(转) IPv6相关RFC


IPv6 Spec

RFC 2460 : Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification

RFC 5095: Deprecation of Type 0 Routing Headers in IPv6

RFC 5722 (更新RFC 2460): Handling of Overlapping IPv6 Fragments

RFC 6437 (更新RFC 2460/2205): IPv6 Flow Label Specification

RFC 6564 (更新RFC 2460): A Uniform Format for IPv6 Extension Headers

IPv6 地址结构

RFC 3306 : Unicast-Prefix-based IPv6 Multicast Addresses

RFC 3587 (废弃2374): IPv6 Global Unicast Address Format

RFC 3956 (更新RFC 3306):Embedding the Rendezvous Point (RP) Address in an IPv6 Multicast Address

RFC 4007 : IPv6 Scoped Address Architecture

RFC 4193 : Unique Local IPv6 Unicast Addresses

RFC 4291 (废弃掉3513/2373): IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture

RFC 4489(更新3306) : A Method for Generating Link-Scoped IPv6 Multicast Addresses

RFC 5952 (更新RFC 4291) A Recommendation for IPv6 Address Text Representation

RFC 6052 (更新RFC 4291) IPv6 Addressing of IPv4/IPv6 Translators

IPv6 socket

RFC 2553 : Basic Socket Interface Extensions for IPv6

RFC 3542 (废弃2292) : Advanced Sockets Application Program Interface (API) for IPv6


RFC 4443(废弃2463) : Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6)

RFC 4861(废弃2461) : Neighbor Discovery for IP version 6 (IPv6)

RFC 4884 (更新792/4443): Extended ICMP to Support Multi-Part Messages

RFC 5175 (废弃5075): IPv6 Router Advertisement Flags Option

RFC 5942(更新4861): IPv6 Subnet Model: The Relationship between Links and Subnet Prefixes

IPv6 地址分配

RFC 3315 : Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6)

RFC 3633 : IPv6 Prefix Options for DHCPv6

RFC 3646 : DNS Configuration options for DHCPv6

RFC 3736 : Stateless Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Service for IPv6

RFC 3769 : Requirements for IPv6 Prefix Delegation

RFC 3879 : Deprecating Site Local Addresses

RFC 4075 : Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) Configuration Option for DHCPv6

RFC 4191 : Default Router Preferences and More-Specific Routes

RFC 4242 : Information Refresh Time Option for DHCPv6

RFC 4632 (废弃1519): Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR):The Internet Address Assignment and Aggregation Plan

RFC 4862 (废弃2462) : IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration

RFC 4941 Privacy Extensions for Stateless Address Autoconfiguration in IPv6

RFC 5072 (废弃2472) : IP Version 6 over PPP

RFC 5871 (更新RFC 2460) IANA Allocation Guidelines for the IPv6 Routing Header

RFC 6724 (废除RFC 3484) : Default Address Selection for IPv6

IPv6 安全

RFC 3041 : Privacy Extensions for Stateless Address Autoconfiguration in IPv6

RFC 4864 : Local Network Protection for IPv6

RFC 4890 : Recommendations for Filtering ICMPv6 Messages in Firewalls

RFC 6092 : Recommended Simple Security Capabilities in CPE forProviding esidential IPv6 Internet Service

IPv6 隧道技术


RFC 2529 : Transmission of IPv6 over IPv4 Domains without Explicit Tunnels

RFC 2765 : Stateless IP/ICMP Translation Algorithm (SIIT)

RFC 2766 : Network Address Translation - Protocol Translation (NAT-PT)

RFC 2893 : Transition Mechanisms for IPv6 Hosts and Routers

RFC 3053 : IPv6 Tunnel Broker

RFC 3056 : Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds

RFC 5569 : IPv6 Rapid Deployment on IPv4 Infrastructures (6rd)

RFC 5969 : IPv6 Rapid Deployment on IPv4 Infrastructures (6rd) – Protocol Specification

RFC 6144 : Framework for IPv4/IPv6 Translation

IPv6 组播

RFC 4541: Considerations for IGMP and MLD Snooping Switches

RFC 4605 IGMP/MLD-Based Multicast Forwarding (IGMP/MLD Proxying)

