Android性能优化系列——Profile GPU Rendering

Profile GPU Rendering

Android开发者选项中提供了Profile GPU Rendering功能,用于在屏幕上实时显示GPU渲染每一帧图像花费的时间(单位:ms)。


蓝色部分表示绘制时间或者在Java层创建和更新display list的时间。在一个View 实际被渲染前,它需要先转换为GPU能识别的格式。简单来说可能就是几个绘制命令,复杂一点,我们可能在嵌入了一条从canvas获取的自定义路径。这一步完成之后,输出结果就会被系统作为display list缓存起来。


The blue section of that bar represents draw time or rather how long it took to create and update your display lists in Java. Remember that before a view can actually be rendered, it has to first be transformed into a GPU-friendly format.

On the simple side of this, it could just be a few Draw commands. But on the complex end, we could be tessellating a custom path coming from your canvas object.

Once done ,the results are then cached as a display list object by the system.

This blue bar is recording how much time it takes to complete these two steps for all the views that need to be updated on the screen this frame.

When you see this bar shoot high, it could mean that a bunch of views suddenly became invalidated, or it may be a few custom views who might have some extremely complex logic in their onDraw funtion.

红色部分代表执行时间,也就是Android 2D渲染引擎(OpenGL)执行display list的时间。为了将变化绘制在屏幕上,Android需要使用OpenGL ES API来绘制这些display list信息,OpenGL最终将数据传给了GPU,然后GPU渲染到屏幕上。View越复杂,OpenGL绘制所需要的命令也越复杂。如果红色这一段比较高,复杂的view都可能是罪魁祸首。还有值得注意的是比较大的峰值,这说明有些view重复提交了,也就是绘制了多次,而它们可能并不需要重绘。

The red section of the bar represents execute time.This is the time spent by Android’s 2D renderer to execute display list.

See, in order to draw to the screen, Android needs to draw your display list information by interacting with the OpenGL ES API which effectively passes along data to the GPU, which then, ultimately, ends up putting pixels on the screen. Remember that for more complex views like a custom view, the more complex the commands needed for OpenGL to draw it.

And when you see this red bar shoot high, these complex views are a likely culprit.

It’s also worth noting that large spikes in this bar can come from re-submitting a load of views to be redrawn again. These views haven’t necessarily been invalidated. But if something happens, like a view rotates, then we need to go back and clean up areas of the screen that might be affected by that redrawing the views underneath it.


The oragen section of the bar represents the process time. Or rather, this is where the CPU tells the GPU that it’s done rendering a frame. This action is a blocking call, and as such the CPU will sit around and wait for the GPU to acknowledge that it’s received the command. If this bar is getting large, then it means that you’re doing a lot of work on the GPU resulting from many complex views that require a lot of OpenGL rendering commands to be processed.


现代的图形API不允许CPU直接与GPU通信,而是通过中间的一个图形驱动层(Graphics Driver)来连接这两部分。

图形驱动维护了一个队列,CPU把display list添加到队列里,GPU从这个队列取出数据进行绘制。


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时间: 2024-10-12 21:41:51

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