编写android HAL代码


HAL的三个结构体:hw_module_t, hw_module_methods_t, hw_device_t。


struct hw_module_t;
struct hw_module_methods_t;
struct hw_device_t;

 * Every hardware module must have a data structure named HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM
 * and the fields of this data structure must begin with hw_module_t
 * followed by module specific information.
typedef struct hw_module_t {
    /** tag must be initialized to HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG */
    uint32_t tag;

     * The API version of the implemented module. The module owner is
     * responsible for updating the version when a module interface has
     * changed.
     * The derived modules such as gralloc and audio own and manage this field.
     * The module user must interpret the version field to decide whether or
     * not to inter-operate with the supplied module implementation.
     * For example, SurfaceFlinger is responsible for making sure that
     * it knows how to manage different versions of the gralloc-module API,
     * and AudioFlinger must know how to do the same for audio-module API.
     * The module API version should include a major and a minor component.
     * For example, version 1.0 could be represented as 0x0100. This format
     * implies that versions 0x0100-0x01ff are all API-compatible.
     * In the future, libhardware will expose a hw_get_module_version()
     * (or equivalent) function that will take minimum/maximum supported
     * versions as arguments and would be able to reject modules with
     * versions outside of the supplied range.
    uint16_t module_api_version;
#define version_major module_api_version
     * version_major/version_minor defines are supplied here for temporary
     * source code compatibility. They will be removed in the next version.
     * ALL clients must convert to the new version format.

     * The API version of the HAL module interface. This is meant to
     * version the hw_module_t, hw_module_methods_t, and hw_device_t
     * structures and definitions.
     * The HAL interface owns this field. Module users/implementations
     * must NOT rely on this value for version information.
     * Presently, 0 is the only valid value.
    uint16_t hal_api_version;
#define version_minor hal_api_version

    /** Identifier of module */
    const char *id;

    /** Name of this module */
    const char *name;

    /** Author/owner/implementor of the module */
    const char *author;

    /** Modules methods */
    struct hw_module_methods_t* methods;

    /** module‘s dso */
    void* dso;

    /** padding to 128 bytes, reserved for future use */
    uint32_t reserved[32-7];

} hw_module_t;

typedef struct hw_module_methods_t {
    /** Open a specific device */
    int (*open)(const struct hw_module_t* module, const char* id,
            struct hw_device_t** device);

} hw_module_methods_t;

 * Every device data structure must begin with hw_device_t
 * followed by module specific public methods and attributes.
typedef struct hw_device_t {
    /** tag must be initialized to HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG */
    uint32_t tag;

     * Version of the module-specific device API. This value is used by
     * the derived-module user to manage different device implementations.
     * The module user is responsible for checking the module_api_version
     * and device version fields to ensure that the user is capable of
     * communicating with the specific module implementation.
     * One module can support multiple devices with different versions. This
     * can be useful when a device interface changes in an incompatible way
     * but it is still necessary to support older implementations at the same
     * time. One such example is the Camera 2.0 API.
     * This field is interpreted by the module user and is ignored by the
     * HAL interface itself.
    uint32_t version;

    /** reference to the module this device belongs to */
    struct hw_module_t* module;

    /** padding reserved for future use */
    uint32_t reserved[12];

    /** Close this device */
    int (*close)(struct hw_device_t* device);

} hw_device_t;

HAL源文件中要定义一个结构体hw_module_t, 它里面包含了hw_module_methods_t。


int (*open)(const struct hw_module_t* module, const char* id,
            struct hw_device_t** device);



struct xxx_device_t {
    struct hw_device_t common;
        int fd;
    int (*set_val)(struct xxx_device_t* dev, int val);
    int (*get_val)(struct xxx_device_t* dev, int* val);



struct xxx_module_t HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM = {    

        common: {
        version_major: 1,
        version_minor: 0,
        id: XXX_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID,    //头文件中有定义
        name: MODULE_NAME,
        author: MODULE_AUTHOR,
        methods: &xxx_module_methods,


时间: 2024-08-10 00:04:00

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Android HAL模块实现(转)

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Android HAL模块实现

1. HAL介绍 Android的HAL(Hardware Abstract Layer硬件抽象层)是为了保护一些硬件提供商的知识产权而提出的.是为了避开linux的GPL束缚. 思路是把控制硬件的动作都放到了Android HAL中,而linux driver仅仅完毕一些简单的数据交互作用,甚至把硬件寄存器空间直接映射到user space.而Android是基于Aparch的license,因此硬件厂商能够仅仅提供二进制代码,所以说Android仅仅是一个开放的平台,并非一个开源的平台. 总

【转】Android HAL实例解析

原文网址:http://www.embedu.org/Column/Column339.htm 作者:刘老师,华清远见嵌入式学院讲师. 一.概述 本文希望通过分析台湾的Jollen的mokoid 工程代码,和在s5pc100平台上实现过程种遇到的问题,解析Andorid HAL的开发方法. 二.HAL介绍 现有HAL架构由Patrick Brady (Google) 在2008 Google I/O演讲中提出的,如下图. Android的HAL是为了保护一些硬件提供商的知识产权而提出的,是为了避


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第7章 Android HAL实例解析

第7章 Android HAL实例解析 通过本章介绍Android的HAL知道HAL是为了一些硬件提供商提出的保护专利的驱动程序而产生的,是为了避开Linux的GPL束缚.HAL主要的存储目录有:1.libhardware_legany  2.libhardware:3.ril   4.msm7k.主要包含以下一些模块:Gps.Vibrator.Wifi.Copybit.Audio.Camera.Lights.Ril.Overlay等.大概了解了Android  HAL. 第1中方法 直接调用s


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