10055 - Hashmat the Brave Warrior

using namespace std;
//typedef __int64 lld;
typedef long long lld;
int main()
    lld n,m,ans;
    return 0;


10055 - Hashmat the Brave Warrior,布布扣,bubuko.com

时间: 2025-01-18 06:49:42

10055 - Hashmat the Brave Warrior的相关文章

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Problem A Hashmat the brave warrior Input: standard input Output: standard output Hashmat is a brave warrior who with his group of young soldiers moves from one place to another to fight against his opponents. Before fighting he just calculates one t

UVA10055 Hashmat the Brave Warrior

问题链接:UVA10055 Hashmat the Brave Warrior. 问题简述:输入两个数,计算其差的绝对值. 问题分析:(略). 程序说明:写程序,不是要写得简单,而是要写得极其简单.也可以写一个带参数的宏定义来计算差的绝对值,这样的宏别的地方也可以使用. AC的C语言程序如下: /* UVA10055 Hashmat the Brave Warrior */ #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { long long a, b; while(sc

Hashmat the Brave Warrior

Hashmat the Brave Warrior XX自己有士兵a人, 敌军有士兵b人,自己的士兵永远比敌军少, 求对方比自己多多少人.       (虽说要从头刷,但是这样的还是太水了吧 2333333 喜闻乐见的错了因为2^32爆了int...These two numbers in each line denotes the number of soldiers in Hashmat's army and his opponent's army or vice versa 1 #incl


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