IPv6 网关

RFC 3162 : RADIUS and IPv6

RFC 4620 : IPv6 Node Information Queries

RFC 4779 : ISP IPv6 Deployment Scenarios in Broadband Access Networks

RFC 6106 (废弃5006): IPv6 Router Advertisement Options for DNS Configuration

RFC 6204 : Basic Requirements for IPv6 Customer Edge Routers

RFC 6434 (废除RFC 4294): IPv6 Node Requirements

(转) IPv6相关RFC,布布扣,bubuko.com

时间: 2025-01-14 07:04:04

(转) IPv6相关RFC的相关文章


1. 通用 IPv6的通用RFC和Internet草案 RFC# 类 标题 1752 标准记录 对IP下一代协议的建议 1924 资料 IPv6地址的压缩表示法 2851 标准记录 Internet网络地址的文本惯例 Internet草案 IPv6案例 2. 寻址 IPv6寻址RFC和Internet草案 RFC# 类别 标题 1881 资料 IPv6地址分配管理 1887 资料 IPv6单播地址分配的结构 1888 实验 OSI NSAP和IPv6 2373 标准记录 IP版本6的寻址结构 I


IPv6 Spec RFC 2460: Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification RFC 5095: Deprecation of Type 0 Routing Headers in IPv6 RFC 5722(更新RFC 2460): Handling of Overlapping IPv6 Fragments RFC 6437(更新RFC 2460/2205): IPv6 Flow Label Specification RFC 65

IPv6 中文RFC 汇总

http://down.51cto.com/zt/826 Request For Comments,缩写为 RFC,由互联网工程任务组(IETF)发布的一系列标准,规定了当今互联网.局域网等所有标准.专题收集了IPv6相关技术文档,帮助大家理解IPv6的RFC协议标准. RFC5942(中文)_IPv6子网模式:链路和子网前缀间的关系 RFC5569 - IPv4/IPv6过渡技术之-- 6rd RFC3056 - IPv4/IPv6过渡技术之-- 6to4 RFC2473(中文) -IPv6标

CentOS6.x和windows xp及windows server 2003开启ipv6相关事宜

最近要开始IPv6设备的测试工作了,网络部署好,下面的主机相关配置也需要注意一下,于是记录一下相关主机启用配置IPv6的方法(至于原理和网络设备设置不在此处讲解) 一.CentOS开启IPv6 这里以静态配置为例 1.IPv4静态配置原有配置 [[email protected] network-scripts]# vi ifcfg-Auto_eth2 HWADDR=00:0C:29:67:DA:22 TYPE=Ethernet BOOTPROTO=none IPADDR=192.168.202


习惯了Linux下命令行配置网络的简洁,在windows系统下是不是感觉很别扭?下面分享几个方便的命令操作. 释放地址 ipconfig /release "Local Area Connection 1" 重新获取地址 ipconfig /renew "Local Area Connection 1" 配置IPv6单播地址 netsh interface ipv6 add/del address "Local Area Connection 1"


http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_9950926401019uk9.html https://wenku.baidu.com/view/498d9c482e3f5727a5e962c5.html http://xiaopangxiongyuan.blog.163.com/blog/static/12490117020116263115442/?COLLCC=2319623943& https://wenku.baidu.com/view/75e59c0ef12d2af

IPv6 简介以及位址介绍

IPv6 简介 IPv6(IP版本6)是互联网通讯协议(Internet Protocol,简称IP)的新版本,它被设计来取代IPv4.并且针对当初设计IPv4时没有考虑到的问题做了以下改进: 扩展地址空间  IPv6将IP地址长度从32 bits扩展到128 bits,其主要目的是支持更多层的阶层式的路由架构,更大的地址空间(IPv6的地址不再有耗尽之虑),并且提供更简单的自动组态配置.在multicast address中新增 "scope" 字段来提升multicast rout

IPv6 终于在2017年7月14日正式完成标准化—— RFC8200

IPv6不是从 1998 年RFC2460 就已经标准化了吗? 其实很多人不了解,RFC2460 称为草案标准 (Draft Standard),过去时间还有多次更新RFC :RFC 5095, RFC 5722, RFC 5871, RFC 6437, RFC 6564, RFC 6935, RFC 6946, RFC 7045, RFC 7112 RFC8200称为全标准Full Internet Standard,全标准编号是STD86.汇总了所有IPv6相关的RFC http://www

IPV6 简单总结

1. 转帖别人的内容 来源:https://www.2cto.com/net/201112/114937.html 2. 本地用IPV6单播地址 (包括链路本地单播地址 和 站点本地单播地址) 2.1  链路本地单播地址 规定了链路本地和站点本地两种类型的本地使用单播地址.链路本地地址用在单链路上, 而站点本地地址用在单站点上. 链路本地地址格式表示如下: 注意此地址就是以FE80::x:x:x:x开头的IPV6地址 设计链路本地地址的目的是为了用于诸如自动地址配置.邻居发现或无路由器存在的单链