The search request was unable to connect to the Search Service

使用Sharepoint进行搜索时,出现以下提示:The search request was unable to connect to the Search Service;


Source: Office Server Search

Event ID : 10040


The last query machine has been taken out of rotation. Check previous event logs to determine cause. Propagation may be necessary.

Source : Office Server Search

Event ID: 10038


Query machine ‘xxxxx‘ has been taken out of rotation due to this error: The content index is corrupt. 0Xc0041800. It will be retried in 15 seconds


Source: Office SharePoint Server

Event ID: 6482


Application Server Administration job failed for service instance Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.SearchServiceInstance

Reason: The current operation timed-out after 3600seconds

Source: Office SharePoint Server

Event ID: 3351


SQL database login failed. Additional error information from SQL Server is included below.

Login failed for user "NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON‘.

停止Office SharePoint Server Search,然后重新配置,在search服务器上出现以下错误:

The system exception c0000005 occurred, and will be handled. If this causes problems, contact Microsoft Product Support Services and include the stack trace in the event.00000000001EEC287


1.       停止Office SharePoint Server Search

2.       在search服务器上将C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\12.0\Data\Office Server\Applications目录下的整个目录bf3b8be0-aa02-4d8f-a34f-aceaa35f74f0(index记录)删除

3.       重新配置Office SharePoint Server Search

4.      配置完成后,在CA中点击  “Search settings”会提示错误,点击错误链接,在新的页面输入相应的信息即可

5.       错误日志消失,爬网后,Office SharePoint Server Search工作正常,并可以进行正常搜索

时间: 2024-08-09 21:59:21

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