters with emoji, so be sure to test there to make sure that this doesn’t happen and the icons show as intended. Have fun coding! :)

时间: 2024-12-19 22:54:21

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