






  1 #include <iostream>
  2 #include<stdio.h>
  3 using namespace std;
  5 struct Node
  6 {
  7     Node* next = NULL;
  8     Node* pre = NULL;
  9     //指向最后一个位置,不能是数组的位置
 10     Node* tail = NULL;
 11     char suit;
 12     char face;
 13     int total;
 14 };
 15 bool compareNode(const Node* node1, const Node* node2)
 16 {
 18     return (node1->face == node2->face) || (node1->suit == node2->suit);
 19 }
 20 /**
 21  *
 22  *get a head that node can link.
 23  *if can not find,return NULL
 24  */
 25 int findSuitableHead(Node* const heads, int total, Node* const node)
 26 {
 27     int index = -1;
 28     while (true)
 29     {
 30         bool fh = false;
 31         if (total >= 3)
 32         {
 33             //可以找前面第三个
 34             Node hNode = heads[total - 3];
 35             if (compareNode(hNode.tail, node))
 36             {
 37                 total -= 3;
 38                 index = total;
 39                 fh = true;
 40             }
 41         }
 42         if (!fh && total >= 1)
 43         {
 44             //前三个位置不合适,前一个位置
 45             Node hNode = heads[total - 1];
 46             if (compareNode(hNode.tail, node))
 47             {
 48                 total -= 1;
 49                 fh = true;
 50                 index = total;
 51             }
 52         }
 53         if (!fh)
 54         {
 55             return index;
 56         }
 57     }
 58 }
 59 void reMegerNode(Node* const heads, int& total, int sIndex)
 60 {
 61     while (true)
 62     {
 63         bool hasResize = false;
 64         for (int i = sIndex + 1; i < total; i++)
 65         {
 66             int j = findSuitableHead(heads, i, (heads + i)->tail);
 67             if (j != -1)
 68             {
 69                 //可以合并
 70                 Node* nHead = heads + j;
 71                 //这句话fb50
 72 //                Node mNode = heads[i];
 73                 Node* mNode = new Node;
 74                 *mNode = heads[i];
 76                 bool nm = heads[i].total == 1 ? true : false;
 77                 if (nm)
 78                 {
 79                     //mNode is head
 80                     mNode->total = 0;
 81                     mNode->tail = NULL;
 82                     nHead->tail->next = mNode;
 83                     mNode->pre = nHead->tail;
 84                     nHead->tail = mNode;
 85                     nHead->total++;
 86                     total--;
 87                     for (int k = i; k < total; k++)
 88                         heads[k] = heads[k + 1];
 90                     Node n;
 91                     heads[total] = n;
 92                 }
 93                 else
 94                 {
 95                     //不是表头
 96                     heads[i].total--;
 97                     Node* tail = heads[i].tail;
 98                     Node* pre = tail->pre;
 99                     heads[i].tail = pre;
105                     pre->next = NULL;
106                     tail->pre = NULL;
107                     nHead->tail->next = tail;
108                     tail->pre = nHead->tail;
109                     nHead->tail = tail;
110                     nHead->total++;
111                 }
112                 sIndex = j == 0 ? 0 : j - 1;
113                 hasResize = true;
114                 break;
115             }
116         }
117         if (!hasResize)
118         {
119             return;
120         }
121     }
123 }
124 void mergeNode(Node* const heads, int& total, Node* node)
125 {
126     int sIndex = findSuitableHead(heads, total, node);
127     if (sIndex == -1)
128     {
129         //new head
130         node->total = 1;
131         heads[total] = *node;
132         heads[total].tail = node;
133         total++;
134     }
135     else
136     {
137         heads[sIndex].tail->next = node;
138         node->pre = heads[sIndex].tail;
139         heads[sIndex].tail = node;
140         heads[sIndex].total++;
141         reMegerNode(heads, total, sIndex);
142     }
143 }
144 void print(Node* const heads, int total)
145 {
146     if(total!=1)
147     cout << total << " piles remaining:";
148     else
149     cout << total << " pile remaining:";
150     for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
151     {
152         cout << " " << heads[i].total;
153     }
154     cout << endl;
155 }
157 int main()
158 {
159     //freopen("d:\\1.txt", "r", stdin);
160     char c1;
161     while (true)
162     {
163         Node* node = new Node;
164         cin >> c1;
165         if (c1 == ‘#‘)
166         {
167             return 0;
168         }
169         node->face = c1;
170         cin >> node->suit;
171         int total = 0;
172         Node heads[52];
173         node->total = 1;
174         heads[total++] = *node;
175         heads[total - 1].tail = node;
176         for (int i = 0; i < 51; i++)
177         {
178             node = new Node;
179             cin >> node->face >> node->suit;
180             mergeNode(heads, total, node);
181         }
182         print(heads, total);
183     }
184 }
时间: 2024-10-05 06:48:35


UVa127,&quot;Accordian&quot; Patience

注意1堆的时候,pile后面没有s!!!!因为这个WA了一次,否则就1A了 犯了一个很幼稚很幼稚的错误,申请ans[]后玩了吧ans置0,结果调了好长好长时间,本来是敲完就能过的T T啊啊啊啊啊啊,一个多小时没了啊 附上我调试时写的代码(把每一次运转都输出了= =一个一个看的,真心用了好长时间,头都大了) #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <cstring> #i

UVa127 &quot;Accordian&quot; Patience (模拟)

链接:http://acm.hust.edu.cn/vjudge/problem/18732分析:模拟,用了vector调用erase时可以自动调整大小的特性,居然没T. 1 #include <cstdio> 2 #include <string> 3 #include <vector> 4 #include <stack> 5 #include <iostream> 6 using namespace std; 7 8 int main()

ACM学习历程——UVA127 &quot;Accordian&quot; Patience(栈, 链表)

Description  ``Accordian'' Patience  You are to simulate the playing of games of ``Accordian'' patience, the rules for which are as follows: Deal cards one by one in a row from left to right, not overlapping. Whenever the card matches its immediate n


UVA127 链接:https://uva.onlinejudge.org/index.php?option=com_onlinejudge&Itemid=8&page=show_problem&problem=63 一道非常好的栈的模拟题,训练计划又往后推了一周,因为各种事情,不过自己已经做了修改,另外说一下,今晚寝室那两尊神不在,难得的心情好, 这题其实还是看了别人的代码的,大牛博客:http://blog.csdn.net/hyczms/article/details/380