[Lintcode] Expression Tree Build

Expression Tree Build

The structure of Expression Tree is a binary tree to evaluate certain expressions. All leaves of the Expression Tree have an number string value. All non-leaves of the Expression Tree have an operator string value.

Now, given an expression array, build the expression tree of this expression, return the root of this expression tree.

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For the expression (2*6-(23+7)/(1+2)) (which can be represented by ["2" "*" "6" "-" "(" "23" "+" "7" ")" "/" "(" "1" "+" "2" ")"]). The expression tree will be like

                 [ - ]
             /                  [ * ]              [ / ]
      /     \           /             [ 2 ]  [ 6 ]      [ + ]        [ + ]
                     /    \       /                         [ 23 ][ 7 ] [ 1 ]   [ 2 ] .

After building the tree, you just need to return root node [-].


 1 /**
 2  * Definition of ExpressionTreeNode:
 3  * public class ExpressionTreeNode {
 4  *     public String symbol;
 5  *     public ExpressionTreeNode left, right;
 6  *     public ExpressionTreeNode(String symbol) {
 7  *         this.symbol = symbol;
 8  *         this.left = this.right = null;
 9  *     }
10  * }
11  */
12 import java.util.*;
14 public class Solution {
15     /**
16      * @param expression: A string array
17      * @return: The root of expression tree
18      */
19     public ExpressionTreeNode build(String[] expression) {
20         // write your code here
21         Stack<ExpressionTreeNode> op   = new Stack<ExpressionTreeNode>();
22         Stack<ExpressionTreeNode> data = new Stack<ExpressionTreeNode>();
23         for(int i=0;i<expression.length;i++){
24             String tmp = expression[i];
25             char firstc = tmp.charAt(0);
26             if(!(firstc<=‘9‘&&firstc>=‘0‘)){
27                 //System.out.println("get op "+ tmp);
28                 switch(firstc){
29                     case ‘(‘:
30                         ExpressionTreeNode node = new ExpressionTreeNode(tmp);
31                         op.push(node);
32                         break;
33                     case ‘+‘:
34                     case ‘-‘:
35                         while(!op.isEmpty()&&op.peek().symbol.charAt(0)!=‘(‘){
36                             ExpressionTreeNode opnode = op.pop();
37                             ExpressionTreeNode data1 = data.pop();
38                             ExpressionTreeNode data2 = data.pop();
39                             opnode.left = data2;
40                             opnode.right = data1;
41                             data.push(opnode);
42                         }
43                         ExpressionTreeNode node2 = new ExpressionTreeNode(tmp);
44                         op.push(node2);
45                         break;
46                     case ‘*‘:
47                     case ‘/‘:
48                         while(!op.isEmpty()&&(op.peek().symbol.charAt(0)==‘*‘||op.peek().symbol.charAt(0)==‘/‘)){
49                             ExpressionTreeNode opnode = op.pop();
50                             ExpressionTreeNode data1 = data.pop();
51                             ExpressionTreeNode data2 = data.pop();
52                             opnode.left = data2;
53                             opnode.right = data1;
54                             data.push(opnode);
55                         }
56                         ExpressionTreeNode node3 = new ExpressionTreeNode(tmp);
57                         op.push(node3);
58                         break;
59                     case ‘)‘:
60                         while(op.peek().symbol.charAt(0)!=‘(‘){
61                             ExpressionTreeNode opnode = op.pop();
62                             ExpressionTreeNode data1 = data.pop();
63                             ExpressionTreeNode data2 = data.pop();
64                             opnode.left = data2;
65                             opnode.right = data1;
66                             data.push(opnode);
67                         }
68                         op.pop();
69                 }
70             }else{
71                 //System.out.println("add data "+tmp);
72                 ExpressionTreeNode data1 = new ExpressionTreeNode(tmp);
73                 data.push(data1);
74             }
75         }
76         while(!op.isEmpty()){
77             ExpressionTreeNode opnode = op.pop();
78             ExpressionTreeNode data1 = data.pop();
79             ExpressionTreeNode data2 = data.pop();
80             opnode.left = data2;
81             opnode.right = data1;
82             data.push(opnode);
83         }
84         if(data.isEmpty()) return null;
85         return data.pop();
86     }
87 }
时间: 2024-12-23 20:18:38

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