NO working today. Cause today is Thanks Giving Day

Next monthDecember, I want to learn selenium technic to improve my work. Also, have a bit for Phthon. It can be cool things.

May be start my voline ...

Hope everyday happy and satisfied.

时间: 2024-08-25 19:34:10

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Codeforces D. Giving Awards 412 题解

就是按照一定顺序输出排序. 比如a欠b的钱就不能先输出a然后输出b. 本题的技巧就是,要求的是不能先输出a然后输出b,但是可以先输出b然后输出a. 故此可以按照a欠b的钱的关系,建立图,然后DFS深度优先搜索,然后逆向记录点,输出这些逆向点,也就是a欠b的钱,就先输出b然后输出a,那么这个顺序就满足要求了. 很狡猾的题意.要细心.不然就搞半天都白搞了. 题目连接: #include <stdio.h>

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