笛卡尔树cartesian tree

笛卡尔树cartesian tree

笛卡尔树是一种特定的二叉树数据结构,可由数列构造,在范围最值查询、范围top k查询(range top k queries)等问题上有广泛应用。它具有堆的有序性,中序遍历可以输出原数列。笛卡尔树结构由Vuillmin(1980)[1]在解决范围搜索的几何数据结构问题时提出。从数列中构造一棵笛卡尔树可以线性时间完成,需要采用基于栈的算法来找到在该数列中的所有最近小数。



  1. 结点一一对应于数列元素。即数列中的每个元素都对应于树中某个唯一结点,树结点也对应于数列中的某个唯一元素
  2. 中序遍历(in-order traverse)笛卡尔树即可得到原数列。即任意树结点的左子树结点所对应的数列元素下标比该结点所对应元素的下标小,右子树结点所对应数列元素下标比该结点所对应元素下标大。
  3. 树结构存在堆序性质,即任意树结点所对应数值大/小于其左、右子树内任意结点对应数值


a binary search tree is a rooted ordered binary tree, such that for its every node x the following condition is satisfied: each node in its left subtree has the key less then the key of
x, and each node in its right subtree has the key greater then the key of x.

That is, if we denote left subtree of the node x by L(x), its right subtree by R(x) and its key by kx then for each node x we have

  • if y ∈ L(x) then ky < kx
  • if z ∈ R(x) then kz > kx

The binary search tree is called cartesian if its every node x in addition to the main key kx also has an auxiliary key that we will denote by ax, and for these keys the heap condition
is satisfied, that is

  • if y is the parent of x then ay < ax

Thus a cartesian tree is a binary rooted ordered tree, such that each of its nodes has a pair of two keys (k, a) and three conditions described are satisfied.






笛卡尔树 http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-cn/%E7%AC%9B%E5%8D%A1%E5%B0%94%E6%A0%91

时间: 2024-12-21 06:17:12

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