Linux -- Ubuntu搭建java开发环境


  1. 1
    Check to see if your Ubuntu Linux operating system
    architecture is 32-bit or 64-bit, open up a terminal and run the following
    command below.

    • Type/Copy/Paste: file /sbin/init
      • Note the bit version of your Ubuntu Linux operating system
        architecture it will display whether it is 32-bit or 64-bit.

  2. 2
    Check if you have Java installed on your
     To do this, you will have to run the Java
    version command from terminal.
    • Open up a terminal and enter the following command:
      • Type/Copy/Paste: java -version

    • If you have OpenJDK installed on your system it may look like this:
      • java version "1.7.0_15"
        OpenJDK Runtime Environment
        (IcedTea6 1.10pre) (7b15~pre1-0lucid1)
        OpenJDK 64-Bit
        Server VM (build 19.0-b09, mixed mode)

    • If you have OpenJDK installed on your system, you have the wrong vendor
      version of Java installed for this exercise.

  3. 3
    Completely remove the OpenJDK/JRE from your system and
    create a directory to hold your Oracle Java JDK/JRE
     This will prevent system conflicts and
    confusion between different vendor versions of Java. For example, if you have
    the OpenJDK/JRE installed on your system, you can remove it by typing the
    following at the command line:
    • Type/Copy/Paste: sudo apt-get purge
      • This command will completely remove OpenJDK/JRE from your

    • Type/Copy/Paste: sudo mkdir -p
      • This command will create a directory to hold your Oracle Java JDK and
        JRE binaries.

  4. 4
    Download the Oracle Java JDK for
    . Make sure you select
    the correct compressed
    binaries for your system architecture 32-bit or 64-bit (which end in tar.gz).
    • For example, if you are on Ubuntu Linux 32-bit operating system download
      32-bit Oracle Java binaries.

    • For example, if you are on Ubuntu Linux 64-bit operating system download
      64-bit Oracle Java binaries.

    • Optional, Download the Oracle Java JDK

      • Select

    • Important Information: 64-bit Oracle
      Java binaries do not work on 32-bit Ubuntu Linux operating systems, you will
      receive multiple system error messages, if you attempt to install 64-bit
      Oracle Java on 32-bit Ubuntu Linux.

  5. 5
    Copy the Oracle Java binaries into the /usr/local/java
     In most cases, the Oracle Java binaries
    are downloaded to: /home/"your_user_name"/Downloads.
    • 32-bit Oracle Java on 32-bit Ubuntu Linux installation

      • Type/Copy/Paste: cd

      • Type/Copy/Paste: sudo cp -r
        jdk-7u45-linux-i586.tar.gz /usr/local/java

      • Type/Copy/Paste: cd

    • 64-bit Oracle Java on 64-bit Ubuntu Linux installation

      • Type/Copy/Paste: cd

      • Type/Copy/Paste: sudo cp -r
        jdk-7u45-linux-x64.tar.gz /usr/local/java

      • Type/Copy/Paste: cd

  6. 6
    Run the following commands on the downloaded Oracle Java
    gz files. Make sure to do this as root in order to make them
    executable for all users on your system. To open a root terminal type sudo -s
    you will be prompted for your logon password.
    • 32-bit Oracle Java on 32-bit Ubuntu Linux installation

      • Type/Copy/Paste: sudo chmod a+x

    • 64-bit Oracle Java on 64-bit Ubuntu Linux installation

      • Type/Copy/Paste: sudo chmod a+x

  7. 7
    Unpack the compressed Java binaries, in the directory

    • 32-bit Oracle Java on 32-bit Ubuntu Linux installation

      • Type/Copy/Paste: sudo tar xvzf

    • 64-bit Oracle Java on 64-bit Ubuntu Linux installation

      • Type/Copy/Paste: sudo tar xvzf

  8. 8
    Double-check your
     At this point, you should have two
    uncompressed binary directories in /usr/local/java for the Java JDK/JRE listed
    • Type/Copy/Paste: ls -a

    • jdk1.7.0_45

  9. 9
    Edit the system PATH file /etc/profile and add the
    following system variables to your system path.
    nano, gedit or any other text editor, as root, open up /etc/profile.
    • Type/Copy/Paste: sudo gedit

    • or

    • Type/Copy/Paste: sudo nano

  10. 10
    Scroll down to the end of the file using your arrow keys
    and add the following lines below to the end of your /etc/profile

    • Type/Copy/Paste:


      export JAVA_HOME
      export PATH

  11. 11
    Save the /etc/profile file and exit.

