
#增删改查之查def look():    while 1 :        enter = input("查看:如www.oldboy.org\n")        l = []        flag = False        with open("haproxy.conf") as enter_read:            for line in enter_read:                if line.startswith("backend") and enter in line:                    flag = True                    continue                if line.startswith("backend") and flag:                    break                if flag:                    l.append(line.strip())            for out in l:                print(out)#增删改查之删def delete():    dels = input("删除:如www.oldboy.org\n")    with open("haproxy.conf") as dels_read,open("text",mode="w") as dels_del:        for line in dels_read:            dels_del.write(line)            if line.startswith("backend") and dels in line:                break#增删改查之改def amend():    modify = input("修改:如www.oldboy.org\n")    servers = "        server 1111 weight 2222 maxconn 3333"    with open("haproxy.conf") as modify_read,open("text",mode="w") as modify_m:        for line in modify_read:            modify_m.write(line)            if line.startswith("backend") and modify in line:                modify_m.write(servers)                break#增删改查之增def add():    agg = input("增加:如www.oldboy.org\n")    servers = "        server 1111 weight 2222 maxconn 3333\n"    with open("haproxy.conf") as agg_read, open("text", mode="w") as agg_a:        for line in agg_read:            agg_a.write(line)            if line.startswith("backend") and agg in line:                agg_a.write(servers)

#列表def  list():    user_list = ‘‘‘        1.look 查看:        2.delete 删除:        3.amend 修改:        4.add 增加:        0.exit 退出:        ‘‘‘    print(user_list)

def mains():    list()    judge = input("弄什么:")    if judge==1:        look()    if judge==2:        delete()    if judge==3:        amend()    if judge==4:        add()    if judge==0:        exit()mains()
时间: 2024-08-11 01:33:44



二.SQL语句映射文件(2)增删改查.参数.缓存 2.2 select 一个select 元素非常简单.例如: Xml代码   <!-- 查询学生,根据id --> <select id="getStudent" parameterType="String" resultMap="studentResultMap"> SELECT ST.STUDENT_ID, ST.STUDENT_NAME, ST.STUDENT_SEX


有以下员工信息表 当然此表你在文件存储时可以这样表示 1 1,Alex Li,22,13651054608,IT,2013-04-01 现需要对这个员工信息文件,实现增删改查操作 可进行模糊查询,语法至少支持下面3种: select name,age from staff_table where age > 22 select  * from staff_table where dept = "IT" select  * from staff_table where enroll


实现文件的增删改查 1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 import os 4 def file_handler(backend_data,res = None,type = 'fetch'): #文件处理函数 5 if type == 'fetch': #查询操作 6 with open('haproxy.conf','r') as read_f: 7 tag = False #初始状态标识 8 ret = [] #用于放置查询


文件的格式有很多种 *.ini 一般是带一个齿轮的配置文件,这个文件的操作有专门的类库进行处理不行自己硬编码      ini4j.jar 这个jar包专门封装了处理*.ini文件的方法. 1 public interface IParaManager { 2 public int getKey(String section, String key, CInt value); 3 public int getkey(String section, String key, CString valu

Python 模拟SQL对文件进行增删改查

1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # _*_ coding:UTF-8 _*_ 3 # __auth__: Dalhhin 4 # Python 3.5.2,Pycharm 2016.3.2 5 # 2017/05/15 6 7 import sys,os 8 9 def where(dbfile,where_list): #条件是一个list 10 11 def and_or_where(sub_where_list): 12 '''获取and或同时含有and.or关键字的条

对文件的增删改查 以及 ---三次登陆

文件 global log local2 daemon maxconn 256 log local2 info defaults log global mode http timeout connect 5000ms timeout client 50000ms timeout server 50000ms option dontlognull listen stats :8888 stats enable stats uri /admin stats a


作业1:对文件haproxy.conf进行增删改查: haproxy.conf原文件内容如下: global log local2 daemon maxconn 256 log local2 info defaults log global mode http timeout connect 5000ms timeout client 50000ms timeout server 50000ms option dontlognull listen stat


无论做什么系统,涉及到数据库肯定离不开增删改查,下面是自己写的有关数据库增删改查封装的函数,仅供参考. using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Collections; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Configuration; using OnLineExam.HelperClas


1 def choice(): 2 print(''' 3 1 查找 4 2 删除 5 3 添加 6 4 修改 7 ''') 8 def forlist(): 9 with open("test2", encoding="utf8", mode="r+") as w: 10 for line in w: 11 print(line.strip()) 12 13 14 def check(): 15 usr=input("输入你要查找的域