delete from fl where yy = 2014 and mm = 6 and bz <> 5;
delete from cpzqsp where cllx > ‘70‘;
delete from cpzgbh where status < ‘31‘;
delete from cpdwbh where status < ‘31‘;
delete from cpzgzy;
delete from cpdwzy where status < ‘31‘;
select * from sspersons where spgz<0;--没有数据
select * from cpndjx where jxnd=2014;-- 有数据
select * from cpdwndjx where jxnd=2014;--有数据
select * from flmx where zy like ‘%年度结息%‘ and yy=‘2014‘;--有数据
select * from fl where zy like ‘%年度结息%‘ and yy = 2014; --有数据
时间: 2024-12-13 08:07:43