  12. 12
    Inform your Ubuntu Linux system where your Oracle Java
    JDK/JRE is located.
     This will tell the system that
    the new Oracle Java version is available for use.
    • Type/Copy/Paste: sudo
      update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java"
      "/usr/local/java/jdk1.7.0_45/bin/java" 1
      • this command notifies the system that Oracle Java JRE is available for

    • Type/Copy/Paste: sudo
      update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/javac" "javac"
      "/usr/local/java/jdk1.7.0_45/bin/javac" 1
      • this command notifies the system that Oracle Java JDK is available for

    • Type/Copy/Paste: sudo
      update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/javaws" "javaws"
      "/usr/local/java/jdk1.7.0_45/bin/javaws" 1
      • this command notifies the system that Oracle Java Web start is
        available for use

  13. 13
    Inform your Ubuntu Linux system that Oracle Java JDK/JRE
    must be the default Java.

    • Type/Copy/Paste: sudo
      update-alternatives --set java /usr/local/java/jdk1.7.0_45/bin/java
      • this command will set the java runtime environment for the

    • Type/Copy/Paste: sudo
      update-alternatives --set javac /usr/local/java/jdk1.7.0_45/bin/javac
      • this command will set the javac compiler for the system

    • Type/Copy/Paste: sudo
      update-alternatives --set javaws /usr/local/java/jdk1.7.0_45/bin/javaws
      • this command will set Java Web start for the

  14. 14
    Reload your system wide PATH /etc/profile by typing the
    following command:

    • Type/Copy/Paste: . /etc/profile

    • Note your system-wide PATH /etc/profile file will reload after reboot of
      your Ubuntu Linux system

  15. 15
    Test to see if Oracle Java was installed correctly on
    your system.
     Run the following commands and note
    the version of Java:

  16. 16
    A successful installation of 32-bit Oracle Java will

    • Type/Copy/Paste: java -version
      • This command displays the version of java running on your

    • You should receive a message which displays:
      • java version "1.7.0_45"
        Java(TM) SE Runtime
        Environment (build 1.7.5_45-b18)
        Java HotSpot(TM)
        Server VM (build 24.45-b08, mixed mode)

    • Type/Copy/Paste: javac -version
      • This command lets you know that you are now able to compile Java
        programs from the terminal.

    • You should receive a message which displays:
      • javac 1.7.0_45

  17. 17
    A successful installation of Oracle Java 64-bit will

    • Type/Copy/Paste: java -version
      • This command displays the version of java running on your

    • You should receive a message which displays:
      • java version "1.7.0_45"
        Java(TM) SE Runtime
        Environment (build 1.7.5_45-b18)
        Java HotSpot(TM)
        64-Bit Server VM (build 24.45-b08, mixed mode)

    • Type/Copy/Paste: javac -version
      • This command lets you know that you are now able to compile Java
        programs from the terminal.

    • You should receive a message which displays:
      • javac 1.7.5_40

  18. 18
    Congratulations, you just installed Oracle Java on your
    Linux system.
     Now reboot your Ubuntu Linux system.
    Afterwards, your system will be fully configured for running and developing
    Java programs. Later on you may want to try compiling and running your own
    Java programs by following this article How to Create your First Java Program on Ubuntu

Linux -- Ubuntu搭建java开发环境,布布扣,

时间: 2024-10-18 11:49:25

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1,vi /etc/profile  说是只读没法修改 解决方法: :w !sudo tee %  直接强制保存(保存完记得加载下次文件哦,命令 source /etc/profile) 2,安装jdk 下载地址 然后解压, 然后配置/etc/profile 如下 export JAVA_HOME=/home/aaa/java/jdk1.8.0_45    exp


转自: JAVA开发环境是一种跨平台的程序设计语言,可以在windows.LINUX等操作系统上进行开发.小编以前是做LINUX C开发的,最近因为工作,需要在UBUNTU下进行java开发环境的搭建,故写下这篇经验,和大家共享.参考.本篇经验分四步: 1)下载JDK 2)下载eclipse 3 ) 安装JDK 4)安装eclipse 工具/原料 UBUNTU eclips


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