repr() &str

1.When should i use str() and when should i use repr() ?

Almost always use str when creating output for end users.

repr is mainly useful for debugging and exploring. For example, if you suspect a string has non printing characters in it, or a float has a small rounding error, repr will show you; str may not.

repr can also be useful for for generating literals to paste into your source code. It can also be used for persistence (with ast.literal_eval or eval), but this is rarely a good idea--if you want editable persisted values, something like JSON or YAML is much better, and if you don‘t plan to edit them, use pickle.

2.In which cases i can use either of them ?

Well, you can use them almost anywhere. You shouldn‘t generally use them except as described above.

3.What can str() do which repr() can‘t ?

Give you output fit for end-user consumption--not always (e.g., str([‘spam‘, ‘eggs‘]) isn‘t likely to be anything you want to put in a GUI), but more often than repr.

4.What can repr() do which str() can‘t

Give you output that‘s useful for debugging--again, not always (the default for instances of user-created classes is rarely helpful), but whenever possible.

And sometimes give you output that‘s a valid Python literal or other expression--but you rarely want to rely on that except for interactive exploration.

时间: 2024-10-13 22:25:16

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